Diet for diabetics


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Hmmm now im trying to put things together like what i can and cant have.Sorta trying to work a decent list of foods out so i can say right this and this go together and i like em both so thats one meal sorted so to speak.There are so many foods out there i dont like.For instance the only veg ill eat are Potatos,Peas and Mushrooms.I love mushrooms and peas in a casserole.Oh luck ive created one meal already we usually have a meat dish once per week casserole or otherwise.Chicken goes well with mash or roast pots maybe a yorky pud and lashings of gravy.But wait isnt the humble spud supposed to be laced with carbs along with bread and im told thats not good for diabetics.I also like simple meals like canaloni and lasagne but thats a no no too.It would be very nice if i could compile a list and look at it and say right i like this and i like this so thats what ill have for me tea so to speak.I gotta work it out as soon as possible.Talk about a nightmare it sure is lol.

Mud Island Dweller

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Go to the low carb diet forum on the main section you found here. Look up vivs modified atkins as a basis.
Whatever you eat get a meter and eat by results
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Hmmm that Atkins thingy looks interesting im going through it now and found a few questionable things eg

processed meat, eg sausage, burgers, ham, bacon, corned beef etc, but check for carb content on the label (eg no breadcrumbed ham, or honey roast ham);sausage and burger with maximum meat content and minimum carbohydrate; smoked and processed meats are okay but read the labels for nasty chemicals;

Does that mean that such as Bangers and mash are ok to eat?
Burgers well id have thought they were a no no.Especially the ones at Mcd's which are usually dripping with fat.
Bacon i love a bacon butty on friday dinner.(cooked in the microwave and slapped between a tcake)
Corned beef well yes i love that 2 usually on bread or a sub roll.Together with such as ham,pork,beef cooked meats.On their own too small a meal,put em on bread more filling surely we are allowed some bread say 2 slices.

all fresh meat types - lamb, beef, pork, chicken, duck, turkey, goose, venison and other game;
Well im at home here i love meat especially in a casserole with mushrooms and peas.And small serving of mash and gravy.

What about things like pork pies only with the crust removed ?
Basically i eat all the wrong things like Greggs sausage rolls pork pies etc.They make a nice snack though thats quick and convenient after weve been out for the day.Ooops im getting hungry now lol bowl of All bran needed now i think lol.


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I wouldn't worry about Atkins or whatever even though it has it's good points. Just minimise the carbs and keep them low-GI. There is stacks of food info on this website and on the web in general. Don't worry about fat or protein or non-root veg. Have root-veg raw if possible
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I wouldn't worry about Atkins or whatever even though it has it's good points. Just minimise the carbs and keep them low-GI. There is stacks of food info on this website and on the web in general. Don't worry about fat or protein or non-root veg. Have root-veg raw if possible

Ok thanks for that info :)

Mud Island Dweller

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l disagree with Daibell on diet l do the modified atkins and huge difference to me no spuds rice bread pasta no mash of any sort as will give huge spike.


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There are 2 main ways of doing this. You can go low GI , in which case @douglas99 , @Sid Bonkers may be good members for you to talk to. I think Sid eats this way - sorry if I'm wrong.
Or you could try the diet doctor approach:
Good luck!
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Still studying the Diet doctor piece :)


Hi John

You have to devise a diet that works for you and the only way is to test your personal reaction to any foods.
People will tell you what they can and cannot eat but this may not necessarily be the same for you.

Have you read the advice for newly diagnosed?

I keep away from processed foods of any kind and rely on fresh foods. If your cooking skills are not too good then you will need to enhance them. There are plenty of easy recipes around and something like a slow cooker can do the work for you. Cooking large amounts and freezing them in portion size can be your own interpretation of take aways.

You have to find things you like and that do not raise your blood sugars. Some things you will have to say goodbye to and some you may have to eat a smaller portion of. It is all trial and error and a food diary incorporating your results to that food will soon show you what is and is not acceptable to you.
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l disagree with Daibell on diet l do the modified atkins and huge difference to me no spuds rice bread pasta no mash of any sort as will give huge spike.
Which only goes to show that although this may work for you, it doesn't mean that it is the only approach that works.
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Thanks for that Catherine yes its trial and error and gunna be a long trek in finding what is and what isnt suitable for me.I realise that its not going to happen over night so to speak.
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Looking forward to seeing the diabetic nurse on Thursday and she will also give me some advice i hope as well as the number of a dietitian and theres this forum for help as well so i know im not alone so to speak. :)


This website is very comprehensive in explaining the G.I. principle.
You will still have to test low G.I. foods because our reactions to them are different but if something is acceptable to your meter then you will know.
There is another principle when using low G.I. foods. It is better to incorporate all food groups into a meal as the overall G.I. will then be lower as veggies and some fruits will be very low. If you are going to eat something on it's own as opposed to a meal then you need to test that particular item. A portion of porridge is going to hit your system harder than if you incorporate seeds, nuts and fruit with it.
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Sid Bonkers

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Customer helplines that use recorded menus that promise to put me through to the right person but never do - and being ill. Oh, and did I mention customer helplines :)
There are 2 main ways of doing this. You can go low GI , in which case @douglas99 , @Sid Bonkers may be good members for you to talk to. I think Sid eats this way - sorry if I'm wrong.

Good luck!

I actually dont follow any particular diet instead I use what works for me from everything I have read or been told and advised, so I eat normal every day meals now, not a diet at all I just eat fewer carbs than I used to and those carbs that I do eat I try to make as low GI as possible.

I lost a lot of weight by dieting strictly, no extra fat as fat has twice the calories of carbs or protein and when I lost the weight I found I could eat a fairly normal diet, or no diet at all....As I had lost the lions share of my insulin resistance.

Of course I dont fill a plate with rice, pasta or potato the way I used to eat but I dont avoid any particular foods other than white bread, I even recently discovered that I can eat a small ciabatta roll without any bad rise in bg levels.

Since I lost the weight and reduced my insulin resistance I eat much less food than I did before which is probably why I have maintained the 4 stone weight loss I achieved and not increased my insulin resistance again.
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Some of my facebook friends have said they dont test every day as they aint on insulin.Instead they handle the diabetes with Metformin or other tablet and been told by nurse no need to test each day once or twice per week would suffice.


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I actually dont follow any particular diet instead I use what works for me from everything I have read or been told and advised, so I eat normal every day meals now, not a diet at all I just eat fewer carbs than I used to and those carbs that I do eat I try to make as low GI as possible.

I lost a lot of weight by dieting strictly, no extra fat as fat has twice the calories of carbs or protein and when I lost the weight I found I could eat a fairly normal diet, or no diet at all....As I had lost the lions share of my insulin resistance.

Of course I dont fill a plate with rice, pasta or potato the way I used to eat but I dont avoid any particular foods other than white bread, I even recently discovered that I can eat a small ciabatta roll without any bad rise in bg levels.

Since I lost the weight and reduced my insulin resistance I eat much less food than I did before which is probably why I have maintained the 4 stone weight loss I achieved and not increased my insulin resistance again.
I tagged you and Douglas as I know you eat in a different way to me and that you would give a different take to my LCHF ways! As you know, I don't believe one size fits all. Thanks for your reply! :)


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Some of my facebook friends have said they dont test every day as they aint on insulin.Instead they handle the diabetes with Metformin or other tablet and been told by nurse no need to test each day once or twice per week would suffice.

Johnboy - I don't take any medication, so I can't speak from personal experience, but I do know, from reading and listening to others on here that Metformin is a decent and safe drug, but it will not make a massive difference to your blood scores. It helps with insulin resistance, so helps your body use the insulin it is producing more effectively, and it suppresses your appetite, which helps lose any excess poundage there may be hanging around.

The most important weapon you have in your diabetes armour is your way of eating. Particularly in the early days, there will be a direct correlation between what you eat and the blood score you achieve.

That is not said to discourage you from taking any medication you might be prescribed, but to help you appreciate that you must control your diabetes by your own actions and not absolve that responsibility to a tablet. Not all tablets are equal, and there are tablets available that can bring down blood scores, but even if you are prescribed those, you are still best advised to get your way of eating into decent diabetic order.

Research suggests the sooner we get a handle on our diabetes, post-diagnosis, the more successful we will be in fending off complications. I'm working hard on proving that to be true.
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I think my main focus has to be on getting shut of some weight.Even just a stone would make a huge difference to my diabetes.Im at least 3 1/2 stones over weight thats an awful lot isnt it.I dunno how i have got that weight cos for a number of years my appetite has dwindled as with anyone else reaching middle age would probably say the same.My dad was the same when he was my age he didnt have his plate piled as high.I can only think that since i gave up work to become a full time carer that has had an impact on my life as i no longer go out 5 mornings per week etc.I think if i was pushing the wheelchair about outside more often than the twice per week that we currently do that id soon loose some weight.I think i need to work out a fitness regime a few exercises every morning maybe a walk round the block sorta thing.


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hello there ...I was 14 1/2 stone when i was diagnosed as Diabetic 3 years ago....i gradualy started walking my dogs not far at first but enough for me to start losing weight I started taking metformin and the weight started to fall off 2 lb a week at first then it slowed so I upped my walking. the weight will come off i started to watch what I ate and had three meals a day instead of eating alsorts like eating biscuits cakes and what ever was bad for me..... I am now 8.10 and hoping to stay there...take each day as it comes....must say I never was told about Low Crab eating and am exploring this method....Thankyou to this forum for all the help
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