Holy Whackamoley



My Uncle Norris has been a vicar for as far back as I can remember in terms of years. His parish is in a forgotten leafy backwater in Surrey. Sadly in the past few years he has become very cynical about mankind and the me, me me culture that appears to grown up all too quickly around him. 3 weeks ago on Sunday morning after his service he found himself wandering aimlessly through a meadow with a stream running through the middle of it that he treats as his own little piece of heaven on earth in his oarish. On this particular Sunday he stopped below a very large, very old willow tree to see a small child sat against the bough. She was about 8 years old and was reading from the King James Bible. He stopped and spoke to her 'My oh my, you are a very pretty child. How old are you and what is your name?' The little girl responded in a very sweet voice 'Well reverend, I am 8 years old and my name is Petal' My uncle responded 'That is a very pretty name for a very pretty child. It is s most unusual name. Where did you get it from?' The child answered 'Well reverend about 9 years ago my mummy was pregnant and was just about to give birth to me. She was sat under this very same tree, reading from this very same bible with my daddy and they were trying to pick a name for me. A gentle breeze blew and a petal fell from a flower on the tree as the tree was in bloom. My mummy said 'It is a sign from God. We must nane our child Petal'. My uncle was overcome with raw emotion. His faith in human nature fully and instantly restored. He wiped a tear from his eye as he responded 'Child, you have given me a very precious gift and returned to an old man his faith in mankind. I can never thank you enough. I hope you don't mind me saying but that's a very funny little dog you have with you. What's his name? ' The child's blue eyes sparkled as she replied 'Well reverend his name is Porky' My uncle raised a wry smile and replied 'That's a very funny name for your funny little dog. How did he get his name? ' The child smiled and responded 'Well reverend he humps pigs'
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