Does diabetes shorten our lives?


Well-Known Member
I When I get really angry about somehing I tend to write to my MP. I have done this often over the years . As I have moved house a fair few times different Mps of different persuasions have been involved. Of course the subject matter is also different inon each occasion,
The interesting thing is that the replies are all the same! practically identical whatever he subject.
we have heard a lot about expenses scandals and Pps paying relatives and spouses fraudulently but I believe the problem goes far deeper.
They don't employ anyone at all. There is just one standard leter sent out to everyone whatever the problem and subjecct matter. Priobably generated automatically. Its the only explanation.

Stamps are becoming so expensive i think I will just reply to myself in future.
My present MP is apparently interested in many things . When I have written to him in the past about certain issues and explained that I understandthim to have a particular interest in the subject , he agrees thet he has an interest in the subject and that is it! No comment . no indicaion of what he intends to do.
He cannot seem to cope with anything that is not purely personal to he writer. He will take up your case of you have a personal problem but doesn't seem able to grasp the concept of a consituent having any opinion on wider issues, I therefore assume that hisown alleged interests are purely personal or just padding for his cv or entry in Who's who .


Well-Known Member

I always thought the same about smoking as it takes years off your life but its from the end and the end bit is the **** bit anyway but having seen my parents get older when I think of living longer or years added to my life it more years of complication free life rather than the final number getting higher. I'd rather get to 75 healthy than live to 100 as a wreck.

Wonder how Mick Jagger feels about it these days? His generaaaaaatiiiiooooon is increasingly far in the past.



chris lowe

My father had T2 diabetes and lived to 90 so does it shorten life? I would say that he also didn't manage it well either, he carried on eating what he liked including potatoes, bread, sweets etc so goodness knows what his bg readings were. And with reference to the Parkinson's research, my mother didn't have diabetes and she had Parkinson's. The trouble with these research projects is that there is no way of telling who would have died early or got Parkinson's in the normal course of events. It's just maybe's

Have a happy easter holiday everyone.


Newly diabetic, type 1 since August. It's all very frightening/overwhelming still but to live life you just have to get on with it, don't you?


Well-Known Member
" I'd rather get to 75 healthy than live to 100 as a wreck."

See how you feel about that when you're 74 Paul! :lol:


Well-Known Member

I hope at 74, complication free, I would have the humility to feel grateful for what I've had and the desire to go on living. Drifting on for years not able to leave a home is my worst nightmare (thats not hyperbole either that and Locked In syndrome!).




Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I think many diabetics who manage their condition well are far fitter than a hell of a lot of the general population who are not diabetic and do not live a healthy life. a diagnosis kicks many unfit people into a healthy exercise way of life and as strange as it sounds diagnosis of diabetes was probably a blessing in disguise.
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