Blood testing strips on Ebay


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
May I respectfully suggest that denying ourselves test strips because of our doctors unhappiness at prescribing them is not sensible? it is not our doctors who have Diabetes, and not our doctor who will suffer from the effects of not being able to test and control our blood glucose?

And the idea that depriving ourselves of strips so there are more available to be prescribed to those not able to afford them?

pure fantasy. it doesnt work like that.

This post is a general one, not aimed at anyone specifically.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
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+1 lucy.

You are going to have diabetes for the rest of your life. Paying full market price to the strip manufacturers is a waste of your resources and will do nothing but inflate their profit margins.

One of the great unanswered questions of diabetes is "why don't the strip manufacturers sponsor the research that will prove that self testing has significant quantifiable benefits for all T2s?".

Maybe the answer to that is that some of you are prepared to pay premium prices for them.


Well-Known Member
Hi I buy 100 strips for £14 on Ebay for a code free meter as opposed to the 16 strips for £6.95 in Boots for an Accucheck Meter. The seller I buy from sells all kinds of medical supplies so must get them wholesale as I suspect all of the bigger sellers do. Perhaps some people do put ther strips on Ebay that doesnt mean we would get them if they didnt have them on prescription.I have been prescribed a meter and strps as I was having lows of 2.5 not because of the highs, so I was lucky but I still need to buy extra.But I would say Ebay is the best place to buy strips as they are fine and much cheaper x


Well-Known Member
daisy3174 said:
Hi I buy 100 strips for £14 on Ebay for a code free meter as opposed to the 16 strips for £6.95 in Boots for an Accucheck Meter. The seller I buy from sells all kinds of medical supplies so must get them wholesale as I suspect all of the bigger sellers do. Perhaps some people do put ther strips on Ebay that doesnt mean we would get them if they didnt have them on prescription.I have been prescribed a meter and strps as I was having lows of 2.5 not because of the highs, so I was lucky but I still need to buy extra.But I would say Ebay is the best place to buy strips as they are fine and much cheaper x

I have just bought two boxes of fifty from Amazon for my Code meter. £13.75 and free P&P.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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It is not true that Type 2 Diabetics cannot get the strips on prescription. It depends upon how 'tight' your local clinic is re: spending their budget. As for buying them on Ebay - I have absolutely no problem and am grateful to my suppliers otherwise I doubt that I could afford them here in Indonesia.


Well-Known Member
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IMHO getting test strips on free prescription and then selling them on eBay for profit is not a "victimless crime".

This is taking money out of a GP's already tight budget, and is not contributing to the health care for the patients of that practice. In fact, it is stealing from the practice and denying other patients use of that money for legitimate medications.

The fact that it appears to be widespread gives enormously strong ammunition to HCPs to refuse to prescribe test strips.
They see no good reason to fund someone's eBay account from dwindling resources.

Yes, buy direct from the supplier.
Yes, buy direct from medical wholesalers.
Please try not to buy small lots from people who are not obviously legitimate suppliers.

You are paying for these strips twice - once through taxes to fund the health service, then again to line the pockets of profiteers who are doing the cause of people with diabetes significant harm.

These people should not be encouraged!

Of course, if test strips were freely available there would not be the financial pressure to make money by petty fraud.




I am a recently diagnosed type 2 and I get the strips on prescription.

If the powers that be are worried about people selling the strips on then the doctors could simply have a look at the testing machine before issuing new strips, couldn't he? Last prescription was for 50 strips? Check the machine history for 50 tests.



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Diet drinks - the artificial sweeteners taste vile.
Having to forswear foods I have loved all my life.
Trying to find low carb meals when eating out.
Nice one Darrell :)