Govt - Self Testing NoNo - for attention Admin


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Grumpy folks and taking tablets
Please could you advise whether or not we could set up a petition on this site for members to sign up to and then send the petition to the govt.

Thank you


Heard on the news today that the government thinks self testing causes depression and anxiety (and too much money). When will they take heed of people that have diabetes - we want to control our BG not wait for it to get worse and have other complications.

Val :x :x

sugarless sue

Rude people! Not being able to do the things I want to do.
Re: Govt - Self Testing NoNo

I nearly choked on my dinner when I heard this!!Just another way for them to get out of paying for test strips.Instead of penalising diabetics,perhaps they should be asking the pharmacy giants why test strips are so expensive!!


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Re: Govt - Self Testing NoNo

This is down to the cost of test strips and equipment on the NHS.
It has nothing to do with what's right or wrong with diabetic care - it's all about saving money.
You can't have it both ways. If you cut down on testing then control will suffer and long term
complications will increase, which in turn will cost the NHS money.

Common sense isn't that common anymore.


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Re: Govt - Self Testing NoNo

Well said SarahQ. This is shocking and completely indefensible.

Can I suggest we compose a letter to Alan Johnson, the NHS Chief Exec., and NICE presenting a consensus of concerned patients and carers? These news stories are often circulated in order to gauge popular opinion initially and I think we should make our opinion count. Otherwise, inaction from people like us can be perceived as acceptance.

Mind you, as a type 1, I get all the strips I want so, worst case scenario, I'll be open to cash offers from the rest of you. Ha!

All the best,



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Re: Govt - Self Testing NoNo

I wonder how long it will be until someone in government suggests withdrawing free prescriptions for type 2s altogether? I can see it happening.


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Re: Govt - Self Testing NoNo

I seem to remember that the original 2002 NICE guidelines referred to a trial in Northern Ireland that concluded that there was no benefit in self monitoring. Obviously the one being referred to here. In the various consultation papers that prededed the new 2008 NICE guidelines for Type 2s this study was mentioned several times and it was concluded that for a number of reasons (I can't remember the detail) the study was misleading, the results had been misinterpreted, etc, so the NI study findings were ignored in reaching the conclusion that Type 2s should be encouraged to self test.

Strange that the BBC should now be digging up an old study that has already been discredited by NICE. Is there an agenda here that we are not being told about?


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Re: Govt - Self Testing NoNo

Hi Fergus

It would be good if everyone that uses this site would sign a petition. Any ideas on how we could get a petition on this site for people to sign and then send if off to Alan Johnson. Any chance of adminstrator putting a form on?



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Re: Govt - Self Testing NoNo

Dennis, after being advised to only test once or twice a week by one of the GPs at my clinic, I received a panic 'phone call from my own doctor when the results of the last HB1AC test were received; dangerously low at 4.3

Since then, I've been able to get as many strips as I feel necessary. Maybe a few people will have to die from hypos before this nonsense stops.

sugarless sue

Rude people! Not being able to do the things I want to do.
Re: Govt - Self Testing NoNo

I seem to remember you can put a petition on the number 10 website.


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Re: Govt - Self Testing NoNo

The article mentioned testing should used for insulin users- not just type 1 diabetics.

This paper in the BMJ is annoying- it is an audit and not research. It does not measure quality of care or processes , just a few outcomes. This is not hypothesis testing. Over the last 18 months since diagnosis, my diabetic state has not been stable. My A1c has one from 13% to 5.9% with significant increases in insulin dosing to obtain that A1C. This study seems to measure the inadequacy of obtaining ideal sugar control in a small sample in one small area over a short time. It certainly does not measure the efficacy of BS measurement in non insulin users. It seems the authors are blaming the poor patients rather than their own diabetic services.

It will however be used by PCTs to justify cost control measures for non insulin users.

The depression angle is interesting. My diabetic nurse has just done her PhD on depression and diabetes. One affects the other. I don't know why a simple skin prick test wouyld make you depressed. Complications are devastating. Maybe there needs to be more specialist support for diabetics in understanding testing.

I find myself laughing at the thought of my late type 2 grandmother testing herself and giving a **** about about it.

sugarless sue

Rude people! Not being able to do the things I want to do.
Re: Govt - Self Testing NoNo

Personally I would be more depressed if I couldn't test! The thought of having to wait 3 months for an Hba1c to see if I was doing it right would drive me mental. I think I would be asking for a weekly Hba1c in that case!So if your sugars are high for a whole 3 months what kind of damage will that be causing? I'm sure it's cheaper to have test strips than treat someone in hospital for diabetic-related illnesses.


Re: Govt - Self Testing NoNo

I agree Sue. I've just posted elsewhere that I've just received a letter today from my surgery saying I can only have strips for testing twice a week. :x
When I was first diagnosed (a year ago) I was told not to bother testing, the nurse would test me once a year. Thank goodness I'm sensible enough to ignore that advice. Mind you, I was also told not to worry about what I ate - "just be sensible".
Just about to write a letter of complaint to the practice, not that I expect anything to be done.


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Re: Govt - Self Testing NoNo

You had better believe it- any GP that has diabetes (any variety) will not be limited to 100 test strips a year for themselves. (Just as GPs with sciatica all seem to get morphine, the general population gets paracetamol....)


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Re: Govt - Self Testing NoNo

Test strips are on my repeat prescription. No problem.


Active Member
Re: Govt - Self Testing NoNo

Hi All, I get strips on repeat 50 strps per month at the moment, but oviously this can change.
The point I would like to make is being a driver it is Law to check BG's before driving and on a regular basis for long journey's, how can we test if we don't get strips?
And as others have pointed out it is better to control than to burden the NHS with an influx of patients in hospital with Diabetic complications.
Is it possible to have a poll on here to see which areas are not getting a good service for Diabetics of course it will show the good ones as well, as it does seem to be a postcode lottery as in many things relating to health. :?:
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Re: Govt - Self Testing NoNo

IanD said:
Test strips are on my repeat prescription. No problem.

Mine have been on repeat prescription too, until Monday when I received a letter from the surgery saying I can only have 100 a year from now on. :x


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Re: Govt - Self Testing NoNo

Jay said:
IanD said:
Test strips are on my repeat prescription. No problem.

Mine have been on repeat prescription too, until Monday when I received a letter from the surgery saying I can only have 100 a year from now on. :x

HELP :twisted:

Any advice on when to use them :?: What happens when you continue to use them for a daily fasting reading, & you run out :?:

A locum Dr did tell me I did not need to test every day, as she issued the prescription.

I do act on the readings, though not in the way T1s do. When my fasting readings go above 7, I know something is wrong. It may indicate a worsening of the condition, or be the cause of other problems. I increased my evening MetF to 2 tablets. We need statistical rather than occasional readings to maintain our control.


Re: Govt - Self Testing NoNo

SarahQ said:
Jay said:
IanD said:
Test strips are on my repeat prescription. No problem.

Mine have been on repeat prescription too, until Monday when I received a letter from the surgery saying I can only have 100 a year from now on. :x

You need to go along to your surgery and point out that once the vial of strips are opened they need to used within 3 mths (One Touch) I have just read the leaflet with my test strips.
But What you need to do is sit down and write to your GP and tell him why you are testing and the benefit that YOU get from it also cc to health minister. Point out the revelent NICE guide lines while you are at it.
Also point out the complications you are trying to avoid and ask who is going to pay the cost of the complications that could have been avoided in the 1st place.

I've written to the practice manager, but if I don't receive a satisfactory reply I will be making an appointment to see the diabetic specialist doctor at the surgery (who's not my doctor by the way).
I must check the use by information on the strips, mine are Accu-Check Aviva. Thanks for that tip.


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Dear All,

Just wanted to let everyone know that I have not ignored this, just trying to work through the logistics of implementing a petition, and also hosting a poll of national diabetes health care ratings.

My thinking on this is if we could get a collection of signatures (including some statements as to why self-testing is essential for some diabetics) we can then present it to the government.

Would people be interested in us doing this, as we want to use this site for the benefit of the community and if possible for positive social change.

Look forward to hearing some responses,

