I'm newly diagnosed type 2


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Ive been on here for over a year when my husband was diagnosed type 2 .
I went to the doctors last Wednesday as i just felt run down and I know its gross but i had a boil that wouldn't clear up , I had a urine sample taken and it confirmed glucose then i had a finger prick test and that was 12.8 . My doctor had a blood test done and sent it off that day , he called me at 6 that evening and said that i am diabetic and it is early stage as i have regular testing .
I've had more blood work done for the cholesterol kidney and HC 1 whatever its called and waiting for that to come back .
As some of you may know from a previous thread my husband didn't want to have the retinal screening at the NHS centre and opted for the opticians test , we now know that the camera our opticians uses is exactly the same and has the same technology , I suffer from panic and anxiety disorder and told my doctor i won't be going to NHS screening but will go to the optician i use as it is the same camera and he said that is fine i don't want you to panic .

I received an appointment for the NHS screening eye test yesterday but i will write and let them know I am using my own opticians .

My doctor is confident I can cure this by losing weight and yes he did say (cure) and said my diabetes is only mild , I know many frown upon the word (cure) and (mild) but I'm confident my doctor knows what he is talking about , I am on a diet lowering my calories and carbs and since last Wednesday i have lost 9lbs . It's probably more than that now but I won't weigh myself until next Monday now .

I need to lose 4-5 stones and I hope to keep it off .
Being diagnosed with diabetes somehow changes your way of thinking you have a reason for eating differently and it is something that isn't there when you are not diabetic its like you have a determination to help yourself and rid yourself of this condition .

I know there are many on here that say there is no cure for diabetes - but I am believing that i can do this and believe i will be cured , I also know that many say we just reverse the symptoms but I know of people who are taken off the diabetic register which to me means they no longer have diabetes . I want to be one of those people i want to be taken off the diabetic register .

I know this won't be easy but I want to turn this around .



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Diet only
You most certainly can make a big difference with dedication, effort and regular testing of your levels after meals in order to find out what foods you can tolerate.

Reversal, cure, whatever you want to call it, the important thing is to get it under control and keep it under control which for many with the right approach is absolutely achievable.

Good luck, you'll be fine if you stick to the plan I'm sure.
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You most certainly can make a big difference with dedication, effort and regular testing of your levels after meals in order to find us what foods you can tolerate.

Reversal, cure, whatever you want to call it, the important thing is to get it under control and keep it under control which for many with the right approach is absolutely achievable.

Good luck, you'll be fine if you stick to the plan I'm sure.

Thank you very much I'm encouraged :)


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Type 2
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Diet only
Hi @WackyJacky64
Sorry to hear that you now joined the club yourself and I wish you all the best. My GP obviously doesn't agree that diabetes can be reversed as when I asked what was the criteria for coming off the diabetic register he told me it wasn't possible, He did say I had excellent control. I would love to see some national guidelines that GP's would stick to. At least your GP seems to think it is possible.

I worked on diet, weight loss and exercise.
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Hi @WackyJacky64
Sorry to hear that you now joined the club yourself and I wish you all the best. My GP obviously doesn't agree that diabetes can be reversed as when I asked what was the criteria for coming off the diabetic register he told me it wasn't possible, He did say I had excellent control. I would love to see some national guidelines that GP's would stick to. At least your GP seems to think it is possible.

I worked on diet, weight loss and exercise.

Thanks , I think its a positive thing and if we are told we won't get better that makes us feel useless - but i was very shocked when my doctor told me I can be cured as i haven't heard of that before . He was very confident so if the cure is there for me its there for you too :)
PS there are people who come off the register - I've even read of a member on here that has come off the register .


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Type 2
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Thanks , I think its a positive thing and if we are told we won't get better that makes us feel useless - but i was very shocked when my doctor told me I can be cured as i haven't heard of that before . He was very confident so if the cure is there for me its there for you too :)
PS there are people who come off the register - I've even read of a member on here that has come off the register .

When I was first diagnosed it was reading about the "Newcastle diet" and the research being done (still ongoing) by Prof Roy Taylor that gave me hope. His view was that reducing the fat round the pancreas and liver would have a positive effect on reducing blood sugars. I didn't do the Newcastle diet but did lose all the weight I needed to. I would love to say mine has been reversed but all I can say my last 4 HbA1c's have all been in the non-diabetic range. I am well aware of people on this website who have come off the register. For me having normal blood sugars is more important but it would be nice to lose the label "diabetic"
A lot of people on here have had very successful results from low carb which might help you.
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Diet only
If you eat low carb then your blood glucose levels will normalise quite quickly - weight loss will follow if you go on with the same way of eating, but it has not been the case with me - I have seen my blood glucose levels drop to almost normal, and they are still going down. I can honestly tell you that it has been no bother at all to stick to the diet, it is far more enjoyable than the more carb heavy diet considered 'healthy' by my doctor.
I might still be diabetic, but I have no symptoms, low blood glucose even after meals - I'm doing fine.


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If you eat low carb then your blood glucose levels will normalise quite quickly - weight loss will follow if you go on with the same way of eating, but it has not been the case with me - I have seen my blood glucose levels drop to almost normal, and they are still going down. I can honestly tell you that it has been no bother at all to stick to the diet, it is far more enjoyable than the more carb heavy diet considered 'healthy' by my doctor.
I might still be diabetic, but I have no symptoms, low blood glucose even after meals - I'm doing fine.

I'm doing low carb , I'm finding it hard to know what to eat though because we're on a budget and can't buy a lot of special foods.

Is there a low carb pasta because i love that lol

Did you take statins to lower your cholesterol because i know mine will come back over 6 as it was 6.1 fifteen years ago but i won't take statins I've seen the damage they did to my dad .
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Type 2
Jacky, all power to you! My doctor said I had type 2, then he took that back to 'prediabetes' after some months of heavy dieting- I went from 16 stone to 12 on low-carb. Your budget should be OK -I spend a lot less on food now than I used to. Greens are cheap, eggs are cheap, and I buy cheap fish like frozen mackerel fillets.
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Jacky, all power to you! My doctor said I had type 2, then he took that back to 'prediabetes' after some months of heavy dieting- I went from 16 stone to 12 on low-carb. Your budget should be OK -I spend a lot less on food now than I used to. Greens are cheap, eggs are cheap, and I buy cheap fish like frozen mackerel fillets.

Thanks that's what i have been eating plenty of veg chicken I love fish so is haddock okay on low carb. Do you ever have any treats lol . One thing i miss is my coffee with one sugar . Can you eat bacon on low carb ? sorry for the questions .

Well you have given me hope i aim to lose 4-5 stone :)


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Bacon is fine as well as sausages eggs mushrooms so treat yourself to cooked breakfast. Easy on beans or toast. Lidl high protein rolls found in bakery bit make a great alternative to bread at 10 g of carbs each. Morrisons are doing their own high protein bread which is lowish. Waitrose sell one by livlife which is uber low.
As a treat whip up some cream and mascarpone with a little erythritol and swirl a few berries through it. Lindt 70%choc is also nice in small quantities.
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Grumpy bosses!
Go for coffee with single or double cream. Sweeteners are fine - try to get use Stevia (Aldi's are the cheapest).
One of my favourites are scrambled eggs made with a dash of single cream and bacon lardons mixed up. Yum!
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Thanks that's what i have been eating plenty of veg chicken I love fish so is haddock okay on low carb. Do you ever have any treats lol . One thing i miss is my coffee with one sugar . Can you eat bacon on low carb ? sorry for the questions .

Well you have given me hope i aim to lose 4-5 stone :)

Bacon definitely ok.. green veg is good but starchy veg less so... stuff that grows underground is higher in carbs. I eat cream, butter,eggs all meats and fish green veg and salad. Frozen berries (usually less pricey) with some double cream on top kind of freezes like ice cream. I have double cream in my coffee every day and find i don't need sugar.. maybe give it a try.
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well I'm chuffed with these replies, we have a cooked breakfast each morning nearly with bacon mushrooms and we sue butter too , but i want to lose weight so will need to go steady on the butter . I will try the coffee with cream .

Thank you everyone :)
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Diet only
By cutting out the carbs almost entirely I have lost 7 stone.. so you might not have to worry too much about the butter..I don't.
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@WackyJacky64 I know what you mean about prices. Those things that are not good for us enjoy farming subsidies, and some of the alternatives are more expensive. I mash a cauliflower now instead of potatoes for example. However, when you get into this (not yet) you will find that you will be able to skip a meal or two, and when you do that its free!
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Diet only
You don't get fat by eating fat - it is the carbs which are stored as fat, so by removing them you should find it easier to lower weight.
To make something like noodles people buy gadgets which cut things like courgettes into strips or spirals and cook with those. There is no need to try to replace high carb options really - I just eat the good stuff - make a mix of beef mince with onion mushrooms sweet peppers, whatever - and don't even think about having pasta on my plate.
I do eat quite a bit of bacon but I (and all the family) boil it for a minute to remove the salt and soluble preservatives then sieve it out and fry it with the rest of the foods - I think it is a lot nicer that way - you can taste the bacon rather than everything being salty.
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Tablets (oral)
Grumpy bosses!
cinnamon in full fat greek yoghurt is good as a dessert - with a bit of high cocoa chocolate grated over.
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I was diagnosed with a blood sugar of 55 4 months ago can anyone tell me what it has done to my body i have neuropathy i have got it down a lot usually around the 10 mark sometimes 7 lots of hard work with food and most people dont understand and think you can get rid of it just like a cold but i have been on a desmond session and was told you can never get rid of it because once you get it and your pancreas doent produce enough insulin that cant be reversed i am not overweifgt i was very active and it annoys me reading articles in the paper saying it is a lifestyle problem not a disease i am t2 and 61 not history in the famioly no one can tell me how i got it