Type of diabetes
Type 2
I went to see my consultant yesterday and we had a long discussion about how I can't tolerate certain medications because of my other medical conditions.

I have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowl syndrome, lactose intolerance, degenerative disc disease with 4 slipped discs and a crumbly spine, severe depression, severe ocd, anxiety and asthma.

I told her I was upset all the time as I'm only 41 and weigh 116kg, and have only managed to lose 5kg low carbing since last August. I feel like a bad mum as my kids are so ashamed to be seen with me. My problem is exercise as anything more than a 20 minute gentle walk a day triggers severe pain with my other conditions.

Shes putting me on a drug that makes me pee out excess glucose. She said it will help a little with weight but I should really consider gastric surgery to lose the weight since I struggle with exercise. My next appointment is August so I have time to consider it, but all I've heard on the internet is horror stories about how gastric surgery has ruined lives and people are unable to eat more than 2 biscuits for a meal etc.

I was just wondering if anyone here has had the operation done and how successful it was? how do you feel about it now would you still have it done in hindsight? and really important, what happens to all the excess skin? Obviously I want to lose the weight but I don't want to have masses off loose skin

Thanks for any replies


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi LPH. I can’t really comment on gastric surgery as my only encounter with it was during my first appt with my Gp at Type 2 diagnosis when he suggested that I might consider it. I was 115kg on diagnosis so very similar to you. I was put on Metformin which I realise might not suit you with having IBS and I eat low carbs. This has helped me lose over 32kg. I’m not writing this to gloat but to reassure you that I don’t have loose skin and I’m 15yrs older than you, so I expect your skin would just shrink back like mine has.
@ickihun is working towards gastric surgery so she may be able to help you more.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
wow ive begged for it. my bmi is just under 60 some folks are dead lucky we get 1/2 op per every other year. 3 year wait to get on the list now if private tomorrow with the same consultant.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hi LPH. I can’t really comment on gastric surgery as my only encounter with it was during my first appt with my Gp at Type 2 diagnosis when he suggested that I might consider it. I was 115kg on diagnosis so very similar to you. I was put on Metformin which I realise might not suit you with having IBS and I eat low carbs. This has helped me lose over 32kg. I’m not writing this to gloat but to reassure you that I don’t have loose skin and I’m 15yrs older than you, so I expect your skin would just shrink back like mine has.
@ickihun is working towards gastric surgery so she may be able to help you more.

Thanks for taking the time to reply and WOW, well done. Fantastic you must feel pretty good now?

I'll keep chipping away at the low carb and a daily walk until the time comes to make a decision. With any luck I'll have lost more weight, but I'm still interested to hear others experiences - knowledge is power


Type of diabetes
Type 2
wow ive begged for it. my bmi is just under 60 some folks are dead lucky we get 1/2 op per every other year. 3 year wait to get on the list now if private tomorrow with the same consultant.

Thats pretty rough, what area are you in? I'm in Lancashire but the doc said I'd have to go to stoke for some reason.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thanks for taking the time to reply and WOW, well done. Fantastic you must feel pretty good now?

I'll keep chipping away at the low carb and a daily walk until the time comes to make a decision. With any luck I'll have lost more weight, but I'm still interested to hear others experiences - knowledge is power

Keep at it, every little helps as they say. I have arthritis so exercise is difficult for me too, walking is about all I do (and swimming in the warm weather). I recently had an op on my foot so even walking is tricky at the moment :meh:


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Not done bariatric surgery but here is my 2 pence worth...
Well done on the 5kg loss with low carh! Is there some reason that you cannot continue down that road and lose more weight and by so doing probably improve your health overall?
Please don't assume you need to do lots of exercise to lose weight. Exercise is healthy but has never been shown to produce fat loss on its own. I work in the exercise world but still telly anyone who asks that diet is about 90% at least of success.
You do not sound as if you are ready for Bariatric surgery but do sound as ii you are not getting that much emotional support to consistently eat well? This should be a practical matter and not one of 'shame' and I am sad to hear you describe is this way . A podcast I have found really useful in the past (even though I am in a different type 1 boat to you) is Elizabeth Benton's Primal Potential series which has loads of very clear tactical and motivational advice and is geared towards a low carb approach. She is American though so if you do give it a go be prepared for the cultural differences!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi. Diet is the key to weight loss and exercise only has a fairly small effect. Low-carbing will normally be the best approach. Can you give us some idea of your meals to see if any of us can help tweak them?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
I went to see my consultant yesterday and we had a long discussion about how I can't tolerate certain medications because of my other medical conditions.

I have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowl syndrome, lactose intolerance, degenerative disc disease with 4 slipped discs and a crumbly spine, severe depression, severe ocd, anxiety and asthma.

I told her I was upset all the time as I'm only 41 and weigh 116kg, and have only managed to lose 5kg low carbing since last August. I feel like a bad mum as my kids are so ashamed to be seen with me. My problem is exercise as anything more than a 20 minute gentle walk a day triggers severe pain with my other conditions.

Shes putting me on a drug that makes me pee out excess glucose. She said it will help a little with weight but I should really consider gastric surgery to lose the weight since I struggle with exercise. My next appointment is August so I have time to consider it, but all I've heard on the internet is horror stories about how gastric surgery has ruined lives and people are unable to eat more than 2 biscuits for a meal etc.

I was just wondering if anyone here has had the operation done and how successful it was? how do you feel about it now would you still have it done in hindsight? and really important, what happens to all the excess skin? Obviously I want to lose the weight but I don't want to have masses off loose skin

Thanks for any replies
Most people get excess skins and currently the nhs dont remove it. Any chance you can fund it yourself if it becomes a problem to you?
I'm on list for op... Just cleared the tier3. They are hugely strict now. Many getting delayed til their mind is ready.
Many start losing weight on their own so continue alone.
I'm like you my mobility is affected so i was nearly bedridden last winter and was 3.5st heavier. (now 3st) suffering with constipation from codeine and a very heavy bloating. I hope to resolve before op.
Your concerns are all valid ones.
It may seem like swooping one problem to another. Myself I want to reduce my very very heavy insulin use. I feel its putting pressure on my heart. My heart is perfect so I want to keep it that way.... Permanently.
I want longevity and to see my grandchildren and maybe great grandchildren. My children are my world.

Im only 47yrs old and im no way being written off yet.
Mind u it's been mooted i may have fibromyalgia too. My a&e visit today has reenforced its possibility.
I want the op so i can move more and manage my diabetes easier and return to work. Oh and far less meds.
You may even get remission from your diabetes. How long have you had it and are you on insulin?

Geordie lass

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi Lisa

I've not been on this site for quite some time now, but lurk occasionally!! I was impelled to reply to your thread as I have had gastric surgery. So here is my personal experience of the gastric sleeve. I have had type 1 diabetes for 14 years now, no other medical issues. Currently on the insulin pump. The first 9 years of this condition I was in denial, ate what I wanted, didn't look after my diabetes, blah, blah! I was a healthy/ok weight prior to my diagnosis (5' 7", 12st), then after my diagnosis, my weight increased dramatically due to not looking after myself! My portion sizes grew out of control as the years went by, causing more weight gain, until in 2013 I was at my heaviest at 18.5st (115kgs). I got to the point where I struggled with daily activities. So, I enquired about gastric surgery (privately due to the NHS waiting times being too long for me to wait - I'm impatient!!) I had a consultation in March 2014 and booked my surgery for 23rd April 2014 in Leeds Nuffield. So, the operation went well; surgeon was fantastic! For 7 days prior to surgery I had to be on a milk & yoghurt diet to prepare my liver for surgery. I lost 5lbs doing this. Following surgery, I was on a liquid diet for 1 month, then pureed foods for the second month, then "soft food" (partly mashed) for another month, then normal eating after that. I lost weight pretty quickly and was advised that I would lose 65% of my excess weight within the first year. Well, this surgery was the best thing I've ever done! I did it to help me with my portion control mainly, but also to look after myself and my diabetes. Within the first 10 months I dropped from 18.5st/115kgs to 10.5st/66.6kgs! During this time though I did take up running again (used to be a keen runner in my twenties/thirties). I was 41 when I had my surgery. Following the first year I maintained my weight at a steady 10.5st, then I dropped another stone last year. Since my surgery I have followed a LCHF lifestyle to aid my diabetes and insulin levels. My portion sizes now are very small and continue to be small. I've heard many people have gained their weight back 5 years post surgery due to bad eating habits, but not me! I'm nearly 4 years post op now and am fanatical about my nutritional intake as well as looking after my diabetes. So, this surgery has absolutely worked for me, both with my weight and my diabetes. Hope this helps. Any questions, just ask :) Take care, M x
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Geordie lass

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Oh, and I forgot to mention (due to not having any!!) that I did not and do not have any loose skin - not sure if that is because I've always been a gym bunny all of my life and been very active with running, but after losing all 9 stone since surgery, my skin just sprung back as the fat left my body!! Quite amazing really! Mx
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I’ve been T1 since 2009 and over the last couple of years have been diabulemic. I had a lapband 13 years ago and it really hasn’t done anything for me. I’m currently 18 stone and can’t shift it. I’ve had an appointment with my old surgeon who says I qualify for either the bipass or sleeve..... I also have other complications including IBS, under active thyroid and fybomyalgia. I have spoken it over with my husband and he is very supportive: I’m hoping to have it in the summer.