Just diagnosed type 2


Hi I have just been diagnosed Diabetes Type 2 this week have been given Metaformin twice a day and also tablets for high cholesterol once a day as well, have also been taking High blood pressure tablets for the last year once a day.

Basically I was told that I have it and I would be sent information on going on a 6 week course explaining everything, I phoned up today and they can't get me in until end of October. Basically I was just sort of told to get on with it and eat nothing with sugar in it and get more blood tests in 3 months time to see how I am going.

Been reading about people taking there blood sugar readings, I wasn't told about this so assume I haven't go to to do it. But basically what I want to know do I just eat nothing with sugar in it, and hopefully it will go done. Bit lost actually on information!


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi Nicky and welcome to the forum
First here is some useful information for newbies:
Next it would be wise to get your exact results for both blood sugar and cholesterol, you are entitled to them. Ask your surgery for a print out or on line access. We can help you interpret the results if you’re stuck. You will then know the extent of your diabetes and cholesterol levels. Just a little note, you need to consider carefully whether you need the cholesterol drugs as some increase your blood sugars which isn’t very helpful for diabetics.
Most newly diagnosed type 2s here use a low carbohydrate diet to get their blood sugar levels down. Carbohydrates turn to sugar as soon as you’ve eaten them. Here’s some info on that:
https://www.dietdoctor.com/low-carb You don’t need to subscribe, there is loads of info available for free.
Lastly most of us self test to check which foods suit us and which don’t. We can help you with info on affordable meters, it is common for Type 2s not to be prescribed them unfortunately.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi. Getting a meter will help you understand what foods affect you most but as a T2 you will need to buy your own. Make sure you are being given statins for the right reason. Statins are not a diabetes drug and should be prescribed when your various lipids ratios are out of range measured by a fasting blood test; also if you have family history of heart issues. GPs can be a bit cavalier with statins and there are side effects for some people. BTW sugar is a carbohydrate so you need to control all carbs and not just sugar.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Some more links to get you started. I agree that you should do some research before deciding on the statins. Most especially check what all your various cholesterol levels are and make sure there’s a good reason to take them. Many drs don’t go into enough details and only look at totals.

Can I suggest you take a good look at LCHF ie low carb higher fat (then typically recommended not blocks of lard high!) methods of eating (keto is just a version of this). It helps many of us lose significant amounts of weight, if desired, keep our numbers down and for some even eliminate medications and achieve remission and reduce or improve complications. Try clicking these links for more detailed explanations that are well worth readings

https://www.diabetes.co.uk/forum/blog/jokalsbeek.401801/ for info including low carb made simple

And https://www.diabetes.co.uk/forum/category/success-stories-and-testimonials.43/ to show it really works and for motivation

and https://www.diabetes.co.uk/forum/threads/what-have-you-eaten-today.75781/ for food ideas

also https://www.dietdoctor.com/ for more food ideas and general info of carb content of foods. Lots of other websites for recipes out there too. Just use the term low carb or keto with whatever you fancy.

Also it’s very important to be able to check for yourself what’s happening so you can make the necessary adjustments day to day and meal by meal rather than wait 3, 6 or even 12 months and then have no idea what had what effect. Getting a blood glucose meter is the only way to do this (no matter what contradictory advice you may have heard - it’s usually budget based rather than anything more scientific). Please ask if you want any guidance on this.

IMPORTANT FOR ANYONE ON MEDS CONSIDERING LOWERING CARBS: if you lower your carbs then any glucose lowering meds may need to be adjusted accordingly to make sure you aren’t taking more than your new diet requires. It can cause a hypo if you have more gliclazide or insulin etc (this is not relevant for metformin on its own) than your new carb intake requires. Keep a close eye on your numbers and do this with your dr’s knowledge. Please don’t be put off by an ill informed out dated rubbishing of low carb diets or being told you should eat carbs to match meds, it should be the other way around.
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Thank you all, really appreciate the information, will have a good read. He told me my cholesterol was 10 so that is why I need to take the tablets. Will try and find out why my Diabetes level is.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Thank you all, really appreciate the information, will have a good read. He told me my cholesterol was 10 so that is why I need to take the tablets. Will try and find out why my Diabetes level is.

Cholesterol is made up of various things, and you need the full breakdown. The figure of 10 is high, but until you know how this is made up it is pretty meaningless. You need the HDL, the LDL, and the triglycerides. You would be wise to get the print outs. If you ring the receptionist she will most likely print it off for you. It is also good to know your liver and kidney function results - these are also important for us, and if they were tested they will also be on the print outs. If you live in England, it is likely your test results will be available on-line. You could also ask about this and how to register for this service.
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Hi Bought a meter and my first reading was 15.9 how do I know what it should be, this seems very high? I haven't eaten anything with sugar in since the beginning of the week but have had some carbs.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi Bought a meter and my first reading was 15.9 how do I know what it should be, this seems very high? I haven't eaten anything with sugar in since the beginning of the week but have had some carbs.
It's the carbs. Plus, it takes a little while to get bloodsugars down. But yeah, that's high. You should aim for between 4.5 and 8.5. Those are normal numbers. If you test before a meal and 2 hours after the first bite, you shouldn't go up more than 2.0 mmol/l between those two pricks. If you can keep that up the overall numbers 'll go down too. (Fasting in the morning is the last to normalise, mind you, so testing around meals is more useful in the beginning. You'll be high in the morning usually anyway, until things calm down.)

It's not just the sugars, it's the starchy carbs as well. All carbs, so not just white, but brown too. Fruits, honey, it's all... Not good. @HSSS already gave you the link to my "Thingy", you might want to go over that a few times and then muck out your pantry. If it's not there, you can't be tempted to eat it. (If you're worried about being wasteful; the food bank would love you.). Figure out what your grocery list should look like in the future. Check the carb content (all carbs, not just the "of which sugars" bit) of the things you use often, and their alternative brands, ditch when necessary . Go with the stuff that won't spike you. Your body'll thank you for it.


It's the carbs. Plus, it takes a little while to get bloodsugars down. But yeah, that's high. You should aim for between 4.5 and 8.5. Those are normal numbers. If you test before a meal and 2 hours after the first bite, you shouldn't go up more than 2.0 mmol/l between those two pricks. If you can keep that up the overall numbers 'll go down too. (Fasting in the morning is the last to normalise, mind you, so testing around meals is more useful in the beginning. You'll be high in the morning usually anyway, until things calm down.)

It's not just the sugars, it's the starchy carbs as well. All carbs, so not just white, but brown too. Fruits, honey, it's all... Not good. @HSSS already gave you the link to my "Thingy", you might want to go over that a few times and then muck out your pantry. If it's not there, you can't be tempted to eat it. (If you're worried about being wasteful; the food bank would love you.). Figure out what your grocery list should look like in the future. Check the carb content (all carbs, not just the "of which sugars" bit) of the things you use often, and their alternative brands, ditch when necessary . Go with the stuff that won't spike you. Your body'll thank you for it.

Thank you really appreciate your advice on this, will try and cut out carbs and see what happens!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
"Basically I was just sort of told to get on with it and eat nothing with sugar in it and get more blood tests in 3 months time to see how I am going."

Got to admire the state the NHS is in these days...god love them, they are quite inept at a GP level seemingly.


Thank you really appreciate your advice on this, will try and cut out carbs and see what happens!
Hi Nicky, I just got diagnosed too and found a website called ditchthecarbs which have a really good chart about what has carbs and what doesn't. I also use an app called MyFitnessPal to track my carbs and calories - it also tracks cholesterol. I had never realised that my favourite veggies like carrots and snow peas were full of carbs - I've had to radically change my diet at least until things calm down!

It's been a week now and I have been able to reduce my sugars every day by just maintaining a super low carb diet. I'm only eating 10-20g of carbs a day. The only veggies I'll eat for the next few weeks are little bit of broccoli, baby spinach, cherry tomatoes, asparagus, a little cucumber, a little capsicum and olives.

Everyone is different but I thought I'd share my experience!
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