Coffee has never had any detectable impact on my blood sugar. I would suggest focusing on all the other things that certainly do increase blood sugar...while drinking a nice coffee.
Exactly, and the one thing that increases blood sugar which is not targeted and focused upon sadly by the Medical Professional is Insulin Resistance, for goodness sake wake up Diabetes world, when are you going to treat the CAUSE which is INsulin Resistance, instead of the SYMPTOM, which is High Sugars, which are actually caused by the Insulin Resistance.
Best way to do this, eat keto low carb, exercise walk walk and more walk, and intermittent fast min 4 days a week its so easy.
Coffee, I agree despite what the so called experts recommend, if drank natural, no sugar or milk, does not make any difference I like yourself, although only pre diabetic, does not raise sugars, infact, I dont even test my fingers, daily, only three monthly, and the proof of drinking coffee not affecting levels, is my numbers are more or less the same, and consistent with only one number up or down, so its not a good day, luck of the draw, but a space of three months, and drinking coffee inbetween, results, in little or no difference on my levels, fasting, random any time after breakfast and or 2 hour after eat...all normal normal normal....
I agree with you!