Low Carb Diets Dangerous


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At least somebody in the media made some sense. I did a search of the forum and I don't think this has been mentioned.

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One of the best responses I have seen is from Richard Morris one of the Two Keto Dudes.
He posted this on facebook (and is currently studying for a biochemistry degree).

"It's surprising that Walter Willett, a scientist who my Human Biology lecturer called the World's greatest living nutritionist would lend his name to such a tissue of bad observational science.

Their low carb group ate 38% of energy from carbohydrates ... anything more than 33% marks it as a HIGH carb diet.

The low carb group at the beginning had more smokers (33% vs 22%), more former smokers (35% vs 29%), more diabetics (415 vs 316), twice the native Americans, fewer habitual exercisers (474 vs 614).

And how did they determine their diet? They gave participants 2 questionnaires in 25 years, and extrapolated everything else.

It's embarrassing when a good scientist puts their name to bad science just to support the low fat anti-meat dogma his career has been founded upon.

You know what a ketogenic diet does. It reversed type 2 diabetes in a clinical controlled trial, and it did it in my body and that of 10s of thousands of people just like me.

And you know what life expectancy for a 50 year old type 2 diabetic is? 13.2 to 21.1 years. And along the way you'll lose toes, fingers, kidneys, eyesight, and gain an 8x increase in cardio vascular disease.

People on low-carb diets die younger, says science"

He also included this link to the Sydney Morning Herald article


I think he makes some every valid points
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Yes but I do not eat red meat I lost the taste for that a while ago now
I am increasing calories from carbs and decreasing the equivalent number of calories from fats to make up. The increase in carbs calories will also allow for more of my proteins to come from pulses.Yesterday I bought a delicious wholemeal muesli loaf. I don't fancy losing four years of my life just to eat a lower carb diet.


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I am increasing calories from carbs and decreasing the equivalent number of calories from fats to make up. The increase in carbs calories will also allow for more of my proteins to come from pulses.Yesterday I bought a delicious wholemeal muesli loaf. I don't fancy losing four years of my life just to eat a lower carb diet.
If you want to risk your life (not to mention your eyes, feet, kidneys, etc) following a highly conflicted study that most commenters (not just here) have said is complete nonsense, up to you. Even the lowest carb diet was 35% of total calories. That is NOT a low carb diet.
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Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
I am increasing calories from carbs and decreasing the equivalent number of calories from fats to make up. The increase in carbs calories will also allow for more of my proteins to come from pulses.Yesterday I bought a delicious wholemeal muesli loaf. I don't fancy losing four years of my life just to eat a lower carb diet.

I honestly beleive that your fear of fats (and especially saturated fats) is beginning to cloud your judgement.
This 'study' was debunked within hours of being aired in the media and yet you insist on seeing headlines that demonise lower carb diets as gospel and seem to refuse to actually read (let alone scrutinise) the whole article/criteria/findings. I wish you well and hope that you enjoy your improved health through doing ND but going back to an even higher level of carbs may scupper that improvement.
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I am increasing calories from carbs and decreasing the equivalent number of calories from fats to make up. The increase in carbs calories will also allow for more of my proteins to come from pulses.Yesterday I bought a delicious wholemeal muesli loaf. I don't fancy losing four years of my life just to eat a lower carb diet.
So cutting the essential fats and increasing non-essential carbs..good luck with that one..
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I am increasing calories from carbs and decreasing the equivalent number of calories from fats to make up. The increase in carbs calories will also allow for more of my proteins to come from pulses.Yesterday I bought a delicious wholemeal muesli loaf. I don't fancy losing four years of my life just to eat a lower carb diet.
I look forward to seeing how that goes for you.
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I am increasing calories from carbs and decreasing the equivalent number of calories from fats to make up. The increase in carbs calories will also allow for more of my proteins to come from pulses.Yesterday I bought a delicious wholemeal muesli loaf. I don't fancy losing four years of my life just to eat a lower carb diet.
Let's face it you never liked the idea of low carb in the first place so it wasn't that hard to put you off it.

I find it really hard to understand how anyone would be taken in by such a silly study which was supposedly against low carb diets but never actually studied anyone on a low carb diet.

And as for losing 4 years of your life due to low carbing…complete and utter rubbish - there are T2s around who have followed low carb for 10 or so years, since back when low carb wasn't as popular as it is now.

As a matter of interest...what will you be having with your muesli loaf? Low fat spread?


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I am increasing calories from carbs and decreasing the equivalent number of calories from fats to make up. The increase in carbs calories will also allow for more of my proteins to come from pulses.Yesterday I bought a delicious wholemeal muesli loaf. I don't fancy losing four years of my life just to eat a lower carb diet.
That is your choice to do that and people should have respect for that even if they do not agree with it. What I will say is I hope it works for you because that is all that matters
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If you want to risk your life (not to mention your eyes, feet, kidneys, etc) following a highly conflicted study that most commenters (not just here) have said is complete nonsense, up to you. Even the lowest carb diet was 35% of total calories. That is NOT a low carb diet.
I do not think scaremongering works and that has been said on here before. You can't say people are risking their life and limbs etc just because they are not doing low carb the way you do it because we simply do not know that.. Low carb can lower the risk of complications because it keeps blood glucose levels down but no one ever said it stops complications altogether. Some diabetics for unknown reasons will be more predisposed to them than others whatever they do and thousands will not have any at all. All we can do is the best we can for our self and that is not the same way for everyone and hope it will not be us
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I do not think scaremongering works and that has been said on here before. You can't say people are risking their life and limbs etc just because they are not doing as low carb the way you do it because we simply do not know that.. Low carb can lower the risk of complications because it keeps blood glucose levels down but no one ever said it stops complications altogether. Some diabetics for unknown reasons will be more predisposed to them than others whatever they do and thousands will not have any at all. All we can do is the best we can for our self and that is not the same way for everyone and hope it will not be us
I think you miss the point. The 'low carb diet' that was researched was actually high carb! - and that's where the scaremongering comes in, scaring people away from low carb when low carb wasn't even involved.
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Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
I do not think scaremongering works and that has been said on here before. You can't say people are risking their life and limbs etc just because they are not doing as low carb the way you do it because we simply do not know that.. Low carb can lower the risk of complications because it keeps blood glucose levels down but no one ever said it stops complications altogether. Some diabetics for unknown reasons will be more predisposed to them than others whatever they do and thousands will not have any at all. All we can do is the best we can for our self and that is not the same way for everyone and hope it will not be us

I agree with you in principle but if people make changes on the strength of studies such as this one then arn't we duty bound to point out the weaknesses and possible biases therein?


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I agree with you in principle but if people make changes on the strength of studies such as this one then arn't we duty bound to point out the weaknesses and possible biases therein?
Yes agreed but I do not think what Tannith is doing is just as the result of the study hasn't he/she been doing the New Castle diet already


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I do not think scaremongering works and that has been said on here before. You can't say people are risking their life and limbs etc just because they are not doing low carb the way you do it because we simply do not know that.. Low carb can lower the risk of complications because it keeps blood glucose levels down but no one ever said it stops complications altogether. Some diabetics for unknown reasons will be more predisposed to them than others whatever they do and thousands will not have any at all. All we can do is the best we can for our self and that is not the same way for everyone and hope it will not be us

Totally agree...that is exactly why the latest study to blame low carb for shortening life when it is not really low carb...doesn't work. Low carb sans animal fat/protein is not the only way to longevity as vegan fanatics would like us to believe...
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Type of diabetes
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Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
Yes agreed but I do not think what Tannith is doing is just as the result of the study hasn't he/she been doing the New Castle diet already

I think you may have misunderstood. Let's say a study came out saying ND was extremely harmful, lowered life expectancy and caused further complications, would we not try to verify the findings, investigate the sources and scrutinise funding etc? By very deed of being members of this forum shows that our decisions are based on our gathered knowledge.
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Let's face it you never liked the idea of low carb in the first place so it wasn't that hard to put you off it.

I find it really hard to understand how anyone would be taken in by such a silly study which was supposedly against low carb diets but never actually studied anyone on a low carb diet.

And as for losing 4 years of your life due to low carbing…complete and utter rubbish - there are T2s around who have followed low carb for 10 or so years, since back when low carb wasn't as popular as it is now.

As a matter of interest...what will you be having with your muesli loaf? Low fat spread?