I really need some help, or advise please. I myself am a type 1 diabetic, as was my Father. So I know a lot of the terminology and info on this site.
HOWEVER, my Mother has type 3c, and reading everyone’s comments on this page has made me realise that the treatment she’s receiving from her GP is lacking.
firstly, I apologise, but I had been one of those people who did not know that there was such a thing as type 3c. I obviously know my Mom didn’t get diabetes from being overweight (she weighs 7.5 stone, and always has), but she is receiving typical type two treatments. She is on metaformin, and has been for 4 years now. She has complained to her GP that she is having dizzy spells, and her blood sugars drop to 3.5, she also gets high bloodsugars, but her GP has told her she can’t have hypo’s and to stop doing blood tests. She has been on Creon tablets for years, but is unsure if there are any long term issues with taking them. Some Doctors tell her there are, others say no?
Has anyone got any advice or questions that she should be asking her GP?
I am particularly interested in her having low blood sugars, because the Doctors keep telling her she can’t get them on metaformin, but the fact that she keeps getting dizzy and falls over is particularly worrying, especially as she is 83. Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to help.