Blood sugars


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I have doing by blood sugars and have noticed that pre meal my lowest was 5.8 and I felt shaky and very very hungry, 1hr post meal tends to be 12-13 and 2hrs 9.7-11.3. I have been eating healthy, choosing low sugar and minimal carbs. I just waiting for my GP to call regarding my blood results so wonder what the outcome will be

Mike d

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Type 2
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idiots who will not learn
That is one big jump. When was that 5.8 and what did you eat?

EDIT - and how long after that 5.8 did you get that second reading?
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I am eating the foods on the weight watchers no count plan at the moment, low sugars low carb, weight is dropping off, have shifted 10lbs in a few weeks, 2.5 this week. Today i woke up with fasting sugar of 7.3, have had low fat bacon medallions, crumpets, low sugar beans and an egg today, an hour later sugar was 12, will do the 2 hr one shortly. I have been making the no count weight watchers bolognese and putting wholewheat pasta with it for my meals at work. Dont know what my gp ill say as she is ringing to discuss my hb1ac of 53


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I went shopping today and how difficult is it when ur trying to reduce sugar, carbs AND saturated fat as my cholestrol is up too grrrrrr, am so fed up cos i am a couple of stones overweight i know that but bigger people than me who smoke and drink dont have these problems (well some might of course)

Mike d

Type of diabetes
Type 2
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idiots who will not learn
The weight loss is great but the crumpets and the beans (tinned?) and the bacon (if it's pre packaged) warrants some investigation.

The pasta as well. You should search the site for more advice on suitable meal alternatives (LCHF) as those jumps (at least to me) indicate a diet change is in order. Something is spiking you and that you have to arrest. Ask and you'll get some replies or the good people here will offer their opinions..
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Mike d

Type of diabetes
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idiots who will not learn
I went shopping today and how difficult is it when ur trying to reduce sugar, carbs AND saturated fat as my cholestrol is up too grrrrrr, am so fed up cos i am a couple of stones overweight i know that but bigger people than me who smoke and drink dont have these problems (well some might of course)

That's the cards you've been dealt .... I've known (and know) some that are diabetic and it is not always weight related, indeed far from it so let's smash that myth. Genes, infections, stress ... more factors than many realise.

I know thin marathon runners that have never smoked more than a piece of bacon nor consumed alcohol, thin as rakes and lived the lives many would envy. They have HIGH cholesterol, T2 and other conditions. Nowhere near as simple as many think


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The diet doctor site is excellent he does a two week low carb challenge which effectively gives you menu's and is a great intro to LCHF.

Also worth a read or Google is Zoe Harcombe who's Harcome Diet is excellent she also explains the science really well.

I effectively eat, meat, fish, above ground veggies, olive oil, coconut oil, eggs, cheese with meals and becasue I can not give up my builders Tea habit a little full fat milk.

It makes shopping easier as you only have to go round the outside of the Supermarket :).

It may be worth you having a look into this WOE, as lots of members on the site eat like this and have had great success with both lowering their BS numbers and losing weight.



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Type of diabetes
GP just rand and yes type 2-she is happy with the diet at moment and wants to see if I can do it without meds hmmmm will check the LCHF out but am not very inventive with food and very busy, also I remember a patient being very ill in intensive care who had been following the Atkins diet, that sticks in my mind. I am so confused lol but will crack it! Going on holiday soon and would like some alcohol
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Mike d the bacon has trace carb which sugars and the beans are low sugar-both acceptable for a disbetic

Lamont D

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One of the things that might surprise you is that the likes of low fat, no added sugar, low sugar or reduced fat and sugar, still contain too much sugar!
Saturated and natural fat is not the monster you seem to think it is.

In my experience, reducing your cholesterol has nothing to do with saturated fats and after weight loss and low carbing for a few months, the cholesterol levels may return to normal levels.

It is the amount of insulin resistance and the amount of carbs and how your hormones react to the diet you are on. Carbs and sugars turn into glucose.

Low carb reduces the need for more insulin because it is the lower amount of carb and sugar digested that turns into glucose. The lower the glucose, the lower the amount of insulin needed.

Hope this helps.


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Mike d the bacon has trace carb which sugars and the beans are low sugar-both acceptable for a disbetic

Half a tin of low sugar beans contains around 20g carbs, the same for a crumpet, so with that jump in bg I'd say a 40g carb meal is too much for your body to handle

Edit - just noticed you said crumpet(s) so say you had 2 that makes the meal around 60g carb with the beans
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Dishonesty, selfishness and lack of empathy.
I wont be able to live on plants for rest of my life !!

Why would you think you would need to do that? Have a look at the sites given and even the low carb section of this forum, you may find it enlightening.

Mike d

Type of diabetes
Type 2
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idiots who will not learn
Fish, pork, beef, chicken and turkey for starters ... no problems. Mushrooms, hi fat creams, eggs, hi meat content sausages ... easy as well. Avocados perfect too

I would never buy pre packaged meats ever again. They're rubbish compared to deli fresh stuff so if you get the chance, buy that


Retired Moderator
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I have doing by blood sugars and have noticed that pre meal my lowest was 5.8 and I felt shaky and very very hungry, 1hr post meal tends to be 12-13 and 2hrs 9.7-11.3. I have been eating healthy, choosing low sugar and minimal carbs. I just waiting for my GP to call regarding my blood results so wonder what the outcome will be

I think one of the hardest things many newly diagnosed folks have to come to with is that yesterday's "healthy" quickly becomes a "healthy-ish for those without diabetes".

For me, my one and only objective was to get my blood sugars into order. I wasn't really interested in weight loss. Why would I be, I had blood sugar issues?

In my journey to understanding things a bit better, my meter was utterly pivotal. In my earliest days when I couldn't believe the diagnosis, it shouted at me with every meal that the Doc was right and my Scoobie senses were wrong. My Doc's suggestion I continue to eat healthily, but give up the cakes (I had never eaten) didn't seem to add up to me. Again, this was reinforced by my blood sugar reaction to rice, pasta, bread and so on.

So, I experimented and gave up some of those things and watched the numbers fall. Those falling numbers guided me to what need to be done. I might have really enjoyed a slice of toast or the odd home made cheese scone, but not as much as I began to love smaller (blood glucose) numbers.

I kept it simple for example, tonight we had grilled pork chops with a lovely mountain of Hellman's based Coleslaw. What recipe is required for that? Meat and veg. Don't you eat any of that now?

Invest in your spice rack. Flavours can be changed in a trice and the variety is staggering.
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I wont be able to live on plants for rest of my life !!

It will help if you like or enjoy eating vegetables and salad, but you can eat far more than just that.

You'll find many allegedly low sugar or diabetic friendly foods are often anything but, and better avoided.

Once you get your head around the diagnosis, and start to read up on the low carb diet and lifestyle you will find its not difficult and you can end up eating a varied and delicious range of food.


Well-Known Member
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.....oh @AndBreathe is spot on with the weight point.

I focused only on keeping my Blood Glucose under control and lost 4 stone in the process.


Well-Known Member
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Totally agree I have been concentrating on lowering my blood sugars and have lost close to three stone as a welcome side effect.

I eat a varied diet and whilst I enjoy veggies certainly am not forced to live on them. Have a look at some of the excellent sites that have been suggested and the lchf what have you eaten today thread to see the variety of food that people on this forum who have successfully lowered their BS levels without meds are eating.
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