coming off Metformin?


Hello again,

Quick update. Hubby, been T2 since last April. Initially on 2x500mg Metformin daily.

Levels improving, but feeling woozy and occasional stomach upset. Meds increased to 2X 1000mg slow release.

Levels up and down - averaging between 8 and 14 blood sugars, tested at a variety of time throughout the day.

Sickness and wooziness getting worse, constantly getting sent home from manual factory work operating machinery and heavy lifting. Read lots about Metformin and side effects and returned to docs this week. Reluctantly and with much debate doctor and nurse agreed to withdraw all Metformin and just monitor progress for four weeks.

Day one - no drugs, yesterday. Fine for most of the day, scores ok, peaking at 13 in the middle of the day, but bearable. Then 4 oclock in the morning ( the insulin witching hour, or so I've read ) felt funny and dizzy but checked bs 8?
Day two - no drugs,today. After breakfast, checked bsg again scored 15?

Confused? Diet is controlled, not overweight, this afternoon's bsg is 6.8. So why is he feeling sick in stomach, looks a little pale.
Is this withdrawals from Metformin? Is this just diabetes? Anyone who has had a similar experience please help?

Struggling :cry:


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi. I've not come across on the forum anyone having Metformin withdrawal problems and a woozy stomach is not typical of diabetes. Your hubby's sugars do seem to be high? What was the last HBa1C measure. If he isn't overweight then he may have a failing pancreas rather than being insulin resistant. If so then having a med such as Gliclazide or Sitagliptin added may help but I guess the GP needs to figure out the stomach issue first. If he is quite young then don't ignore the possibility of late onset type 1 rather than type 2. Weight loss at or around diagnosis is one indicator.


Active Member
I have not come off Metformin, but halved my dose (I was on the maximum) and had no side effects at all.

I hope you get this sorted.



Well-Known Member
charlietedd said:
Hello again,

Quick update. Hubby, been T2 since last April. Initially on 2x500mg Metformin daily.

Levels improving, but feeling woozy and occasional stomach upset. Meds increased to 2X 1000mg slow release.

Levels up and down - averaging between 8 and 14 blood sugars, tested at a variety of time throughout the day.

Sickness and wooziness getting worse, constantly getting sent home from manual factory work operating machinery and heavy lifting. Read lots about Metformin and side effects and returned to docs this week. Reluctantly and with much debate doctor and nurse agreed to withdraw all Metformin and just monitor progress for four weeks.

Day one - no drugs, yesterday. Fine for most of the day, scores ok, peaking at 13 in the middle of the day, but bearable. Then 4 oclock in the morning ( the insulin witching hour, or so I've read ) felt funny and dizzy but checked bs 8?
Day two - no drugs,today. After breakfast, checked bsg again scored 15?

Confused? Diet is controlled, not overweight, this afternoon's bsg is 6.8. So why is he feeling sick in stomach, looks a little pale.
Is this withdrawals from Metformin? Is this just diabetes? Anyone who has had a similar experience please help?

Struggling :cry:

Hi, if your bloke has a bad gut, then please get him to the docs.
However, and I am new to this, your husband's figures appear to be far from ideal.
Is he on any other meds?
Is he low carbing?

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