Christmas story ... please keep it going ..


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
Hundreds of multi coloured bubbles floating round a wonderous being wrapped in floaty garments who sang....tbc
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
We wish you a merry Christmas

Was the song being sung by


Ice, Cream and the Narwhal said to the leader of the giant Fruitbats to come and look into the crystal ball

The Fruitbat flapped his wings and flew down to join the happy trio

Then the crystal ball flashed into an array of colours and then cleared so then what would they see next

It was...


A huge table covered with a bright red cloth, what you could see of it, at least....for on the table was the biggest turkey all glazed and golden surrounded by dishes of sprouts, carrots & turnips, cabbage and leek, jugs of gravy and magical carb free golden roast potatoes and Yorkshire puddings , pigs in blankets.....Christmas decorations were everywhere...and everyone was happy but suddenly, the picture changed.....all was grim and cold, the table bare....what does this mean cried Cream......


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
A voice came from the Orb. "It is to challenge you to the next level Ice and Cream" Ice and Cream looked at each other and gulped, thinking, What on earth is the next level.....tbc


They found it was a real live game in which their actions over the next 20 days would determine if they, and their friends would sit down to this meal on Christmas Day....
Game On........


They found it was a real live game in which their actions over the next 20 days would determine if they, and their friends would sit down to this meal on Christmas Day....
Game On........
Lucky that ice had a torch in his penguin jacket .
It gave them comfort as the lights had gone out ,.
Slowly ice led cream to safety
They wondered around untill
They stoped at a little shop ..the tinsel in the window bought them some comfort ....!
The old curiosity shop it was called ..
They still felt frozen though ... tbc


The tinsel was black and silver....not Christmassy colours at all...but they went into the shop anyway in the hope of getting warm...this was so mysterious, a right "curiosity".... towards the back of the shop was a grey-haired bearded old man in black robes...the walls lined with boxes, boxes just 2" square on the end... he said to Ice & Cream....I've something here you both will need...two boxes about 18" long shot out of their own accord and opened up in front of their amazed was like something from a Harry Potter film... The old gent smiled at their surprised expressions and said "Take them, they're yours".... Ice stammered "b,b but we can't afford anything like that....we only a few pounds between us.." "Doesn't matter, young lad.....your time for payment will come...."
In a flash the shop was gone and........


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
.. Ice & Cream were left stranded on a derelict bomb site in a rundown urban area.
"Was this a dream?" Asked Cream. "No it's not." Ice replied, eyeing the two 18 inch boxes "shall we open them?"

Creaking open the box lids revealed two shiny penguin sized guitars. All of a sudden the street was a burst of light as a Transit van hurtled towards them on full beam. It swerved & screeched to a halt, narrowly missing the two hapless birds.
The driver wearing a glittery top hat, stuck his head out the window & shouted above the clatter of a badly tuned, smoking engine "are you alreeet?" "Yes we're lost" replied ice as he waddled up to the van door. "Need a lift?" Asked the mad hatter, "yes" relieved Ice. Then a realisation. "Hey I know you.. Your Noddy!" "Indeed. Are you a Slade fan? Enquired Noddy.
"Yes" said Ice proudly. "I got all your stuff!"

"Then" said Noddy "yeow had better jump in. I need some help at a gig and ITS CHRISSSSSTMAAAAS!!"

"****" thought Ice. "I only know the chords to Paranoid by Black Sabbath...."
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So ice and cream .. used their new waking poles to follow the path ahead of them ..
The walking poles helped as the road was a bit of a rocky road ..
It was odd that the shop has disappeared ,just like Magic ..
But what an experience .felt they were in a special story ...stars of the story ..

Suddenly fir trees could be seen and the sound of tin rattling .. who on earth is that ice and cream wondered ..
This was an interesting journey ..
but they still had a way to go ..
Ice was also falling more in love with cream as they travelled together ..
What he needed was a ring .. suddenly bright water glimmered ..
And there was a man , made out of Tin ... sitting on a bench looking at the lovely golden lake ..he had a little dog with him ..tbc


.. Ice & Cream were left stranded on a derelict bomb site in a rundown urban area.
"Was this a dream?" Asked Cream. "No it's not." Ice replied, eyeing the two 18 inch boxes "shall we open them?"

Creaking open the box lids revealed two shiny penguin sized guitars. All of a sudden the street was a burst of light as a Transit van hurtled towards them on full beam. It swerved & screeched to a halt, narrowly missing the two hapless birds.
The driver wearing a glittery top hat, stuck his head out the window & shouted above the clatter of a badly tuned, smoking engine "are you alreeet?" "Yes we're lost" replied ice as he waddled up to the van door. "Need a lift?" Asked the mad hatter, "yes" relieved Ice. Then a realisation. "Hey I know you.. Your Noddy!" "Indeed. Are you a Slade fan? Enquired Noddy.
"Yes" said Ice proudly. "I got all your stuff!"

"Then" said Noddy "yeow had better jump in. I need some help at a gig and ITS CHRISSSSSTMAAAAS!!"

"****" thought Ice. "I only know the chords to Paranoid by Black Sabbath...."
Funny lol tbc


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
The tin man sat and waited. He'd waited a long time..
The dog however juggled & hopped from foot to foot chirping & beeping' his white & blue fur glistening in the twin sunset that had hung over the landscape for a millennia..
The the Tin man spoke in a concise eloquent, well bred accent. "Yes, I quite agree. This golden swim will be so nice."
With that, he stood & dived clumsily into the lake. Floundering without a sound & sank. his right hand gesturing a thumbs up as he finally fully submersed..
After what seemed like a while, there were bubbles & then the top of his metallic head appearing in a shallow incline to a beach.
As he walked out, his hue was as golden as the lake. An almost bronzed coat of a new paint job.
The dog whistled. "What do you think of my new look now R Two?" the Tin man enquired as he had fully emerged & ambled back towards the excited dog...

Sudenly the freshly painted Tin man saw the two Penguins. "We're doomed!" He muttered to himself. "The chances of surviving a Jawa attack it 23000000,4500000 to 1!!"......
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Ice & Cream both exclaimed they weren't there to attack him, and besides the little dog had deemed them not to be a threat and was cheerily sniffing them (in the way dogs do!) wagging his tail, Tin man soon apologised for his out burst and ask the 2 little penguins if their master knew they were out on their own.......


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
Yes replied Ice and Cream

Just then a flapping sound could be heard in the sky

Ice and Cream looked up and so did the Tin Man and he ran to hide as he was scared

Because the flapping was made by the leader of the Giant Fruitbats, Ice and Cream beckoned to the Tin Man to come out from hiding as they knew the Giant Fruitbat was their friend

The Fruitbat landed and Ice and Cream were excited to see him

The Fruitbat said 'Santa has come to take you to the North Pole so all you get on my back and I will fly there

Ice and Cream asked if the Giant Fruitbat could carry the tin man too and the Fruitbat replied with pleasure

So the Giant Fruitbat gave them all a ride heading north to the North Pole


And so they continued their special journey to seek that wonderful Christmas ..
They were well on their journey to the 25th December ..
When ...
The fruit bat stopped ..on the branch of a magical apple tree ..
They all looked down ..
What did they see ...

Who are you said ice and cream , to the little crying boy ..
Blonde hair , blue eyed , pjs ..
Well said the lost boy , I am peter and I am lost ..
Also a wolf chased me round the apple orchard ..
I have been a lost boy for a long time ..
I feel scarred expressed this small boy , I have not slept for ages
And I feel very hungary .. tbc


Oh, dear said Ice. We've still got some sandwiches left, would you like some? And Cream offered him the last of her milk....
Once he'd finished they climbed back on the fruitbat and Cream wrapped the tartan blanket around him to keep him warm so he could sleep as they flew back to Santa.. he'll know where Peter lives.....


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
Peter came from a magical land and he described what it was like to Ice, Cream, the tin man and the Giant Fruitbat who had bought some bright red lipstick especially for Christmas

They all listened to what Peter was saying it sounded wonderful because Peter told them that Fairies lived amongst them in this special magical land

The Giant Fruitbat was flying faster and faster heading for Santa at the North Pole

They were all very excited because in the distance they could see.......
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It was the land of the Big wonder the little dog had been vigorously wagging his tail for the last ten minutes..... His cousins, they were... and magical too....if they got scared they could disappear up their own posteriors in a poof of smoke until danger had passed and then popped out again just as spectacularly (much like the oozlum bird Up the Jungle)
It was a strange Carry On but served them well....
The little dog yapped at the fruitbat and asked if they could land and stay and play and fool around for a while....he always had such a gay old time whenever his cousins came out to play....
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
The Giant Fruitbat decided to land so that the little dog could see all his woofter cousins

The tin man was feeling very happy as he loved mans best friend and so did Peter

Ice and Cream were happy too as the woofters had brought them some fish which Ice and Cream were happy

Peter said he was hungry too so the woofters brought him some apple pie

They also gave the tin man some oil to drink and a huge Pineapple for the Giant Fruitbat, although the Fruitbat was being fussy and didn't want to smudge his lipstick but he did eventually eat it

The little dog jumped and played around with all the woofters

All this was being watched by Santa he decided to let all the Reindeers fly to the magical land and enjoy some fun before becoming busy at Christmas

The reindeers arrived and the woofters presented them with carrots

Yes they were all happy and having a gay old time

Firm bonds had been made by all the adventurers in this magical land

One of the reindeers said
'Where's Rudolph' he was missing!!

The Giant Fruitbat packed away his shiny red lipstick and said
'I will fly around to see if I can find him'

Then in front of their eyes there was a shimmering cascade of fireworks and a large puff of smoke and there in front of them all

Appeared .....


Dames Lily & Edna from Panto's coming up to their absolute favourite time of year and they were bringing invitations to all the Big Woofters to their pantomime production of Cinderella ... The Fruitbat asked if he could come too.... they said if you've time you can come and watch us practice and join in if you like.
He was sooooo excited....
Little Peter, Ice and Cream climbed aboard the Fruitbat and the Dames said...."piff, paff pooff....and off they went to Panto Land so fast they didn't get chance to say goodbye to the Big Woofters......
Rudolph was yet to be found.....


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
Rudolph was waiting for them in Panto land he was wearing a tartan bra and knicker set