Asda repeat prescription service


Well-Known Member
Or, in my experience, "Asda make you wait for your necessary drugs cos we're incompetent service".

I naively thought that signing up for Asda's RP service was a good idea. At my old chemists they would order my repeat for me and I used to just waltz in every 3 months to pick up my stuff.
Last time I went to the Asda pharmacy to be told I needed to ring or call in a week in advance. Got my tablets 4 days late and had to beg the snotty cow behind the counter for a strip of metformin to see me through.

This time I called in at the start of last week. Went to collect it Thursday only to be told they'd forgotten to put it in and it wouldn't be ready till Tuesday. I was in doing some shopping on Monday night so thought I'd see if it was ready.
"Oh no" said the half wit "they've never heard of you at the practise". He then went on to explain that they'd sent my repeat form to a surgery 2 miles from mine and they didn't know me. Well DERR! They don't know me in Outer Mongolia either , and I doubt they'd give me a repeat!
After taking down the name of my surgery and the name of my doctor (both of which should be on their idiot screen AND the repeat prescription sheet) they told me it'd be today when it'd be ready. At least they got that bit right. Wasn't so pleased when he handed them over and asked for what I assumed to be the national debt of a small African nation.
Think I might be reconsidering my options...

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