Can you help ?


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My pump broke tonight in the middle of a family function. I rung medtronic, who could replace pump with a new one . Thank ful
But now what, 6 hours lTwr I'm w3.3 climbing feel sick. I do have a pen but don't no what to give myself at all, been on a pump for 5 years
I'm actually tired now it's late been big night and to be honest , I'm going to go to sleep soon. I no the health line cNt help at all nor most. My wellness team don't work weekends. Think I'll be fine till morning tho to deal but feel that slow heavy feels already just wondering if there's an amount I can just jab in me I got n9 info the pump has it
Sorry useless info probably useless message
I'm ok tho I'm just tired


Retired Moderator
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Think I'll be fine till morning tho to deal but feel that slow heavy feels already just wondering if there's an amount I can just jab in me I got n9 info the pump has it
Feeling sick can be a symptom of DKA, in which case you'll need medical help urgently.
Please call 111 for advice, or 999 if you feel sick and tell them you may be heading for DKA.

Please do not go to sleep and wait for the morning, this can easily be too late!

On pens, people still have their basal going so they're not completely without insulin, which saves them from DKA with missed doses.
On a pump, you only use quick acting insulin, which runs out quickly in your system.
So without the pump your body will be completely without insulin in a matter of hours, and you can go into diabetic ketoacidoses in only hours!

We can't advice you on how many insulin you can safely take, some of us would need 2 units, others would need 50 units.
Please ask a medical professional based on the amount of insulin you normally use.

In Response

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It is such a pain when pumps fail. They never fail at the right time. If there is a right time.
As @Antje77 says, we cannot tell you your dose.
Are you able to access the settings on your pump? My pump has an online view which will tell me my total basal per day as well as insulin to carb ratios, etc.
We usually need more insulin when injecting than with a pump but taking the pump totals is a good start … better than nothing.

You must give yourself the basal dose as you have no background insulin when your pump fails so at high risk of DKA. If your BG is high, I recommend going to A&E.

Once you get your pump back, I strongly recommend working out what your MDI dose should be and keeping a note of this. You never know when it could fail again.
There is zero point in having back up pens if you do not know how to use them. After 12 years of MDI, my doses are still imprinted on my brain even though I have been pumping for at least 8 years.


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You have been given good advice by otherbmembers regarding your urgent need for your insulin. I hope you have someone with you?

In this instance it would also be very wise to contact emergency health care. I think this is correct for New Zealand..

Please follow the advice you have been given, and let us know how you are.


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I know at least with my medtronic pump, since I download the info to the carelink site every 1-3 months it has all the settings from my pump on there anyways, so I could look at that when my pump failed a few weeks ago (I still mostly knew what my carb ratios and correction amounts were anyways) - but yes had to get the pens out of the fridge and use them til the new one turned up (which was only 14 hours after I reported the issue - which was at 5:45pm on on a friday evening - and given it had to come from Edinburgh - 400 ish miles away - that was very good going)


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I agree with what others have said, but in addition I've always kept a written copy of pump settings and carb ratios etc. It's unlikely, I know but the Internet could go down and your pump fail at the same time. Hospital team advised doing this when I got the pump.

You mentioned having a 'pen'. Do you have both basal and bolus insulins to hand?

Please let us know how you are.
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