Feeling a little confused could do with some advice


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi I’m Bev
I think I might have posted this in the wrong section early do apologise if you have seen this twice .

I've been feeling unwell for the last month or so horrid taste in mouth nearly all the time .Shaky sweating waking up in the night feeling unwell
Going to the loo a lot etc just not myself.
So I called the doctor like you do as the horrid taste in my mouth wasn't going away and he said "oh yes we will do some more blood tests as in February you were pre diabetic "
Something I wasn't aware of as they said my blood were ok I'm annoyed with the doctor for not telling me this information then as I would have started to take action then.
I'm waiting for the results of my blood tests and can't speak to anyone until the 5th September.
Are these a side affect of diabetes ie horrid taste in mouth etc. Has anyone else stuffed with this?
I'm 59 overweight but I'm doing something about it.
Any help or advice on symptoms would be great


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
exercise, phone calls
Hi @Bev1812 and welcome to the forum.

Yes, you did duplicate your post. I think it best belongs here so we (the Moderators) will remove the other post for you.

Sorry to hear that you are feeling so unwell. The symptoms may well be due to high Blood Glucose, but obviously there are other things which can also give those symptoms.

You say you are doing something about your weight, what is it that you are doing?
Do you know what your HbA1C test results were - these are what the doctor would have seen to decide that you are diabetic.
I'm asking because that taste might possibly be ketones. Can you describe it?
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I'm waiting for the results of my blood tests and can't speak to anyone until the 5th September
The results are probably available online, either through the NHS app or via your gp surgery. Saves a bit of the angst not knowing


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
My HbA1C was 43 back in February I only found this out three weeks ago so since February I have been eating “normally “ and enjoying life .I have stated to cut down on carbs logging what I eat on a app
The blood results don’t show on my NHS app nothing ever does unfortunately .Thanks for reading


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi @Bev1812 and welcome to the forum.

Yes, you did duplicate your post. I think it best belongs here so we (the Moderators) will remove the other post for you.

Sorry to hear that you are feeling so unwell. The symptoms may well be due to high Blood Glucose, but obviously there are other things which can also give those symptoms.

You say you are doing something about your weight, what is it that you are doing?
Do you know what your HbA1C test results were - these are what the doctor would have seen to decide that you are diabetic.
I'm asking because that taste might possibly be ketones. Can you describe it?

Thank you for your reply.I’ve started a low carb diet and have been tracking what I eat on a app for the last few weeks .
Saying that I had already lost over a stone since Christmas.Before I was aware of any problems
My HbA1C was 43 or 42 I Am not really sure as when the doctor told me I didn’t really take it all in .As I was a little shocked no one had spoken to me about it .
The taste in mouth is so very hard to explain sweet unpleasant but definitely come up from my stomach mouth etc
Thanks again for the reply


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
exercise, phone calls
Well the good news is that unless you have Reactive Hypoglycaemia (very rare) then the blood Glucose levels associated with an HbA1C of 43 are only just pre-diabetic never mind fully diabetic, and so would not cause the symptoms you describe.

Was the weight loss a conscious effort. or did it just happen all by itself? Unexpected weight loss is a common symptom of Type 1 diabetes (an auto-immune disease) in which the immune system attacks the cells which make insulin. This is serious and tends to vary quite a bit from day to day in adults as it develops, since some days enough insulin will be produced and other days not enough (or even none) causing very high Blood Glucose figures n those days.

Can you double check with your GP surgery that the HbA1C figure really was only 42 or 43.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Well the good news is that unless you have Reactive Hypoglycaemia (very rare) then the blood Glucose levels associated with an HbA1C of 43 are only just pre-diabetic never mind fully diabetic, and so would not cause the symptoms you describe.

Was the weight loss a conscious effort. or did it just happen all by itself? Unexpected weight loss is a common symptom of Type 1 diabetes (an auto-immune disease) in which the immune system attacks the cells which make insulin. This is serious and tends to vary quite a bit from day to day in adults as it develops, since some days enough insulin will be produced and other days not enough (or even none) causing very high Blood Glucose figures n those days.

Can you double check with your GP surgery that the HbA1C figure really was only 42 or 43.

Thank you for the reply .The weight loss was a conscious effort to improve my health etc.
I will check with the doctors and hopefully my blood tests from last week are better and haven’t got worse since the ones at the beginning of the year


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
If you've gone suddenly very low carb, you might be having a bit of what's known as "keto flu" as the body rids itself of excess sugar. If it is that it should only last a couple of weeks and increasing salt (electrolytes) and water might help.
But it could also be other things, not everything is diabetes related
You could call the surgery and ask for your results over the phone.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
At least you found out your level fairly swiftly - I had elevated blood glucose levels eleven years before diagnosis and nothing was said.
I always felt so much better eating low carb, even long before diagnosis, and it has resulted in a very satisfactory weight loss, even though I did nothing more than change my diet.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
If you've gone suddenly very low carb, you might be having a bit of what's known as "keto flu" as the body rids itself of excess sugar. If it is that it should only last a couple of weeks and increasing salt (electrolytes) and water might help.
But it could also be other things, not everything is diabetes related
You could call the surgery and ask for your results over the phone.

Thank you for your reply .Is there any form of electrolytes you would suggest ? As I don’t have any idea which form would be suitable


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
The simplest way is to add salt to food and drink more water