Defatizing info and links 800kcal diet


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I really enjoyed reading all this, as Im on the 'cusp' of running an 800 calory or so diet (would 1000 have the same effect do you know?)

How did you get on Johnts & ianpiper if you dont mind my asking please? - this is all very encouraging & liberating to think on.

Any further information would be greatly appreciated, Im keen to hear how any of you found it to be & how you feel now.

Many thanks in advance :)
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It worked for me, and I had my GP's support, not right at the beginning, but I lost so much weight one week, I decided to tell him, and he made sure all was well for the duration of the diet. I would suggest anyone tries this to defat the internal organs and help the pancreas, but would be more wary if people used it purely for weight loss.


I am curious of your numbers with ND. Starting BMI & how long before you felt improvements with ND?..



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I really enjoyed reading all this, as Im on the 'cusp' of running an 800 calory or so diet (would 1000 have the same effect do you know?)

How did you get on Johnts & ianpiper if you dont mind my asking please? - this is all very encouraging & liberating to think on.

Any further information would be greatly appreciated, Im keen to hear how any of you found it to be & how you feel now.

Many thanks in advance :)

I am on a deviated ND of 1000 calories at the moment. (My deviation is I am eating mini-modified Paleo.) From my responses to being on a VLCD, and now a LCD, and the response of some of the Legends that have shared their experiences in here, I believe it all boils down to personal metabolisms. ie how food and exercise affects you, personally, and at what intensity.

The beauty of being on such a diet is it is very easy, in my experience, to make adjustments and tweaks to your calorie intake and energy expended - as your intake is so small! There is ample room to experiment! 'Eating and Metering' is made all the more easier when you are writing down everything you are eating, and when, for instance, to keep a tight control of your calories. Not so much room to experiment if you are using the meal replacement sachets of course. (But you do have the vegetable dish, and if on 100 calories I guess it would be two dishes? Of real food, if only limited food, if you are not deviating.)

A long-winded way of saying - just do it and see how you are on 800 calories! If that is not enough for you to exercise, say, and exercising is important to you, or part of your Dealing-with-Diabetes plan - then up it to 1000 with exercise, and check it against your blood glucose levels, your waist measurement, and the scales. (Those are my key measurements I am tracking.) Eight weeks is a LOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGG time to be able to make adjustments and keep a tight track of your numbers. Groan.
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I think that sounds very healthy, something I hadnt considered. Im going to speak with my doctor about assisting, or at least being in the know for my planned ND.

You’re right about the metabolism rates for each of us, it would be so much easier if we were all the same in that respect. My metabolism is quite good in that respect, and Im fairly trim (I wasnt pre-diagnosis however) so Im hopeful.

I do take regular blood readings to see how Im getting on, and so far each week is a general improvement on the last. Its not jumped forward as much as Id hoped but its steady & an improvement after all

1000 makes sense to me as I do enjoy exercising, so thanks for mentioning that – I hadnt considered the additional calories to counter-act that.

The one query I have is that some folks have mentioned using slimfast & asda meal replacement shakes, but I looked at the ingredients & there seems to be a lot of sugar in there, is that right?

(Thanks again for your reply - ps how are you getting on with your diets & strict intake?)


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People shouting while on their phones.
I did go on Slim fast and I felt so unwell it has loads of sugar and I was ok after I came off it.
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I've just seen my GP about my latest hba1c blood test. He said I ave moderate control and need to be tested again in 3 months. He is alo referring me to a nutritionist as I have really struggled with adapting my diet. The advice to eat a normal balanced diet, something I have always done, is of little or no help to me.

I read about the results of the study using the Optifast diet and this looks a everything is spelt out. I may be thick, but that I need a plan that takes little thought. The problem for me is Optifast is expensive, but reading this thread I can see that even using Slimfast might work. I can afford that.

I have one query. In the original diet used in the study is say no dairy, not even skimmed milk. If this is so, what are the shakes mixed with? :? Or is this just saying no additional skimmed milk?[/QUOTE

Hi Kazoom, I want to comment on the nutritionist. You should go, if you haven't already. My nutritionist told me to eat small meals every 3-4 hours and a snack, and they will tell you how many calories to eat at each meal and how many CARBS, which is the most important thing. I think it was 4 meals? Or many 3, but 4 sounds right. The nutritionist was trying to get me to lose weight slowly, like 1 pound a week, so I think my meals were 350-400 cal a meal, around 1700 cal per day, which I didn't like because I wanted to lose weight faster. Anyway, you will be happy you went to a nutritionist.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Shakewise have you looked at boossh? You mix the shakes with water... I wouldn't say delicious...but definitely drinkable..and reasonable priced... the Banoffee Cheesecake one I'm about to have for "afternoon tea" has 138 cals...


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Tablets (oral)
My first post- ever, I've never joined a forum before. I read about the Newcastle study in the summer and after mulling over all the info ( though limited by the fact that I'm no scientist) decided to give it a go. I am an angry T2 'diabetic':- having been diagnosed with a different chronic illness in my early 20s, and spent nearly 20 years getting that under control (an experience which has left me with a profound scepticism regarding the HCPs ) I was furious after a few years of 'normal' life to find myself saddled with another label. The practice nurse and I are in a state of open warfare and my GP flinches when she sees me coming. I am not on any medication for the diabetes- when the medical profession shifted the goalposts a few years ago so that it was 'recommended' that I go on metformin even though my BG levels were the same as the previous couple of years I refused- I've taken too many tablets over the years, and endured enough medical u turns to add things to the drug cocktail when nothing has changed.
I ran the plan past my GP at the annual MOT and she has approved it. I found this forum when searching for other people's experiences. I must say the open hostility of some people to this experiment made me reluctant to join in and post anything, and it isnt something I would normally do, but after following the 'guinea pigs' posts for a couple of weeks it seemed cowardly not to contribute.
I've identified an 8 week period when it will be easiest to stick to, ( family back at work/school/university and no birthdays/anniversaries/celebrations to distract me) which starts on 19th September, I've ordered the drinks, taken a raincheck on all socialising that revolves around eating and am ready to get on with it. I will post my starting BG, weight etc on the 19th. Many thanks to those who have posted their experiences- you've been a great help.

Hi Minn and welcome. I too did research on the Newcastle diet and Low cal/Low Carb diet. I started the Newcastle diet on 18-Sept and like you I planned in for a 8 week period where I could manage, except for Thanksgiving but I feel confident I will handle that one. Since 18-Sep I have lost 8 lbs, my am bg has dropped by half. It kinda of scared me that this was happening so fast. I find the diet easy surprisingly and I am not hungry. Monitoring my meds and bg though to watch for lows. Unfortunately my Internal Medicine Doc said, "good luck" and we will see you in 3 mos.
HgbAIC Sept 6 - 7.2
Weight at start of diet = 95kg


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
I'm impressed that you've already planned out your 8-week period and that you've taken steps to eliminate distractions from your diet.
You're replying to a thread that hasn't been used in 6 years.
I doubt you'll get replies from the original posters.
You can start a new thread of your own on the topic if you wish