LDL cannot cross the endothelium


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Very interesting - as are the comments below the article, though I have not yet read them all.


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The the pdf of the article alluded to in one of the comments :
Excessive intimal hyperplasia in human
coronary arteries before intimal lipid
depositions is the initiation of coronary
atherosclerosis and constitutes a therapeutic
By Vladimir M. Subbotin

Is very interesting but a very long and for me difficult read.


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Could this spell the end of the cholesterol hypothesis?

A long read by Dr.Malcom Kendrick

Article is too big to copy n paste into this thread. See link below.

I have never worried at all about my own LDL levels and would not bother with a stain but if we are diabetic for any length of time then we've damaged our enodtherliums and are more at risk for CVD 'events' even if LDL is merely a big fluffy and innocent bystander.
Thanks. I shall take a copy to my next consultant check but if it was on a t shirt that would be eaiser!
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Can you elaborate please?
Higher than human normal blood sugars causes glycation/glycosolation (I think) in which for want of a better phrase things get sticky inside . This can also be achieved through smoking. Its like a slow caramelising process hence the best you can do for your heart as a diabetic is reduce your blood sugars and insulin levels. For type 1s whilst we are younger and tend to have low insulin levels, the advice is to get your average bg below 7% to minimise complications like CVD.
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Higher than human normal blood sugars causes glycation/glycosolation (I think) in which for want of a better phrase things get sticky inside . This can also be achieved through smoking. Its like a slow caramelising process hence the best you can do for your heart as a diabetic is reduce your blood sugars and insulin levels. For type 1s whilst we are younger and tend to have low insulin levels, the advice is to get your average bg below 7% to minimise complications like CVD.

We ain't all younger Nicole :)


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We ain't all younger Nicole :)
No and I am not in the first flush of youth but I suppose I meant it often happens pre teen and I heard that it takes 20 years for complications to develop whereas type 2s will have been hyperinsulinemic for years prior to diagnosis so might get complications sooner .....
In my pub group most of them got diagnosed in their 20s or 30s and I think I am the only classic childhood diagnosed person!


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I have never worried at all about my own LDL levels and would not bother with a stain but if we are diabetic for any length of time then we've damaged our enodtherliums and are more at risk for CVD 'events' even if LDL is merely a big fluffy and innocent bystander.
Thanks. I shall take a copy to my next consultant check but if it was on a t shirt that would be eaiser!

I do agree. I don't pay any attention to LDL levels, but I do to ratios. I do think the body can and will repair damage done and reverse damage if conditions are right. IF glucose levels are brought under control and insulin levels are low then it may well be that balance of inflammation and the bodies ability to conduct repair doesn't get out of balance. I would of course not underestimate the significance of blood pressure. High blood pressure is in itself a major problem imo

Anyway, off to print some T-shirts :D
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Many thanks for posting the link to the Malcolm Kendrick .pdf
I read both it and the article by Vladimir M. Subbotin which was linked in the comments.
Both were fascinating and both completely damning of the Lipid Hypothesis for CAD.

I would like to contribute this video link of Dr Aseem Malhotra taking to Fr Jeffrey Gerber and Ivor Cummins.
In it Aseem highlights some startling figures:
1. It is fact that 1/3rd of the total US health care activity is on treatment which has zero benefit to the patient.
2. The number 3 killer after Heart Disease and Cancer, is prescription medicines.



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Many thanks for posting the link to the Malcolm Kendrick .pdf
I read both it and the article by Vladimir M. Subbotin which was linked in the comments.
Both were fascinating and both completely damning of the Lipid Hypothesis for CAD.

I would like to contribute this video link of Dr Aseem Malhotra taking to Fr Jeffrey Gerber and Ivor Cummins.
In it Aseem highlights some startling figures:
1. It is fact that 1/3rd of the total US health care activity is on treatment which has zero benefit to the patient.
2. The number 3 killer after Heart Disease and Cancer, is prescription medicines.

I will have to watch that when I get a chance later today, thanks for posting it. Ivor did do a recent interview with Kendrick on heart disease. Some real interesting stuff in it that I never had a clue about (on his fat emperor site). You've probably seen it, but thought it worth a mention.


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I have never worried at all about my own LDL levels and would not bother with a stain but if we are diabetic for any length of time then we've damaged our enodtherliums and are more at risk for CVD 'events' even if LDL is merely a big fluffy and innocent bystander.
Thanks. I shall take a copy to my next consultant check but if it was on a t shirt that would be eaiser!

Likely to have something to do with uncontrolled free radicals generation as well.


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I agree with the views that the traditional cholesterol hypothesis is seriously flawed. However, if the endothelium is damaged and for whatever reason inflammatory responses are triggered then all sorts of untoward consequences might follow. Macrophages spend their life roaming surfaces in the body, ingesting (endocytosing) all sorts of stuff and if they accumulate as parts of plaques, then the large biochemicals they are carrying - such as lipids - may play a role in the physical thickening.

A healthy endothelium will block many if not all unwanted intrusions but it does seem that many of us do not have healthy endothelia. My own approach (as a humble lipid biochemist) is to maximise omega 3 (fish oil, cold-pressed rapeseed, olive oil, omega 3 high butter such as Anchor, beef dripping from grass-fed cattle etc), minimise omega 6 (sunflower oils, generic 'vegetable' oils, margarine etc) and clearly no processed food using trans-fats that have been synthesised so as to be solid at room temperature. However, this is just a personal view, scientific evidence is taking a long time to become clear - there are so many vested interests and misconceptions (as Dr Kendrick points out) that waters will be muddy for a time yet. As ever, my views are just for interest and debate, I am not directing or prescribing anything :)