Gliclazide and Naproxen


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Tablets (oral)
Hi, can you help at all?

I have recently had a bad viral cold/flu type infection which has left me with what the doctor termed as Acute Arthritis. He said it should improve as the virus leaves my system but he prescribed 500mg Naproxen for the pain, all of my finger joints are sore and swollen.

Anyway I take 80mg of Gliclazide twice a day, and last night after taking my first dose I had a hypo. I've not really had one before but I went slightly drunk and was sweating loads feeling very spaced out, I tested my blood sugar and it was 2.9 so I had some carby foods and felt better within about twenty minutes to half an hour.

I have done a little web searching at it does say that some NSAIDs can increase the effects of Gliclazide. Is this true? If so how can the same doctor who is treating me for Diabetes prescribe this?

I am quite recently diagnosed, and had fasting bloods of 17-19mmol but with better diet and Gliclazide my sugars are normally between 4-6mmol which is an amazing improvement but 2.9 was not pleasant.

Anyway I took my meds this morning before reading that there might be a connection so will be careful today.


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Hi. I can't comment on the effects of Naproxen with Glicalzide but it does sound that you may need to review your Gliclazide dosage with your GP and halve it if you sugars are still so low after the virus has receded? A sugar level between 4-6 mmol is extremely good and perhaps doesn't need so much medication?
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A relative of mine had to reduce their Gliclazide whilst taking Naproxen, as it reduced their blood sugar too much, so I'd contact your gp, and explain you've had a hypo. In the meantime, keep a careful eye on your blood sugar levels.


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hypos and forum bugs
A relative of mine had to reduce their Gliclazide whilst taking Naproxen, as it reduced their blood sugar too much, so I'd contact your gp, and explain you've had a hypo. In the meantime, keep a careful eye on your blood sugar levels.
Interesting and informative post but you should be aware that the original post in this thread is in 2012, so I'm pretty sure that the OP will have seen her GP by now....
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Thanks @EllieM There was a new post after Daibell which is now missing, and I replied to that, not realising that the original post was 2012.
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