DIY face masks & info on wearing masks effectively...



Apparently, if you were to scale everything up so that this virus were the size of a coin, the holes between the fibres in cloth masks like these would be eight feet in diameter. Make of that what you will...


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Apparently, if you were to scale everything up so that this virus were the size of a coin, the holes between the fibres in cloth masks like these would be eight feet in diameter. Make of that what you will...
Thanks Jim, but the virus generally doesn't go around individually but within drops of moisture which are much larger. Apparently masks used properly (eg by healthcare professionals) reduce infection rates of the wearer by 80%...


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For those who are interested bfe99 meltblown filter fabric (for disposable Medical grade filter liners) is available on both Amazon and Ebay.

the GOV.UK website is now distinguishing between ‘face masks’ (reserved for clinical settings and healthcare professionals) and ‘face coverings’ ( anything from a bandana to a scarf to a homemade sock mask) for members of the UK public who are in enclosed spaces (shops, offices, etc) where social distancing is difficult.
- see item 10


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Make of that what you will...

There's been a lot of research done on the wearing of masks and several conclusions drawn.

One paper I read tested what happens when people with a virus sneeze while wearing a mask. They found traces of the virus on the outside of the mask but not inside. That particular report went on to say that although there was traces of the virus on the outside of the mask the distance the virus traveled was significantly reduced.


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There's been a lot of research done on the wearing of masks and several conclusions drawn.

One paper I read tested what happens when people with a virus sneeze while wearing a mask. They found traces of the virus on the outside of the mask but not inside. That particular report went on to say that although there was traces of the virus on the outside of the mask the distance the virus traveled was significantly reduced.
Some of the tests I've seen regarding different types of face mask.

I see this principle elsewhere I've never made a mask but bending an oldscool coat hanger & cutting nylon women's tights material. I have made a "pop shield" for home audio recording.. Even in the professional environment they do catch a fair bit of moisture.
I'm not suggesting going out like a "bank robber" in nylon. Just highlighting a reasonably made mask could reduce risk of transmission projecting airborne droplets?


For those who are interested bfe99 meltblown filter fabric (for disposable Medical grade filter liners) is available on both Amazon and Ebay.

the GOV.UK website is now distinguishing between ‘face masks’ (reserved for clinical settings and healthcare professionals) and ‘face coverings’ ( anything from a bandana to a scarf to a homemade sock mask) for members of the UK public who are in enclosed spaces (shops, offices, etc) where social distancing is difficult.
- see item 10
You can also get those little bendy strips that go over the nose part of a mask to make it fit better, online. Or apparently you can make them by cutting the soft metal base of nightlight candles.


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While we're talking about masks, this lady may not have the right idea.

England's last hopes.png


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You can also get those little bendy strips that go over the nose part of a mask to make it fit better, online. Or apparently you can make them by cutting the soft metal base of nightlight candles.

I imagine cutting the tealight casing would result in very sharp edges, to be treated with full caution.


There's been a lot of research done on the wearing of masks and several conclusions drawn.

One paper I read tested what happens when people with a virus sneeze while wearing a mask. They found traces of the virus on the outside of the mask but not inside. That particular report went on to say that although there was traces of the virus on the outside of the mask the distance the virus traveled was significantly reduced.


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Tripe and Onions
I wear mine on the back of my head in case the virus tries to sneak up on me.:)


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I have noticed on TV that many doctors and nurses wear a surgical mask on top of their FP3 mask. Does anyone know why?
I imagine it is because they can throw away the cheap surgical mask and any virus that may have landed on it rather than a FP3 mask that is in short supply.


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Recently found this on FB and thought it worth sharing:
RETIRED SURGEON Sam Laucks, has this to say about wearing masks:

“OK, here’s my rant about masks:

I have spent the past 39 years working in the field of surgery. For a significant part of that time, I have worn a mask. I have worked with hundreds (probably thousands) of colleagues during those years, who have also worn masks. Not a single one us of became ill, passed out or died from lack of oxygen. Not a single one of us became ill, passed out or died from breathing too much carbon dioxide. Not a single one us of became ill, passed out or died from rebreathing a little of our own exhaled air. Let’s begin here by putting those scare tactics to rest!

(It is true that some people, with advanced lung diseases, may be so fragile that a mask could make their already-tenuous breathing more difficult. If your lungs are that bad, you probably shouldn’t be going out in public at the present time anyway; the consequences if you are exposed to Covid-19 would likely be devastating.)

“But”, you ask, “can’t viruses go right through the mask, because they are so small?” (“Masks keep viruses out just as well as a chain link fence keeps mosquitoes out,” some tell us.) It is true that individual virus particles can pass through the pores of a mask; however, viruses don’t move on their own. They do not fly across the room like a mosquito, wiggle through your mask like a worm, or fly up your nose like a gnat. The virus is essentially nothing more than a tiny blob of genetic material. Covid-19 travels in a CARRIER – the carrier is a fluid droplet- fluid droplets that you expel when you cough, sneeze, sing, laugh, talk or simply exhale. Most of your fluid droplets will be stopped from entering the air in the room if you are wearing a mask. Wearing a mask is a very efficient way to protect others if you are carrying the virus (even if you don’t know that you are infected). In addition, if someone else’s fluid droplets happen to land on your mask, many of them will not pass through. This gives the wearer some additional protection, too. But, the main reason to wear a mask is to PROTECT OTHERS. Even if you don’t care about yourself, wear your mask to protect your neighbors, co-workers and friends!

A mask is certainly not 100% protective. However, it appears that the severity of Covid-19 infection is at least partially “dose-dependent.” In other words, the more virus particles that enter your body, the sicker you are likely to become. Why not decrease that volume if you can? “What have you got to lose?!”

“But doesn’t a requirement or a request to wear a mask violate my constitutional rights?” You’re also not allowed to go into the grocery store if you are not wearing pants. You can’t yell “fire” in the Produce Department. You’re not allowed to urinate on the floor in the Frozen Food Section. Do you object to those restrictions? Rules, established for the common good, are component of a civilized society.

“But aren’t masks uncomfortable?” Some would say that underwear or shoes can be uncomfortable, but we still wear them. (Actually, being on a ventilator is pretty darned uncomfortable, too!) Are masks really so bad that you can’t tolerate them, even if they will help keep others healthy?

“But won’t people think I’m a snowflake or a wimp if I wear a mask?” I hope you have enough self-confidence to overcome that.

“But won’t I look stupid if I wear a mask?” I’ve decided not to dignify that question with an answer!!

“But I never get sick; I’m not worried.” Well, then, wear a mask for the sake of the rest of us who are not so perfect!

There is good evidence that masks make a real difference in diminishing the transmission of Covid-19. Please, for the sake of others (and for the sake of yourself), wear your mask when in public. It won’t kill you!

P.S. - And, by the way, please be sure that BOTH your nose and mouth are covered!

Recommendations around mask usage are confusing. The science isn't. Evidence shows that masks are extremely effective to slow the coronavirus and may be the best tool available right now to fight it.”


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Apparently, if you were to scale everything up so that this virus were the size of a coin, the holes between the fibres in cloth masks like these would be eight feet in diameter. Make of that what you will...
I think I have heard the phrase 'like stopping a mosquito with a chain link fence' but at least we will make everyone feel better.


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I think I have heard the phrase 'like stopping a mosquito with a chain link fence' but at least we will make everyone feel better.
You should see my previous post as to why that analogy isn't accurate. That exact phrase is quoted...


Interesting paper come out in the States by 200 scientists on the airborne passage of covid. It encourages the use of facemasks in all indoor situations.
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Interesting paper come out in the States by 200 scientists on the airborne passage of covid. It encourages the use of facemasks in all indoor situations.

do you have a link?