Hello everyone, here's my story


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hello everyone, here's my story. I was diagnosed with. mild diabetes about 6 years ago. Metformin didn't agree with me. Started on Diamicron. MR 30 milligrams which made me very hungry. And so I put on more weight. Recently I've started. sitagliptin I think it's called Jenovia. My blood. work is pretty normal. Hemoglobin a 1 (c) is 5.8. My main problem is how to lose weight. I love eating good food. Physically I am quite active


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi @kuddoo & welcome to the forum:)
Have a read around the threads & posts and any questions just ask p, we’re a friendly bunch, I’m T2 diet only and have lost a lot of weight over the years doing a low carb diet, if you decide that may be something for you then there’s lots of info & lots of members with experience, if you scroll down in my signature you’ll see some links that may be helpful to you, including how carbs can impact our blood sugars
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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hello everyone, here's my story. I was diagnosed with. mild diabetes about 6 years ago. Metformin didn't agree with me. Started on Diamicron. MR 30 milligrams which made me very hungry. And so I put on more weight. Recently I've started. sitagliptin I think it's called Jenovia. My blood. work is pretty normal. Hemoglobin a 1 (c) is 5.8. My main problem is how to lose weight. I love eating good food. Physically I am quite active
Hi Kuddoo,
Well, diet would be one method to drop weight... And before you roll your eyes, I adore good food. I mean, a good meal can make me tear up. I like bacon and eggs. Salmon. Steak. That sort of thing. And yay, those fit perfectly well into a low carb diet. The HbA1c of 5.8 means exactly nothing to me and it's not in a unit I understand, and I seem to be entirely incapable of finding a way to get it switched to something I do get, sorry. Google isn't helping, this morning. But https://josekalsbeek.blogspot.com/2019/11/the-nutritional-thingy.html should help some when it comes to understanding the whole low carb thing, if you're willing to have a read. Do be careful with the meds you're on as if you do go low carb, you might hypo.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I'm another who loves good food and lost loads of weight on low carb, which I extended to keto from choice - low carb works perfectly well for most so no need to go the whole hog with keto unless you want to. I eat to hunger, i.e. if I'm not hungry I don't eat, and if I am, I eat enough to stop the hunger, which quite without effort means I only eat once or twice a day. I thoroughly recommend you give it a try, with the caveat that weight loss isn't linear - there will be times when you lose it and times when your loss flatlines temporarily. You will need to save up for new clothes!


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
If your HbA1c is currently 5.8% on medication that equates to around 40-41mmol/l, which would be a normal BG level for an HbA1c test in the UK.