Feldman protocol anyone done this for cholesterol?


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@Troubled1 mentioned to me on a previous post a few weeks ago the following three day protocol as something that could be considered to try and lower high bad cholesterol just before a cholesterol test see:
As I had very high Cholesterol last time and was told statins were important for me to reduce my cardiac risk and as I don’t want to take them. I’ve thought about giving this a go to see if it would work for me. I’ll be having test next month and need to work out what’s best.
Thought it was worth asking if anyone on here had tried it and if so did it work?
Notice on reading the code that although you need to eat lots of fat in the three days before it shouldn’t be coconut oil as this works differently! I’ve been upping my coconut oil in preference to other saturated fats to date in the hope this may lower my cholesterol so find it interesting that the body deals with coconut oil in a different way!
@Troubled1 - did you try it or is your test not due yet?
I’ve also been advised by supportive forum members previously that it may have been caused by my weight loss as I had lost 30pounds in the three months up to the last test in December - in which case it may be that it will have come down naturally although I have lost another six pounds since then so it may not have stabilised enough by my next test! I have also thought about trying to delay as long as possible until have had a reasonable spell of time at a stable weight.
Any ideas, opinions or suggestions welcome.


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You might also want to do some investigation as to whether lower cholesterol is actually good for you?
Looking at your picture I'm guessing you may fall into the bracket where higher cholesterol may be protective.
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You might also want to do some investigation as to whether lower cholesterol is actually good for you?
Looking at your picture I'm guessing you may fall into the bracket where higher cholesterol may be protective.
I did also wonder about this aspect as know that it is protective for women over a certain age! I suppose that I want the best of both worlds! I’m not planning on taking statins as I don’t believe that they will be good for me or that I need them to lower my cholesterol but would like to get medics off my case! I wondered if this might be a solution as it is only a very temporary lowering just for the test rather than a permanent solution.
Maybe I just need to tough it out and just say no!


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@shelley262 I would wait until after your next test. You yourself need to see what the real levels are. You don't really need to hide them from yourself. If they have reduced naturally, all is good. If they haven't, then consider what to do.
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@shelley262 I would wait until after your next test. You yourself need to see what the real levels are. You don't really need to hide them from yourself. If they have reduced naturally, all is good. If they haven't, then consider what to do.
I think that that is really sensible advice - meanwhile maybe I need to work on stabilising my weight loss as this would then rule out that variable from the equation. Especially as I’m now a reasonable weight with a much smaller middle!
Thank you


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Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
Dave is a hyperresponder, though. I am not sure if everyone is a hyperresponder or if it is something everyone can manipulate.
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I'm not at all sure I would like to manipulate anything inside my body. That's what medication does and I don't like that either!
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I think that behaving in a special way before ANY test is ill advised.

I mean, what is the point?
If we eat/exercise/behave in a certain way before a blood or fitness test, and then stop behaving in that way immediately afterwards, then all we have achieved is a temporary hitch in our numbers. It may be to fool a medical professional, or to give a falsely positive reading, but I don't see that helping. It gives a false impression on your medical records (either good or bad) and it leads the medical professional to make their decisions based on bad data.

Completely different if we change our behaviour permanently, and shift to a new way of living. That will give a true result.

If you don't want to take statins, all you have to do is say 'No thank you.' and leave the prescription lying on the desk.
Sometimes it isn't easy to stand up to our doctors, but I suspect nowadays they are quite used to people saying no, and you won't be the first. If they are unpleasant, write a letter of complaint, and help the next person to avoid having to face the same situation.

As far as they are concerned, the important thing is that they have offered, and ticked the box on their screen to say so. Your decision and reaction isn't what matters. They just need that tick on the screen.


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Dave is a hyperresponder, though. I am not sure if everyone is a hyperresponder or if it is something everyone can manipulate.
Thank you for that - as @Bluetit1802 says it would be worth finding out first if I’m a hyper responder or if it’s just the weight loss response. I’m inclined to agree with this view until after another test


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Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
Thank you for that - as @Bluetit1802 says it would be worth finding out first if I’m a hyper responder or if it’s just the weight loss response. I’m inclined to agree with this view until after another test

He shows his methodology on youtube videos just in case you're tempted to find out more.


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I think that behaving in a special way before ANY test is ill advised.

I mean, what is the point?
If we eat/exercise/behave in a certain way before a blood or fitness test, and then stop behaving in that way immediately afterwards, then all we have achieved is a temporary hitch in our numbers. It may be to fool a medical professional, or to give a falsely positive reading, but I don't see that helping. It gives a false impression on your medical records (either good or bad) and it leads the medical professional to make their decisions based on bad data.

Completely different if we change our behaviour permanently, and shift to a new way of living. That will give a true result.

If you don't want to take statins, all you have to do is say 'No thank you.' and leave the prescription lying on the desk.
Sometimes it isn't easy to stand up to our doctors, but I suspect nowadays they are quite used to people saying no, and you won't be the first. If they are unpleasant, write a letter of complaint, and help the next person to avoid having to face the same situation.

As far as they are concerned, the important thing is that they have offered, and ticked the box on their screen to say so. Your decision and reaction isn't what matters. They just need that tick on the screen.
Thank you @Brunneria it really helps to discuss this as it puts it in perspective and has helped me decide not to attempt to manipulate the result but to just see what happens and woman up about it! I do know I don’t want statins and felt a bit bullied last time with talk of my very high cardiac risk score because of cholesterol but I was taken by surprise last time whereas this time I know much more thanks to this forum and know that a high score dosent necessarily mean a greater risk of a cardiac event.
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Thank you @Brunneria it really helps to discuss this as it puts it in perspective and has helped me decide not to attempt to manipulate the result but to just see what happens and woman up about it! I do know I don’t want statins and felt a bit bullied last time with talk of my very high cardiac risk score because of cholesterol but I was taken by surprise last time whereas this time I know much more thanks to this forum and know that a high score dosent necessarily mean a greater risk of a cardiac event.
You could call your doc's bluff and ask if they are so worried could they send you for a CAC scan that actually looks at the calcium build up in your arteries. Then you and they will have a better picture of whether you may have atherosclerosis or not rather than using your cholesterol level as a (pretty bad) proxy.


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@Troubled1 mentioned to me on a previous post a few weeks ago the following three day protocol as something that could be considered to try and lower high bad cholesterol just before a cholesterol test see:
As I had very high Cholesterol last time and was told statins were important for me to reduce my cardiac risk and as I don’t want to take them. I’ve thought about giving this a go to see if it would work for me. I’ll be having test next month and need to work out what’s best.
Thought it was worth asking if anyone on here had tried it and if so did it work?
Notice on reading the code that although you need to eat lots of fat in the three days before it shouldn’t be coconut oil as this works differently! I’ve been upping my coconut oil in preference to other saturated fats to date in the hope this may lower my cholesterol so find it interesting that the body deals with coconut oil in a different way!
@Troubled1 - did you try it or is your test not due yet?
I’ve also been advised by supportive forum members previously that it may have been caused by my weight loss as I had lost 30pounds in the three months up to the last test in December - in which case it may be that it will have come down naturally although I have lost another six pounds since then so it may not have stabilised enough by my next test! I have also thought about trying to delay as long as possible until have had a reasonable spell of time at a stable weight.
Any ideas, opinions or suggestions welcome.
i cant see your cholesterol level, what level is considered very high by your medical team?


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I'm not sure about the weight loss thing because it was the exact opposite with me. During the 12 months that I lost all my weight (33% - 4.5stones) I had 4 cholesterol tests, and on each one my lipids improved. From diagnosis to 12 months later : ...

Total dropped from 6.1 to 5.5
Trigs dropped from 1.25 to 0.58
LDL dropped from 4 to 3
HDL increased from 1.56 to 2.2


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i cant see your cholesterol level, what level is considered very high by your medical team?
Hi total in December was 8 up from 5.5 - as part of this good cholesterol was up to 1.7 - no trigs taken but she said my cardiac risk was up to 18. She wanted it repeated in a month but I negotiated a couple of months.


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my cardiac risk was up to 18
right. So, in the next ten years, your risk of having a cardiac incident is 18%, according to the calculator.

This is an interesting article on the calculator used: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/hea...edicts-when-you-will-have-a-heart-attack.html

Its a bit misleading as the calculator assumes all people of a certain age, regardless of their blood pressure or cholesterol level, will have some sort of cardiac incident, so reducing your cholesterol (if it is desirable or necessary) will probably not reduce the calculated risk by much.

As an aside, I have a high cholesterol result once and it proved to be due to me not having fasted before it, when all my others had been fasting tests.

I am 56 years ld, good cholesterol, good blood pressure and my risk is 15%. And no, the nurse did not know why.................


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right. So, in the next ten years, your risk of having a cardiac incident is 18%, according to the calculator.

This is an interesting article on the calculator used: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/hea...edicts-when-you-will-have-a-heart-attack.html

Its a bit misleading as the calculator assumes all people of a certain age, regardless of their blood pressure or cholesterol level, will have some sort of cardiac incident, so reducing your cholesterol (if it is desirable or necessary) will probably not reduce the calculated risk by much.

As an aside, I have a high cholesterol result once and it proved to be due to me not having fasted before it, when all my others had been fasting tests.

I am 56 years ld, good cholesterol, good blood pressure and my risk is 15%. And no, the nurse did not know why.................
Thank you.
May be worth mentioning that I did the opposite and did lots of fasting! I had fasted for more than a month on one single meal a day in the month before to loose my middle weight in particular and bring my bgs down (it worked) and I ate an extra small meal the night before the tests as I was concerned that may affect the result if ate too much! It may have done but not in the way I expected! I think my body was being fuelled by my own fat and it may have affected my result? Who knows!
Thanks for reassurance re the cardiac risk I am now so much fitter, low bgs mainly about 4.4, low blood pressure,no more meds, lower weight and lots of exercise and think they should balance out the higher cholesterol stuff in reality as opposed to the risk calculators view.


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Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
Have you seen/read of anything by Malcolm Kendrick or Aseem Malhotra? Our own FatEmperor has a great lecture on youtube called 'The Cholesterol Conundrum'. All three are great sources.


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You could call your doc's bluff and ask if they are so worried could they send you for a CAC scan that actually looks at the calcium build up in your arteries. Then you and they will have a better picture of whether you may have atherosclerosis or not rather than using your cholesterol level as a (pretty bad) proxy.
I wondered this - presume result will initially come from DN who was the one who raised the concerns after last test but had already thought that I would ask to see dr if result still similar. I agree it would be a very useful thing to request a cac scan if they do have concerns. Thank you for your advice very useful.


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Have you seen/read of anything by Malcolm Kendrick or Aseem Malhotra? Our own FatEmperor has a great lecture on youtube called 'The Cholesterol Conundrum'. All three are great sources.
Will have a good watch/read the better informed I am the better I can interpret my next results. Thank you very much for your advice what would I do without this forum