Breakfast for early T1 starters


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Hello everyone,

I would love to hear if there are any fellow T1's that start work early in the morning. I get up at 545 and start work at 7. My lunch break is at 1130. As i get up very early i usually have a normal portion of porridge and then head off. But around 1000 i feel really hungry. problem is when i eat something then i get hassle with lunch. Overall it look i need more food in the morning that at any time of the day. I am not a large dinner eater. Do some of you use cereal? Just a sandwich? I dont have much time in the morning to prepare complicated stuff. All suggestions are welcome ;)

Look forward hearing from you


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yes I'm up early 5.45 like yourself, hour commute and start at 8.

I cant say I can really help with breakfast though as I try and low carb as porridge would send me over the edge! I also don't eat until about 9am. Are you hungry when you get up?


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Hello everyone,

I would love to hear if there are any fellow T1's that start work early in the morning. I get up at 545 and start work at 7. My lunch break is at 1130. As i get up very early i usually have a normal portion of porridge and then head off. But around 1000 i feel really hungry. problem is when i eat something then i get hassle with lunch. Overall it look i need more food in the morning that at any time of the day. I am not a large dinner eater. Do some of you use cereal? Just a sandwich? I dont have much time in the morning to prepare complicated stuff. All suggestions are welcome ;)

Look forward hearing from you

I'm not working at the moment, but I used to have some early starts (up 5/5.30am) I found I was rushing and wasn't to hungry then, so I either just ate my normal breakfast of cereal for simplicity or if I was really rushing had a small breakfast (to stop my waking rise) and then a proper breakfast a bit later.

If I was hungry mid-morning, I had a snack and bolused as normal. What do you mean by 'hassle with lunch'?


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I'm up 5.30 and start at 8 am as well. I also prefer porridge for breakfast about 6 am. But sometimes I just have scrambled eggs on a piece of toast and that works fine as well. I am not good with making anything else in the morning as a bit groggy from my meds and need to get moving to drive to work. I do have a small snack around 10 am. I'm currently having a low carb lunch and normal carbs with my dinner.


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I assume porridge is like oatmeal? That's pretty high carbs. I get up at 5:15 take my Lantus, get to work at 7. I always have a cheese omelet at 8 and take 4 units which works great. Lunch is very similar each day at work: cottage cheese, grapefruit or berries, tomatoes, and a low carb "entrée" and V8 juice. 5-6 U for that. Dinner varies, but usually 5 U or so for paleo meal. What throws me off the most is eating out on weekends.


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There's nothing wrong with porridge. Many Type 1s eat it.

Please can posters refrain from criticising others dietary choices - especially when they haven't asked for comments on their diet.


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backstabbers, brocoli and dirt toilets...uggghhhh
Hi azure what cereal do you use as most are loaded with sugars?

And apologies with hassle with lunch means I start lunch with with 11 or 12 mmol, sorry I wasn't cleat
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Hi @maria030660 . When you say you feel hungry at 10 am, are your BS levels low or are you just having a craving?


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I personally am finding it quicker to scramble some eggs or have an omelette for breakfast only because I have found I need to bolus a good 30 minutes in advance before 09:00 for foods like cereal and porridge to avoid spiking into double figures. Corn flakes don't have loads of sugar in and there is the blue box version of Cheerios but I wouldn't recommend it on taste grounds.


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Hi @maria030660 I find the best breakfast for staying full for longer is a protein one, you still have to bolus but it will keep you satisfied for longer - so an omelette with ham and cheese is the best one for me or eggs and bacon. I personally need to eat soon after waking to prevent rising BG levels from the dawn phenomenon, Hope this helps :)
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Hi azure what cereal do you use as most are loaded with sugars?

I eat a variety, including porridge. I usually make my own mix of a good quality muesli plus a good quality granola plus All Bran. I have it with full fat milk, and always weigh my cereal rather than guess. I bolus in advance and that keeps any spike low :)

When I have a mid-morning snack, I keep the carbs 20g or below usually, bolus enough insulin to be in range about 90 mins later, and usually eat my snack at around the same time.

My advice is to sort your breakfast first - find a cereal that works, find a bolus amount and time that works, and then once that's ok, you can look at getting your snack bolus right so you're in range before lunch.

When I'm busy, I tend to eat the same breakfast every day for simplicity :)

I find cereal works well for both blood sugar and filling power - and time!
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backstabbers, brocoli and dirt toilets...uggghhhh
I'll experiment I think that's the best way. I might also have a go at the baking recipes from a member here, she is in the pumping section;)

She has a recipe for little cookies with cheese and only a few carbs and not too much calories
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Well-Known Member
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Hello everyone,

I would love to hear if there are any fellow T1's that start work early in the morning. I get up at 545 and start work at 7. My lunch break is at 1130. As i get up very early i usually have a normal portion of porridge and then head off. But around 1000 i feel really hungry. problem is when i eat something then i get hassle with lunch. Overall it look i need more food in the morning that at any time of the day. I am not a large dinner eater. Do some of you use cereal? Just a sandwich? I dont have much time in the morning to prepare complicated stuff. All suggestions are welcome ;)

Look forward hearing from you
adding some unsalted mixed nut to your porridge to bulk it out a bit more might help and wont take any more time, or just having the nuts mid morning as a snack when you do get hungry


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I get up at 4.45 and start work at 6.45. Normally I eat breakfast at around 8am and usually it's some form of eggs with some form of meat/fish, which means I'm not usually hungry till 1.30/2ish when I'll go and grab some lunch. Fortunately, the pump takes care of any DP/WP silliness prior to eating.


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Hi @maria030660 I found I really struggled with porridge from a hunger point of view - I would be ravenous by 10am! I used to have porridge as soon as I got up, and then I'd go swimming.

These days I still get up at just before 6am, but I have breakfast at about 7.45, after swimming. I have eggs for breakfast - two soft-boiled. They keep me going for longer than porridge used to, and if I get hungry before lunch I'll have a hardboiled egg or a mini Babybel.

I'd suggest adding some protein to your breakfast - so as well as the porridge, perhaps an egg, or a slice of ham. That might keep the hunger locked up till lunch!*

Love Snapsy

*with apologies to Shreddies....!


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Hi @maria030660

I'm an early riser and eat breakfast at around 6.30, much like you I like my porridge on a morning but rarely get hungry before lunch, as well as the oats I also add seeds, natural Greek yogurt and blueberries, so maybe it's the good balance between the carbs, fat & protein that stops me from getting hungry, not sure tbh but worth a try if you don't want to give up your morning porridge.


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Greek yoghurt is also tasty and filling with oats, fruit, etc, if you don't want milk. I used to have it with a simple Bircher muesli (made overnight).