COVID 2019 Comorbidity with Diabetes


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Wait. TEN grams of oral vitamin C? Is that not rather a lot? :wideyed:

years ago, I read up on Vit C.
Humans don’t make it for themselves but most other animals do, and I distinctly remember being amazed at the large amounts of the stuff that other animals produce.

one that sticks in my mind is that goats naturally produce something like 4 g Vit C daily.
Obviously I have no reference for this since it was at least 20 years ago.

Anyway, if a goat’s body happily produces 4 g then giving 10g to a sick human doesn’t seem so ‘out there’.

I would suggest that the synthetic ascorbic acid version of Vit c may not be as good a choice as a natural source version with bioflavnavoids, preferably slow release - but the ascorbic acid versions are cheap, cheerful, widely available and the body can convert it into a better format.

We (Mr B and I) have been taking Vit C since it hit the headlines that it might help with Covid-19. Just in case it helps.

large sustained intake of ascorbic acid can lead to imbalances in other nutrients though - namely potassium and Vit K, I think (google Dr Berg on vitamin c on YouTube). So I wouldn’t recommend someone keep taking huge amounts of the stuff without learning the right way to do it.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Wait. TEN grams of oral vitamin C? Is that not rather a lot? :wideyed:
Certainly sounds like a lot. He had another video that he recommends low carb/ketogenic/IF...and how to split the vitamin dosage.



years ago, I read up on Vit C.
Humans don’t make it for themselves but most other animals do, and I distinctly remember being amazed at the large amounts of the stuff that other animals produce.

one that sticks in my mind is that goats naturally produce something like 4 g Vit C daily.
Obviously I have no reference for this since it was at least 20 years ago.

Anyway, if a goat’s body happily produces 4 g then giving 10g to a sick human doesn’t seem so ‘out there’.

I would suggest that the synthetic ascorbic acid version of Vit c may not be as good a choice as a natural source version with bioflavnavoids, preferably slow release - but the ascorbic acid versions are cheap, cheerful, widely available and the body can convert it into a better format.

We (Mr B and I) have been taking Vit C since it hit the headlines that it might help with Covid-19. Just in case it helps.

Yeah I'm aware that humans don't synthesise vitamin C. Ten grams still seems rather a lot to me, but I'm far from an expert. I would question the validity of an n=50 experiment, but that's another subject. I think people should just be mindful that it is, apparently, possible to overdose on the stuff. I don't think we want anxious people eating vitamin C tablets like Smarties :hungry:


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Yeah I'm aware that humans don't synthesise vitamin C. Ten grams still seems rather a lot to me, but I'm far from an expert. I would question the validity of an n=50 experiment, but that's another subject. I think people should just be mindful that it is, apparently, possible to overdose on the stuff. I don't think we want anxious people eating vitamin C tablets like Smarties :hungry:

True... personally I am taking only up to 2g... unless I start to get the cough...


years ago, I read up on Vit C.
Humans don’t make it for themselves but most other animals do, and I distinctly remember being amazed at the large amounts of the stuff that other animals produce.

one that sticks in my mind is that goats naturally produce something like 4 g Vit C daily.
Obviously I have no reference for this since it was at least 20 years ago.

Anyway, if a goat’s body happily produces 4 g then giving 10g to a sick human doesn’t seem so ‘out there’.

I would suggest that the synthetic ascorbic acid version of Vit c may not be as good a choice as a natural source version with bioflavnavoids, preferably slow release - but the ascorbic acid versions are cheap, cheerful, widely available and the body can convert it into a better format.

We (Mr B and I) have been taking Vit C since it hit the headlines that it might help with Covid-19. Just in case it helps.

large sustained intake of ascorbic acid can lead to imbalances in other nutrients though - namely potassium and Vit K, I think (google Dr Berg on vitamin c on YouTube). So I wouldn’t recommend someone keep taking huge amounts of the stuff without learning the right way to do it.
Your right there Brunneria,
As I recall, somewhere in the primate evolutionary tree before the great apes the ability was lost to synthesize Vit C.

Perhaps our ancestors had such good diet the ability was lost.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
And in better late then never.

Downing Street agrees to testing all for covid.



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Wait. TEN grams of oral vitamin C? Is that not rather a lot? :wideyed:

Jim, thanks for your question. And thank you Brunneria and others here for sharing what you've learned and are learning about vitamin C.

Like Brunneria, I also prefer taking a whole vitamin C. The vitamin C supplement I take is made from whole foods, sourced from berries and other plant based sources from around the world. But here's the capsule of my vitamin C only provides 120 mg.

When our body is being attacked by a virus, such as a cold, our body's need for vitamin C increases significantly.

Dr. Cheng is currently taking 5 to 10 g of ascorbic acid a day by mixing in a glass - (not metal or plastic) - container smaller amounts of the powder in his cool or room temperature water, not hot, and sipping on it throughout the day. I assume he's taking a higher amount because he is living and working in China right now.

In contrast, I'm currently only taking 2 g a day because I am currently working in a back office setting daily.

He describes how he takes his ascorbic acid in another video. Every two to three hours he mixes ascorbic acid into a glass of 8 to 16 ounces of water and sips it, which probably varies from 1 to 2 g (or 3 g) based on demands on his time. If he becomes ill, he will increase that amount.

Just as a quick aside, my understanding is that vitamin C administered by IV is in and out of the body within hours, perhaps 6 hours of completing the infusion, not sure of that, so that's why it's important to take in smaller dosages throughout the day.

For a person how is ill, who needs to ramp up their dosage and is is awake for 15 hours. At hour 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15, if 3 g is administered every 3 hours, that would total to 18 g a day. Or if awake 16 hours, at hour 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16, if 2 g is administered every 2 hours, that would also total to 18 g a day.

I'll try to write more about this over the weekend. Have to go to work now.

For now, there are two videos by American internist and nephrologist Suzanne Humphries, MD that offers a good overview of what's known about the therapeutic use of vitamin C...

Another source of information is Thomas E. Levy, MD. He has written extensively on Vitamin C. Here's his bio...

And here's what The Riordan Clinic is recommending to their patients specifically for CORVID-19...

Other sources are Andrew Saul, an Editor-In-Chief for who has studied and used vitamin C throughout his life. Here's just one article from that website on vitamin C...

Vitamin C Questions: Answered


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Type 1
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I am one week into social distancing or "staying home". What advice would you give me? I am married to a keyworker who works in central London and is almost certainly going to get it. Nearest family is 200miles away. Do I need to avoid him if he is not displaying any symptoms? Or just when he is? I can't help thinking that by the time he is displaying symptoms, I will have already caught it off him. I am T1 and get asthmatic when I get chest infections. Please help.


Well-Known Member
Latest information from this week estimates the deaths to be closer to 1%, similar to flu. The original slightly higher rates were because they were not including the milder cases.
Deaths are more common in the elderly and those who are already ill, respiratory conditions such as asthma and coronary conditions appear to be a bigger risk than diabetes.
Anyone with well-controlled diabetes should have a lower risk.
I am type 1 diabetic, 69 years old, on tablets for high blood pressure, and cholesterol, and have had a cold this week, but doing 12 weeks of self isolation as advised by the government, but how bad could I get coronavirus if I did get it. I do not think I am that well controlled, as I do get some high levels as well as low levels, dont know how bad I would get if I got it


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@johen @jane1950 I can't speak to type 1 diabetes or asthma. I've posted a lot of information on this thread, but here's something I haven't posted yet that may be helpful to you regarding specific nutritional supplement strategies...

Peter Osborne is a doctor of chiropractic, functional medicine, pastoral science, and a board certified clinical nutritionist. Over the last few weeks, he’s been discussing COVID-19 and offering nutritional supplement strategies.

Here's the page where the videos are located…

I found this video on the above linked page the most useful...
“Research Supports the Role of These Nutrients in Immune Function (Push Play)”

Also this video on the above linked page very useful in helping me understand the important role N acetylcysteine (NAC) can play if seriously ill with a virus…
“Using The Amino Acid, NAC, For Immune Support (Push Play)”

For more information, I suggest reading through the entire COVID-19 thread.

I've felt quite stressed too since this all began. I'm taking all the proactive steps I can while reminding myself again and again that most of us will come through this just fine.

The simple act of all household members washing their hands the moment they walk in the door at home is a good place to start...


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
thanks @Winnie53 I have actually been working on building up my immune system for a year or so, using vitamin C and zinc, b vitamins and aloe vera gel which helps me maintain excellent gut health. I just want someone to say I am ok to kiss my hubby and sleep in the same bed as him, or if I am confused and scared right now :(:(


Type of diabetes
Type 2
@johen @jane1950 I can't speak to type 1 diabetes or asthma. I've posted a lot of information on this thread, but here's something I haven't posted yet that may be helpful to you regarding specific nutritional supplement strategies...

Peter Osborne is a doctor of chiropractic, functional medicine, pastoral science, and a board certified clinical nutritionist. Over the last few weeks, he’s been discussing COVID-19 and offering nutritional supplement strategies.

Here's the page where the videos are located…

I found this video on the above linked page the most useful...
“Research Supports the Role of These Nutrients in Immune Function (Push Play)”

Also this video on the above linked page very useful in helping me understand the important role N acetylcysteine (NAC) can play if seriously ill with a virus…
“Using The Amino Acid, NAC, For Immune Support (Push Play)”

For more information, I suggest reading through the entire COVID-19 thread.

I've felt quite stressed too since this all began. I'm taking all the proactive steps I can while reminding myself again and again that most of us will come through this just fine.

The simple act of all household members washing their hands the moment they walk in the door at home is a good place to start...
J wider
thanks @Winnie53 I have actually been working on building up my immune system for a year or so, using vitamin C and zinc, b vitamins and aloe vera gel which helps me maintain excellent gut health. I just want someone to say I am ok to kiss my hubby and sleep in the same bed as him, or if I am confused and scared right now :(:(


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)

Watch and tell me we shouldn't be doing something NOW !
oh and don't go to the pub is not the kind of advice i think to avert what is fast becoming an unstoppable crisis.

"The problem facing health services across the world is that when the infection curve goes up it rockets,
and all resources, all testing, all supplies are used up instantly. Multiple hospitals all making the same demands at the same time.

It's crippling - here they call it the apocalypse."
Last edited:


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I just want some proper advice but I do realise this is new for everyone. I'm scared. I'll ring the diabetes nurse tomorrow.
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Watch and tell me we shouldn't be doing something NOW !
oh and don't go to the pub is not the kind of advice i think to avert what is fast becoming an unstoppable crisis.

"The problem facing health services across the world is that when the infection curve goes up it rockets,
and all resources, all testing, all supplies are used up instantly. Multiple hospitals all making the same demands at the same time.

It's crippling - here they call it the apocalypse."

Does anyone think like me we need to take measures like they have done in China and elsewhere to stop this.

Italy have it out of hand and they are now in lock down and deaths continue to escalate.

The stronger the measures we take now the shorter the pain in the long run.

Its typical the way the health service people cant get the masks and kit, its unbelieveable this should happen.
Getting something done is like wading through treacle.
Some people need their backsides kicked.

We had this with foot and mouth and the farmers needed the army in to stop the spread.