Little win


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
I have been doing the fast 800 since Monday. I’ve been doing IF and low carb for two months and had some improvement but would still spike around midday despite not eating or doing heavy exercise. I was feeling despondent and decided to try fast 800 remaining low carb

Other than one blip in terms of cals, I’ve stuck to it. The past 3 days I’ve seen my spike decrease and although still present was in single figures all day. Then today, for the first time EVER I stayed in the 4/5s all day! With no spike! Waking 4.9, midday 5.8, afternoon 5.1

It’s a little win and I have a long way to go but it made me feel really good. I cut down my gliclazide last night from 120-80mg too as last night was getting low.

Still waiting to hear whether I have t1 or t2 but after a few months of stress this was a really nice thing to happen. Sorry if this is just a boastful post but I’m kinda proud of myself (and my pancreas!)

Have a good evening all


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only

It's interesting that they started you on gliclazide. It's possible you might have something like LADA or MODY instead, I don't think gliclazide would do much for a T1, unless maybe a strong honeymoon period perhaps? I have to be very strict with diet for a week or so to avoid my midday peak too, so I understand the struggle!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)

It's interesting that they started you on gliclazide. It's possible you might have something like LADA or MODY instead, I don't think gliclazide would do much for a T1, unless maybe a strong honeymoon period perhaps? I have to be very strict with diet for a week or so to avoid my midday peak too, so I understand the struggle!

Ivv be e been on gliclazide for 3 years -far before the suspected Lada stuff a month ago- I’m waiting for my bloods back for gad antibodies. I don’t think gliclazide is making a blind bit of difference actually as before I went to a&e I was taking it religiously and my bms were my n the 20’s!

Here’s to our spikes vanishing!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
That's not a small win - it's a HUGE SUCCESS! Very well done.

Thank you so much! It’s back up today sadly because I had a hypo last night and had to eat something…But this is a lesson learned- I’m going to stop my evening gliclazide and take it from there. Also will speak to my dsn to let her know.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thank you so much! It’s back up today sadly because I had a hypo last night and had to eat something…But this is a lesson learned- I’m going to stop my evening gliclazide and take it from there. Also will speak to my dsn to let her know.


I've not had to take any other drug but Metformin.

But from what I have read warnings do come up for those on other meds trying LCHF or similar .

Your results at top..magnificent .

I do however see the body as a Wiley foe.

Usually I've seen it for me, resist my attempts to bring numbers down and it's taken a few days for it to realise I'm not stuck in the desert and the lower carb intake is deliberate.

I wonder if your fast 800 has bushwhacked it a little bit .and now it's seeking what it considers safer levels.?

It's a delicate balancing act to reduce foods & match lowering drugs so the slowly equal out, is I guess my take on it .

Akin to those 'get the ball around the maze, but miss out all the holes designed to catch you out'
Type things

Good luck finding a way to continue the great work .:)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)

I've not had to take any other drug but Metformin.

But from what I have read warnings do come up for those on other meds trying LCHF or similar .

Your results at top..magnificent .

I do however see the body as a Wiley foe.

Usually I've seen it for me, resist my attempts to bring numbers down and it's taken a few days for it to realise I'm not stuck in the desert and the lower carb intake is deliberate.

I wonder if your fast 800 has bushwhacked it a little bit .and now it's seeking what it considers safer levels.?

It's a delicate balancing act to reduce foods & match lowering drugs so the slowly equal out, is I guess my take on it .

Akin to those 'get the ball around the maze, but miss out all the holes designed to catch you out'
Type things

Good luck finding a way to continue the great work .:)

Hi, thank you! that’s an excellent point actually and hadn’t considered that, I’m kind of seeing my body as a science experiment at the moment, tweaking and adding/removing things to see what is going to work long term. All with professional input from the diabetes team although to be honest they have been mainly meds focussed and not really interested in helping me work out why I was getting spikes in my bm initially, and just saying ‘well sometimes the meds just stop working so take more meds’ which is frustrating.

Today I was high but only for the morning and I soon dropped to a respectable 5 mid afternoon, I ate my dinner and omitted the gliclazide and at 6pm I was 3.5- low but not as low as yesterday. I ate a small handful of nuts and it has gone up to 3.9. I’ll test again in an hour but I’m happy I could resolve it without resorting to the strawberry bootlaces (although they are delicious!)

Here’s to keeping on keeping on!
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