"A new you in 42"


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Well, this is interesting...it's going to have to be a 'knife and fork' picnic for me..I would like salad and tinned salmon and corned beef and cheese. A few different cheeses. Maybe some cheese and onion quiche too, but I don't like the pastry on the sides much so I would leave that. Chilled sparkling mineral water with a slice each of lemon and lime. Also strawberries, raspberries, grapes and a banana. Oh and lol ....some jelly might be nice.

The big shock here is that I really don't want crisps! I used to have at least 2 packs a day. Now of course tomorrow's picnic would be different I'm sure.

I envy the fact that you like eggs. I wish I did, it would make breakfast much easier for me.

Great you're keeping on board with your 10mins (and your fantasy picnic!) love it!
It sounds as though you spend so much time worrying about everyone and everything else, you're forgetting to have some time for you.
Hope your anxiety levels start to come down a bit - I bet you feel stretched tight enough to snap. I think Lunarlinda is right that it's a conscious decision to stop yourself worrying and stressing - it's a state of mind.

Probably the last thing you want to consider at the moment, but perhaps there is something you can start doing just for you? Where you can just switch off, or at least be distracted. Something creative perhaps? Pottery lesson, calligraphy course, scuba lessons - I know these might not exactly be up your street, but I just wonder if doing something completely different will be the break you need (or you could just win yourself some wobbly bits of ceramic for the home!);)
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Oh that sounds lovely, a little bit of a wide choice of foods, that's a good picnic idea.

I've gone off protein at the mo, don't know why, just have, so I would force myself to eat a boiled egg with black pepper, they don't take much eating. I'd have 3 of the most sweet tasting, home grown tomatoes, whatever variety that may be, I'm not happy with supermarket tomatoes. my tummy dosen't like salad, so none for me. I'd have a spoonful of celery, apple and nut "salad", I make a mean one of those. I'd have 2 wholemeal crackerbreads, I like them with butter on and they're under 4 carbs each and that's acceptable for me. I'd be happy with that as my first course. Pudding! I won't lie, I would like a Massive Elephants Foot bun like they did in the old days.

No crisps needed. ( I still have a packet when I want one though, I'm just a rebel ).

So, I think we'd be happy with those choices, would you like to share any of my food? I'd nick a piece of your cheese and onion quiche, crustless, of course, and join you in the sparkling water, sounds delish. xx
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Great you're keeping on board with your 10mins (and your fantasy picnic!) love it!
It sounds as though you spend so much time worrying about everyone and everything else, you're forgetting to have some time for you.
Hope your anxiety levels start to come down a bit - I bet you feel stretched tight enough to snap. I think Lunarlinda is right that it's a conscious decision to stop yourself worrying and stressing - it's a state of mind.

Probably the last thing you want to consider at the moment, but perhaps there is something you can start doing just for you? Where you can just switch off, or at least be distracted. Something creative perhaps? Pottery lesson, calligraphy course, scuba lessons - I know these might not exactly be up your street, but I just wonder if doing something completely different will be the break you need (or you could just win yourself some wobbly bits of ceramic for the home!);)
What's on your picnic plate Bebo?


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4k run yesterday, and am having a bit of a break today (tired legs). We've got guests coming, and four of us will be doing a cycle ride tomorrow. Bed making and house tidying this morning!:D
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What's on your picnic plate Bebo?


Let's see, you know on a sunny day I always have space for a tuna/mayo sarny and a cup of tea!

Some scrummy cheeses and crusty baguette with chilled white wine (that's not the same day as the tuna/tea combo!) Fresh herby salad on the side with home grown tomatoes and olives. (The olives aren't home grown obviously, unless part of our imaginary picnic means that we can also pretend that we live on a vineyard in the South of France)
I'm sharing zand's picnic carpet for the fruit - budge up zand! Strawberries, pear, mango, raspberrys blueberries. Mmmmm
Happy to try the elephant foot bun, though I have no idea what it is!

I brought a freshly made trifle to share. Dig in!:D
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I like your choices too Bebo, but can't have the bread. an elephants foot is a big mound of choux pastry, baked and the top cut off, filled with fresh cream and lid back on. The lid is drizzled with a chocolate paste like eclairs, but they did some with a caramel type topping, and I preferred those.

I like the idea of Zand's picnic so much, I've started a thread and invited people to join in, bringing their own plate of food. Thank's for the great idea of a picnic today Zand. Happy Litha. xx
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I'm still following the thread but shamefully not exercising for the sake of exercise, i haven't riden the bike in like a week, my knee has completely recovered but i fear it will be bad as soon as i try, i also got my first tattoo wednesday (at 43? mid life crisis? is 43 mid life? i wish) so I'm being gentle with it, i am on the other hand working HARD we are crazy busy and I'm thinking that counts lol (not really i know) but long hours and holidays from staff are keeping me very active and knackered at night (wanna see the tat?)
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ok i ill try and reduce the size, it won't let me post the pic, ill be back in 65 days once I've figured it out......
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ImageUploadedByDCUK Forum1403335677.881929.jpg
ImageUploadedByDCUK Forum1403335700.902760.jpg

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Blimy Andy :***: is it?


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someone was asking about getting tattoo ideas on here a while back and i said why not get a phoenix, this in turn sounded perfect for me lol so its a phoenix, this was day one of a projected 3 day sitting, I'm also getting the constellation of orion wrapped around and over it, orion is my favourite constellation from night fishing and its the 26th constellation which also signifies the miles in the marathon, i spent months trying to find the perfect artist to do what i wanted, it hurt like bugery though lol but I'm very happy with it and can't wait to finish it :)
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Wow, that's dedecation indeed, but how fabulous that you have put so much thought into it and not just gone for one of the popular ones. Would Love to see the finished masterpiece please. For today's picnic, I would suggest long trousers Andy, don't let people take a peak before the art is finished. xx
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Garlic bread
Walking up steep hills
Thanks guys. The idea to do just 10 minutes was a good one. All it means is I walk just five minutes from home and then turn back if I can't face anymore. If I can face more it's easy to keep going. If I hadn't been doing the 10 minutes this morning I wouldn't have known that I could manage the 45 that I ended up with. Thank you for your support, all of you.

Yeaaa well done Mrs Zand. I knew you could do it.
Slowly slowly catchy monkey

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lol its a bit late, i just posted a pic for anyone that might be going to the picnic lol, you mean wear long trousers so my legs don't put you off your ham?
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It's my school's summer fair today and I will be on my feet from 9:30 prep time until well after 4 pm when it ends. I'm not sure I'll have time or energy for my usual evening walk but I think I will be active all day!!!

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lol its a bit late, i just posted a pic for anyone that might be going to the picnic lol, you mean wear long trousers so my legs don't put you off your ham?
You've seen through me.x
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Not many.
....hi guys just been reading through all the posts I've missed, took a while you all chat so much lol....:p

...went for a walk along Hythe Military Canal [awful name but its pretty there] after seeing a friend in Hythe for coffee and a catchup, she's elderly and uses a walker, told her about our exercises, she said she'd have loved to join in aww....anyway after seeing her off back home at the taxi rank I had a walk along the canal, it was more of a stroll really, but well over an hour so hopefully it counts....:cool: .... now back home as the heat is getting to me, iced water and on the laptop hehe...

...Andy I don't think you've reached mid life crisis age yet at 43!....I did when my son treated me to a tattoo for my 50th, a little black and red Chinese symbol on my shoulder, have no idea what it represents, could be something awful, I don't know, hope not...:confused:
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