I'll try to avoid making any suggestions either way about whether you get one; I'll just make some comments from what I recall of my experience.
Understandably I had a number of reservations - not wanting to risk my health or lose my money and details to a scam - especially since there was (and still is) very little information about the product out there on the web (Youtuber Lindsey Murphy has a little bit). Ultimately though I used some common sense about what personal information I provided and chose to just throw £65 out there to see what would happen.
The sensor arrived within a fortnight. The box contents and the sensor application process are very similar to what you'll have experienced with the Libre 2. Both those sensors are about the same depth, although the Sibio is a different shape. I found that a patch for the Dexcom G6 fitted nicely.
I'd anticipated being a bit like a beta tester so wasn't surprised at having to install Apple's Testflight Developer software to get the Sibio App to work - but I believe that is no longer the case as the App has now been properly released. Also, some of the language wasn't great e.g. 'Time in Ketones' instead of 'Time in Ketosis' etc.
You can select to display the previous data for one, three, seven and fourteen days and it also provides values for the 'highest level' and 'time in ketosis' for that period. The Y axis range is 0 - 1.5mmol/L unless any of the values are higher in which case it changes to 0 - 5.0mmol/L. You can also read individual data points along the graph by touching the screen at that point.
I couldn't come to any conclusions about the accuracy of the readings at low ketone levels when comparing with my finger-prick meters but I was disappointed with the readings at higher levels. I'd drunk some exogenous ketone ester and, whilst the sensor's graph reflected what I expected to see, the values (max that I saw was 1.6mmol/L) fell well short of the two finger-prick meters ( 3.1 and 4.1). So in its current form I certainly wouldn't trust it to provide ketoacidosis alerts and that's what I'd imagine a health service would want it for. However, just like CGMs, I think it has value in being able to display trends.
Anyway, hope that helps.