Diabetic or have reactive hypo??? Or do they go hand in hand?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hiya I was diagnosed with type 2 in April 16 after a HB1AC of 96! After 3 months at a time it reduced to 48 then 44, now at 45 with no medication just diet and exercise. Although I have a real problem with whenever I eat carbs my sugars spike after an hour to about 11-12, then after another hour crash back Down to4??? Does this sound like reactive hypo? Or is it just diabetes doing this??? If your have reactive hypo do you also have diabetes do they go hand in hand? Thank you confused one x


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
4 isn't hypo. It's a normal blood sugar level.

It isn't normal to crash right down from 12 to 4 in so short a time. Especially if it makes you feel rotten, and especially not after some carbs as opposed to a lot of carbs, as this poster has been discussing on another thread. There is something going on that is not typical T2.

Have you had chance to have a good read round this RH forum, and is anything ringing any bells with you?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Yes had a good read and yes it does ring bells everyday I suffer this especially in the mornings it does make me feel rotten when it suddenly rises my heart races and then when it crashs I feel very strange... I always eat when it gets to 4 as I didn't once and it went to 3.3 and I felt awful!!! I'm scared it will do it again. I'm not sure if I've had a glocuse tolerance test, I don't think I have? I did after my pregnancy as I had gestational diabetes but that was 10 years ago. I will discuss on Wednesday with my nurse, thanks for all your support.


Sounds like R.H. to me but you obviously have T2D as well else your average ( hba1c) would have been less before you low carbed! regs Derek PS. see RH section of this site. If you low carb with RH you should not have highs and it stops the subsequent lows. I have RH and low carb stopped mine otherwise you may have an anomalous condition!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Oh joy something else to think about! I'll have a good chat with my nurse Wednesday see what she says, thanks for your help x

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Hi @dan1jess2 ,

Do you have normal fasting blood glucose levels?
Or because of your Hba1c, it is slightly above normal, though you get normal readings but not in morning due to dawn phenomenon?

It is more common to have RH with T2, rather than just RH!
It is rather more evident in gestational diabetes, because of the fluctuating blood glucose levels. But to be given a diagnosis takes a lot of time and by the time of the birth, some of the RH symptoms recede as does gestational diabetes.

You do remind me of me, when before diagnosis, all my doctors, dsns and even an endocrinologist would say, that, it's just my diabetes!
Oh joy something else to think about! I'll have a good chat with my nurse Wednesday see what she says, thanks for your help x

It will probably be futile!
Dsns are not trained, as are most GPs!
But you need to get an endocrinologist, by getting your surgery to get you a referral to one that specialises in conditions similar to RH!
Hopefully if you have a food diary you can present it as evidence for the very quick spikes which I believe is gastric dumping and the quick drop to normal levels and below. The symptoms are symptomatic of Hypoglycaemia.
But I could be wrong!

As others have suggested a low carb lifestyle is preferred, to offset the symptoms.
Until your get your diagnosis (hopefully) try and stabilize your blood glucose levels.

You do have to fight to get diagnosed, don't give up, even if it's not Hypoglycaemia, the support will still be here for you!

Best wishes.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
If your have reactive hypo do you also have diabetes do they go hand in hand?

Some of us connected the dots all the way back to our teenage years...this experience of reactive hypo...and we are now nearing fifty/sixty etc...we find that a carbs lite fats friendly diet greatly reduces our postmeal insulin response and subsequent reactive hypo episodes.

This insulin response classification by Dr Joseph Kraft may help provide you with further insights on the progression from reactive hypo, impaired glucose tolerance to being fully clinically T2D.


Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Thanks guys my fasting ranges from 5.5-6.5? Can't seem to get it lower than that..??

That is in or near normal range and you have no need to apologise!
For many reasons your monitor may be fractionally out, it can be inaccurate most of the time. Testing is about seeing how well you are doing and eliminating the food that you can't tolerate.
The readings give you a snapshot of how your blood glucose levels have responded to a meal hence the pre meal reading and two hours readings.
If your meal is 2mmols over the pre meal reading then there is something in that meal that needs reducing in portion size or not eaten at all!
By experimenting and testing you will find which types of foods are rocketing your blood glucose levels.

I have intolerance to grains, flour, lactose, sucrose, dextrose and especially starchy vegetables particularly potatoes.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Thank you Lamont D I didn't realise they were nearly normal fasting so I'm pleased with that, I had a very successful day today so am feeling more positive. For breakfast I had one slice of brown bread with peanut butter it went from 6.5 to 8.2 in an hour then back to 5.4 after 2 hrs then all through the day it was stable around 5, going up to 6.5 no higher even after an hour of eating! Felt much better for it too, just the morning I feel a little strange, I feel like I have heart palpitations but I'm not sure if that's caused by a dawn pnenomium?? I get up at 6am. Thanks for all your advice.
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
They are good those figures and you are getting the hang of testing.
If you feel better it means that your change to lower carb is working,
I think your body could still be adjusting and that's why you get the symptoms in the morning. I don't think it is dawn phenomenon, as your fasting would be slightly higher!
As with most of us, stable blood glucose levels are good news for you and your health!
Best wishes, keep asking and keeping posting how you are doing.
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