Hovis bread changed carbs..


Some of you may be aware that Hovis has changed its recipe recently, and its branding slightly. (the best of both one at least)

Well, obviously it's been done to save money. Thieving buggers.
I was eating it for breakfast this morning, and thought the slices looked a little smaller. So I checked the packaging for carb content.
Its not a big change, but each slice has gone from 17g to 15g of cho. Having bolused for 3 of these (V hungry this am) that could be enough to give me a hypo...
No massive problem. Its just extremely frustrating to me when companies make these changes... Esp when it's clearly to save money..

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Re: Hovis bread changed carbs..

When I used to attend Slimming World we were given a good tip. Anytime the packaging changes on a product, but sure to check the nutritional info as companies usually change their recipe when there is a revamp of the packaging. :wink: