reactive hypoglycaemia

  1. D

    Random Hypos Despite Doing Everything Right

    Hi all, I'm starting to get used to this Reactive Hypoglycaemia and starting to learn that each person is different so what works for one person won't necessarily work for others. One thing I'd like to ask you all is do any of you have days where you have hypos despite doing absolutely...
  2. O

    Reactive Hypoglycaemia Help! Really Struggling.

    Hello everyone. This is my first post on here, as a short-time stalker of the forum. I’m really struggling with what we believe to be RH. I had a mixed-meal test which didn’t show a hypo low enough to confirm the diagnosis (my BG was 3.6 and it has to be 3.3 I believe…). They’re now checking...
  3. R

    When diet doesn’t improve RH

    Hi kids, I was diagnosed with RH about a year ago and subsequently cut out sugar and simple carbs from my diet. However, nothing has changed. I still have the same hypos at the same time each day (10:30am, 3:30pm and 5:30pm occasionally), more often with simple physical activity. My warning for...
  4. W

    Help! Could this be RH?

    Hello! For over a year (maybe couple years) I have this weird symptom. In general I almost never get hungry (except for in the morning), instead I just keep going when suddenly usually after around 4 hours from my last meal I get overwhelmed with nausea, lightheadedness, I feel dizzy and...
  5. EdgyLady

    Developing reactive hypoglycemia from being sick?

    Hi guys, I'm actually from the US but this was the only place with RH. Would this be reactive hypoglycemia? I was sick with covid and flu earlier this year and after I recovered started having a weird hypo and sometimes hyper symptoms like shakiness, always being hungry, tired after meals and...
  6. O

    Often low, never high

    I’ve been experiencing hypoglycemia for many years now. It used to be much worse, but I am now wearing a glucose monitor and surprised to find how low my glucose levels are and how hard it is to keep them up/level. as a test I’ve eaten some cake and the level only goes up to 125 max (6.9). I...
  7. C

    RH and intensive exercise

    Hi everyone, I'm new here, but have been perusing this forum for a few months. A bit about me: I'm 28 with no previous health conditions worth noting. A couple of years ago (immediately before the original 2020 lockdown, actually), I began experiencing symptoms of low-blood sugar: pounding...
  8. Keatsy1987

    Having a lot of issues with RH-uncertainty.

    Hi all. I hope everyone is doing well and finding their answers. I’ve been struggling the past few years, and my situation is not as straight forward and a bit complicated. I’m hoping that by joining the forum, I’ll be able to get myself pointed in the right direction, find some answers and...
  9. R

    Some Questions About RH

    Hello everyone, I am 24 years old (M) and i have reactive hypoglycemia. I was diagnosed with RH 6 months ago. I have some questions: My Hba1c is 4.7, is it low? Can RH be a sign of type 1 diabetes? My fasting c-peptide level is 1.1 ng/ml. Have you ever measured it? Is it low ? My (75...
  10. K

    Reactive Hypoglycemia and menstration

    Sorry for this odd question but do any ladies with RH find their BG is more unpredictable and erratic during menstruation? Mine specifically drops quite dramatically and becomes harder to manage with more lows but equal spikes. Usually I'll spike to around 9-11ish after certain meals which is...
  11. K

    Reactive Hypoglycemia How often you check your blood glucose level

    Hi. I am writing to ask you how often you check your blood glucose level (test-strip)? I am afraid that I have become obsessed as I use about 15 strips a day. In addition, I had problems getting a drop of blood, which causes myself to sting a few times ... I feel a bit depressed.
  12. C

    Coping with this miserable existence

    How do you all cope with the miserable existence that comes with reactive hypoglycaemia? I was diagnosed with non diabetic RH coming up to three years ago, and I just feel miserable with it. I have friends with prediabetes and diabetes who can eat whatever they like thanks to medication...
  13. K

    24, New diagnosis Reactive Hypoglycemia Questions

    So I'm 24 years old, male. Finally got an answer to all my dizziness and terrible symptoms. So after trial and error, and the terrifying error of hitting 45 and feeling like I was dying, I've got my diet almost wired tight. I mainly eat eggs, bacon, daves killer bread, with natural peanut...
  14. Kpop7

    My blood sugar 1 hour after pancakes was 218. Prediabetes?

    So I was diagnosed with reactive hypoglycemia about two years ago and I’ve had a lot of blood sugar spikes but nothing like this. I had a cup of black coffee and two larger sized pancakes. I wanted to treat myself. An hour after I felt shaky so I thought I was low. I took my blood sugar and it...
  15. Kpop7

    If I continue to eat bad and suffer with RH, will overtime it make me become diabetic possibly?

    If I continue to to eat things I really shouldn’t, will it possibly lead me to type 2 diabetes? I take chromium everyday and it’s seemed to helped, but I still eat kindof bad and love caffeine. I’ve been having a lot of bad blood sugar moments because of this. A lot of feeling bad from drops too...
  16. T


    Hi guys, Ok so the past year I've been doing keto/low carb with good results controlling RH. BUT....I have such low energy and fatigue which never subsided. I also have MCAS so allergies are a huge problem and my concern is Keto/Low carb has altered my microbiome negatively (even though I eat...
  17. DaisyChloe

    Reactive Hypoglycaemia Insulin Levels

    Hi guys, I posted a question about a year ago about reactive hypoglycaemia and I was waiting for a referral to an endocrinologist and for a glucose tolerance test. I have had 2 OGTTs since then, the first confirmed I do have hypos and my BGLs went down to 2.4 but they didn't check my insulin...
  18. V

    Water Intake

    Hi! I am new to this forum, however not new to Reactive Hypoglycemia. I was diagnosed prediabetes and RH along with endocrine issues in 2015 & have changed my eating habits as well as how active I am. However, I am constantly thirsty even though I drink more than 8 glasses of water day (I do not...
  19. Kpop7

    Has anyone else got an extreme rush of adrenaline when their sugar is dropping?

    I’ve been doing pretty good lately and I don’t know what set it off. I was feeling fine then started getting massively shaky. Crazily shaky. I felt like I could run a marathon and I just drank a monster. Like a cracked out feeling ha. I took my blood sugar and it was 78, which isn’t low but I...
  20. Kpop7

    I have RH and my morning fasting blood sugars are in low 100s. Is this bad

    I was diagnosed with reactive about a year ago. My blood sugars before eating breakfast were always 70-80s. I’ve been checking my blood sugar before eating the past couple of days and this morning it was 102. Yesterday I took it and it was 101. I know that’s not really high but it used to never...