"A new you in 42"


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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Managed to go out for first time this week.
My exercise was a slow walk round supermarket, 35 mins.
Just managed 20 mins of Pilates.
Longing to get back in swimming pool, but it will have to wait until I feel better.
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Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Garlic bread
Walking up steep hills
20 mins on bike and a brisk walk back to B and Q after an afternoon in A and E. At least I now know my BP is ok though I'm not sure that 6.5 is a normal BS reading as told by Dr and nurse. Nurse also told me as a type 2 there was no need to test as often as I am as I was controlling it by diet. I was too freaked out by being there to argue. Now if only I could sort this anxiety out as well as my exercise.

I don't test as often now that I know how different foods affect me and what the symptoms mean. Used to test a lot though.

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Well-Known Member
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Garlic bread
Walking up steep hills
Lovely walk along Prestwick beach .
Windy and feel.sand blasted lol
Day 33 done

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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
OK today did not go as planned. I ironed for about 10 minutes, walked for about 10 minutes, went to get my repeat prescriptions. I had an unexpected drive of 60 miles round trip, and unexpected paperwork to deal with which took forever because it was legal stuff and I'm no solicitor so I had to read lots of guidelines first. . Hopefully I've got it right and am sending it off tomorrow. I also helped choose a new fridge freezer online for someone else and arranged for their neighbour to collect it early this morning. When the freezer was cold enough this afternoon, I emptied the old one, chucking out anything out of date or manky looking and transferred it into the new one. Then I came home and cooked tea for hubby. Not sure what I'm having yet, but I don't feel like eating at all because I am so stressed. I really did not have the time to do anymore. I can't push myself right now. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Garlic bread
Walking up steep hills
Hey mrs you did more than you were going to do you yesterday . Well done for at least doing something.
Hope things settle down xx

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cold ethyl

Well-Known Member
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Diet only
I don't test as often now that I know how different foods affect me and what the symptoms mean. Used to test a lot though.

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I will drop off some testing soon as I eat the same at breakfast every day so can't see point in testing that indefinitely. I'm just getting feel for things at the minute so find the monitoring comforting as I can see I'm doing ok.
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I do not have diabetes
OK today did not go as planned. I ironed for about 10 minutes, walked for about 10 minutes, went to get my repeat prescriptions. I had an unexpected drive of 60 miles round trip, and unexpected paperwork to deal with which took forever because it was legal stuff and I'm no solicitor so I had to read lots of guidelines first. . Hopefully I've got it right and am sending it off tomorrow. I also helped choose a new fridge freezer online for someone else and arranged for their neighbour to collect it early this morning. When the freezer was cold enough this afternoon, I emptied the old one, chucking out anything out of date or manky looking and transferred it into the new one. Then I came home and cooked tea for hubby. Not sure what I'm having yet, but I don't feel like eating at all because I am so stressed. I really did not have the time to do anymore. I can't push myself right now. Sorry.
Great! Sounds as though you got loads done!
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Garlic bread
Walking up steep hills

I will drop off some testing soon as I eat the same at breakfast every day so can't see point in testing that indefinitely. I'm just getting feel for things at the minute so find the monitoring comforting as I can see I'm doing ok.

I was the same. I still test when I try new foods or don't feel well
Only you will know when you don't need to test as much .

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Well-Known Member
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Diet only
OK today did not go as planned. I ironed for about 10 minutes, walked for about 10 minutes, went to get my repeat prescriptions. I had an unexpected drive of 60 miles round trip, and unexpected paperwork to deal with which took forever because it was legal stuff and I'm no solicitor so I had to read lots of guidelines first. . Hopefully I've got it right and am sending it off tomorrow. I also helped choose a new fridge freezer online for someone else and arranged for their neighbour to collect it early this morning. When the freezer was cold enough this afternoon, I emptied the old one, chucking out anything out of date or manky looking and transferred it into the new one. Then I came home and cooked tea for hubby. Not sure what I'm having yet, but I don't feel like eating at all because I am so stressed. I really did not have the time to do anymore. I can't push myself right now. Sorry.
To be honest Zand, I think 10 minutes is enough for you in your present frame of mind. I remember you once saying that you tend to go overboard once you get something set in your head and I also remember reading the records of pedro and your accounts of walking several miles at once. I hope you don't mind me saying this but I understand where your coming from and it's time for you to stop saying sorry to all of us. You must put yourself first and, forgive the play on words, walk before you can run. Please don't set your sights to high for now, otherwise you are going to be disappointed in yourself for no reason, and be tempted to give up the fight.
So ... You're NOT sorry
You haven't let anyone down
Pedro is a nutter

And your own personal exercise club is:
Walk yourself thin in ten mins

I might join you from time to time because I do 10 minutes at break time sometimes.

Zand, Zand
Like an elastic band
She'll ping back
Once she's cut herself some slack


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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Thanks guys. I hope I can get lots of housework done tomorrow, but we'll see. Yes @peacetrain, I can see you're right, 10 mins sounds good, at least it's keeping going isn't it? I am just so on edge at the moment. I don't feel secure, I am nervous every time the phone rings.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Thanks guys. The idea to do just 10 minutes was a good one. All it means is I walk just five minutes from home and then turn back if I can't face anymore. If I can face more it's easy to keep going. If I hadn't been doing the 10 minutes this morning I wouldn't have known that I could manage the 45 that I ended up with. Thank you for your support, all of you.
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Injustice, discrimination, greed, selfishness, WAR
Hi Zand

Life is in constant flux, you experienced elation last week with your fantastic weightloss, this week, life is a bit more challenging for you, I believe your Son being away is, in part, adding to that.

You have the determination to succeed, and you will, it's just a rocky road, up and down. You'll be back on track soon, you just need to rest a while at the roadside, and take in the scenery, smell the Roses.

I have Faith in you.

Much Love coming your way. I'll sit with you on the roadside, as indeed, will All your Friends on here.

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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi lunarlinda

thanks for that. It will be better when I have sorted out a few problems here. I am a worrier. Yes you are right about it being partly to do with my son being away. When he gets back I will have to adjust to him being back again!

Could we have a low carb picnic while we are sitting by the roadside? I haven't eaten properly/enough for 3 days, so I need to make time to eat.

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Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Injustice, discrimination, greed, selfishness, WAR
Hi lunarlinda

thanks for that. It will be better when I have sorted out a few problems here. I am a worrier. Yes you are right about it being partly to do with my son being away. When he gets back I will have to adjust to him being back again!

Could we have a low carb picnic while we are sitting by the roadside? I haven't eaten properly/enough for 3 days, so I need to make time to eat.

I am a worrier too, and it has been the bain of my life, but I'm trying to alter my head, I'm not finding it easy though.

I had 4 days last week of not wanting to eat protein, so I didn't. I am in control of what I eat and I listen to my body. I went off eggs a couple of weeks ago so didn't eat any and threw them away. The other day, I fancied an egg with my bacon so bought some, and really enjoyed eating it. Nothing I eat will make me feel guilty, as long as my readings stay in the 5's, I'm happy, and in my 4 days of no protein, I ate more carbs, but still stayed in the 5's in the main. I won't be a slave to it, it's a recipe for disaster for me, deprivation.

We can have a low carb picnic at the roadside Zand, or we can have a few little carby treats, just because we want to. Funnily enough, last week one of my treat choices was a Cadbury's picnic, ( pack of 3 actually for a quid!) and I thoroughly enjoyed them, savouring every mouthful. The 3 days I looked forward to eating them, and they quietened my " I feel sorry for myself" meme. This attitude is working for me, I know not everyone is the same, so you can eat what you want, and I'll do the same.

You tell me what will be on your plate, and I'll tell you what will be on mine. :playful: xx
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Well, this is interesting...it's going to have to be a 'knife and fork' picnic for me..I would like salad and tinned salmon and corned beef and cheese. A few different cheeses. Maybe some cheese and onion quiche too, but I don't like the pastry on the sides much so I would leave that. Chilled sparkling mineral water with a slice each of lemon and lime. Also strawberries, raspberries, grapes and a banana. Oh and lol ....some jelly might be nice.

The big shock here is that I really don't want crisps! I used to have at least 2 packs a day. Now of course tomorrow's picnic would be different I'm sure.

I envy the fact that you like eggs. I wish I did, it would make breakfast much easier for me.
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