Healthy Fat, or not?



Nothing wrong with saturated fat. It’s the most stable kind both inside and outside your body :)


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I hear you. For roasting I prefer goose or duck fat but the cost means that lard is used more often.
Seems likely I will be buying lard once we get settled, for now have got enough new and strange ingredients to get used to.
Also Mr Slim Does not like me cooking with butter, he prefers oil. Cannot imagine what he would say about lard. Probably nothing complimentary.


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I am like you in that respect.
@Listlad We may have different reasons, for me, have had difficuty digesting fat, so have to be very careful how much is in my diet.
What is your reason?


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@Listlad We may have different reasons, for me, have had difficuty digesting fat, so have to be very careful how much is in my diet.
What is your reason?
I have been advised against eating a lot of fat in the past. But as a kid I hated fat on meat anyway. My wife eats fat well cooked though and so I know that I like it on bacon as long as it’s crispy for example.

Eating lard is just an alien concept for me and cannot at the moment bring myself to eat it. I know in bygone years lard and dripping etc was consumed more readily but I grew up in a later era where we cut the fat off our bacon, ate it lean and did the same with other meats, avoided frying where grilling could be applied instead.

I am eating more fat now in an attempt to comply with the needs of a LCHF diet but eating lard is another thing entirely :D

Also I have no gall bladder now so I am not sure how far I can go eating fat.
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Ghee doesn't burn like butter does, so I use it more for frying these days - adds a lovely nutty flavour to my stir fried/egg fried cauliflower rice


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well it was meant to be that one, obviously the one i have was shelved incorrectly above that pricetag. Disappointing as i paid £4.50 for 500g. Still it is unopened as I took Jim Lahey's tip and used coconut oil last night for my stirfry. The unopened can will be returned to store. thanks Jim.

Actually, having looked more closely at the £4 a kilo version, its PALM OIL, not butter. So keeping the one in the cupboard.
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All this talk about ghee - I shall look out for it in the Asian stores.


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I have been advised against eating a lot of fat in the past. But as a kid I hated fat on meat anyway. My wife eats fat well cooked though and so I know that I like it on bacon as long as it’s crispy for example.

Eating lard is just an alien concept for me and cannot at the moment bring myself to eat it. I know in bygone years lard and dripping etc was consumed more readily but I grew up in a later era where we cut the fat off our bacon, ate it lean and did the same with other meats.

I am eating more fat now in an attempt to comply with the needs of a LCHF diet but eating lard is another thing entirely :D

Also I have no gall bladder now so I am not sure how far I can go eating fat.
For me the biggest argument in favour of lard is Lardy cakes, but ofc without the bread , sugar and currants would be pure lard and disgusting.


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All this talk about ghee - I shall look out for it in the Asian stores.[/QUOTE
You should be able to find in most supermarkets. Not sure if the prices would be better though.
then again, any excuse to browse in asian food stores is a good one ;)


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ok guys, I have another question, should it be a new thread?


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well it was meant to be that one, obviously the one i have was shelved incorrectly above that pricetag. Disappointing as i paid £4.50 for 500g. Still it is unopened as I took Jim Lahey's tip and used coconut oil last night for my stirfry. The unopened can will be returned to store. thanks Jim.

Thats good as the one I pictured is palm oil and not "butter ghee".

Screenshot 2019-02-21 at 12.47.02.png


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You mean the era in which the obesity and metabolic meltdown epidemic began? :D
Possibly, yes. :D

I was sat down eating my cooked breakfast in the hotel yesterday, going out of my way to eat a good portion of bacon with some fat on it. On th table next to me a mother was talking to her son about cutting the fat off his bacon as it was bad for him. Maybe I should have asked them if I could eat it? :D
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Possibly, yes. :D

I was sat down eating my cooked breakfast in the hotel yesterday, going out of my way to eat a good portion of bacon with some fat on it. On th table next to me a mother was talking to her son about cutting the fat of his bacon as it was bad for him. Maybe I should have asked them if I could eat it? :D
I probably would have.. and probably told the mother she was talking c**p as well.. but I'm like that...


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we will shortly be living on one pension between two people, so simply cannot afford to be eating half a pack of cheese/nuts/ham as a snack, or dousing everything in cream. Esp as even this has failed to halt the weight loss.

SlimLizzy - to be honest, I just don't think your eating enough, by a long way. On a LC diet, I need to get 2000+ calories a day inside me. On moderately active days 2500. I'm 160cm tall and yesterday weighed 47kg, so I'm not a big package.

My weight has dipped a bit, as I acclimatise to being in the heat and adapting to locally available foodstuffs. There's plenty available, it's just getting the mix right here.

When I needed to regain weight I lost post-surgery a couple of years ago, I was piling in over 3000 calories a day to hold my own, and even then the NP was right to tell me it'd take a couple of months to regain the couple of kilos I'd lost.


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SlimLizzy - to be honest, I just don't think your eating enough, by a long way. On a LC diet, I need to get 2000+ calories a day inside me. On moderately active days 2500. I'm 160cm tall and yesterday weighed 47kg, so I'm not a big package.

My weight has dipped a bit, as I acclimatise to being in the heat and adapting to locally available foodstuffs. There's plenty available, it's just getting the mix right here.

hello @DCUKMod, Last few days has been unusually low calories, have a horrid cold and appetite is considerably diminished as a result. Previously though, spent several weeks trying to eat more, up to 2k calories. Eating just to get more calories. All I got there was indigestion and then a resurgence of IBS. Meaning several days not wanting to eat much at all. Am coming to the conclusion it will balance out in the end.
What you say about locally available foodstuffs rings a bell, soon will be shopping in Normandy. Meanwhile am managing to increase the fat content little by little.
Ofc now I am filling up on cabbage and leeks instead of potaoes and peas, calorie content is lower, even as plate appears to be piled higher.


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To be honest, when I a man in a need to gain phase, I have to look on it as a job of work. Yes, eating does lose some pleasure in those circumstances, but not as much as becoming ill due to malnourishment or starvation.

Over th Christmas, after my surgery, I was having things like Irish coffees (decaf), just get get the calories in, in the evenings. Food wasn't always about the most beautiful plate or presentation, but about nutrient and calorie dense meals.

France, in my experience is a total dawdle as far as eating is concerned. Lots of good quality meats, decent fowl, game and dairy. Where I am now, the meat is decent enough quality but packaging can be a bit of a nightmare to work out; even on simple things like yoghurt, but I'll get by.


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