BG High's and low's query


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
I have being diagnosed about 4 week ago and I have been monitoring my BG at least 4 times a day I have noticed in the last 2 week that my pre breakfast BG are about 5.6 but by mid morning (11-12) on most days I will go hypo lowest reading so far is 1.4. After dealing with a hypo episode(as best as I can - still learning :) ) my reading prior to lunch and dinner are quite good (avg 5-7 aprrox). However I notice that before bed time my readings tend to sky rocket to around a BG of 10 or more (sometimes). Is this fluctuation normal? would the episode of hypo be due to me taking the medication in morning? (I am on Glucophage 1x500mg and Diamicron 2x30mg) any advice would be appreciated


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Football. Bad manners.
The first thing that I would say is that going so low is dangerous; you should see your doctor and explain what is happening. Your meds may need adjusting. Glucophage (Metformin) doesn't cause hypos; I don't know anything about your other med.

When exactly are you testing? You should test just before and 2 hours after your meals; that lets you know how your body is dealing with the foods you ate.

Finally: if you can give us some idea of your daily diet, we may be able to help your further. But do see your GP.

Viv 8)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Thanks Viv

Organising appointment with GP. For your information I test before every meal and if I can remeber 2 hours after (but i must confess I sometimes miss that one). The daily diet is reasonably ok, not a truly low carb diet but I am keeping an eye on what I eat (not overwight with a BMI 24 atm). Just started to record what I eat on an app and I am having about 200-210g of carbs a day (spread evenly over the 3 meals)


Well-Known Member
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Football. Bad manners.
I would think that is too much carbohydrate for many of us Type 2s, and that may be accounting for some of your highs. Try to come down to about 150g daily, evenly spread, and see if that helps. It would be too much for me, but we are all different! :D

Do try for the "after" test. It's the most important. Your BG should come down to within about 2 points of your "before" test. I know it's not easy to remember. Do you have any sort of alarm you could set? Once you know which foods you can safely eat and which to avoid, you won't need to test anything like as much.

NICE targets for Type 2 BGs are:

fasting/before meals: 4 - 7
2 hours after eating: less than 8.5

Let us know how you get on with the GP.

Viv 8)

Sid Bonkers

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Type 2
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Diet only
Customer helplines that use recorded menus that promise to put me through to the right person but never do - and being ill. Oh, and did I mention customer helplines :)
viviennem said:
Glucophage (Metformin) doesn't cause hypos; I don't know anything about your other med.

Diamicron contain Gliclazide which can cause low blood glucose.

@ Philby I would agree with Viv in that you should speak with your doctor about these readings, you should not be fluctuating so much especially the low which can be quite dangerous if not realised and treated quickly.

The highs if occurring after meals might be improved by eating fewer carbs but there is also the possibility that you might not be T2 and if you should turn out to be LADA T1.5 or even a T1 then no amount of low carbing is going to keep your blood glucose stable without enough of your own insulin.

Definitely make an appointment to see your doctor its always better to be safe than sorry :D


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Hi all, sorry for not updating you all sooner. Well I have been with the medical team dealing with my diabetes recently and they have taken me off all medication for now. It seems to have settle and reduced the severity of the hypo events that I was having. It will take a little while, a week or so, but the team expect the hypo events to reduce significantly from the near daily events that I was having. Not to get to technical and its a bit simplistic (as I am still trying to understand it myself) my body is still adjusting to the BG/insulin levels in my system. Thanks to viv and sid for the helpful advise. Will be back with the team in 4 week hopefully all will be well :)