Mental note....dont eat pizza


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Tablets (oral)
ok so im not cured after all lol, i spent today up the a&e with the wife, it was her turn lol, she has a rupture cyst or something shes in pain but fine btw, anywayyyyyyy i had to leave her there to pick kids up from school and it all got a bit stoopid so i ended up ordering a pizza from dominoes and i cheated in a big way i had like 6 slices of pizza lol, i never or hardly ever cheat so i figure what the hell, i kinda feel cured with a hba1c of 36 and am always low, i tested before the pizza 3.6 which is quite normal that was at 5pm by 6pm i was 7.8 ok not too bad 6:30 8.0 still ok.... 7pm 10.0 hmmmm ok but thats the 2 hour mark now itll go down, 7:30pm (now) 13.6 lol *** when will it go back down for god sake, so the moral of this story is DONT EAT PIZZA lol


Well-Known Member
Your level may also be influenced by the stress of the day in a+e. Had something very similar happen to me recently. My partner also ended up in a+e. All turned out Ok but when I got home I decided to check my levels to see if the stress had affected them. I was however a perfectly normal 4.7. I then had one slice of toast and butter and two hours later I was at 8 which is was very odd given that my usual lunch involves two slices of the same bread, coleslaw, and fruit, and two hours after that I am usually in the mid to high 5's. Could be some kind of delayed stress reaction, and stress is known to increase sugar levels.


Well-Known Member
Well once in a while won't hurt but we all know its no good for us don't we!! But when we see the facts we think twice :) But hope your wife is doing good and is out of hospital soon


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Tablets (oral)
shes home now thankyou, maybe stress, maybe that im always such a strict low carber, my carb intolerance must be extreme, i had been feeling cured though this will keep me on the straight and narrow i guess :)

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I would join Andy and say DONT EAT BURGERS WITH CURLY FRIES which i did yesterday in my local pub. Stupid decision after sharing bottle of wine with my friend. It was delicious but my readings were shockingly bad :oops:
All the best to your wife and I hope she is well soon :)


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Diet only
Sorry to hear about your OH, glad she is on the mend.

Pizza like all things,,, moderation and a very occasional buggerit. I am normally ok with it unless I am being a stress head.


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Tablets (oral)
never ever again :) im treating the experience as an incentive to carry on with the lchf


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Apparently pizza takes a while to peak BG levels because the fat in the cooked cheese delays the carbs being absorbed. (I think! Happy to be corrected if wrong)
I just love pizza! But diet controlled so avoid it.


Well-Known Member
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Not being able to eat carbs!
Hi Andy, my dietologist said it was fine to eat the occasional pizza but to remember about the carb absorption rate as the body processes the fat first. Another thing to remember is a normal margarita pizza is 950 calories. We get pizza made with soya or kamut flour as a base and this does not seem as much of a spike. Hope your wife is feeling better.

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Tablets (oral)
thankyou :)

it wasnt the lack of alternatives to the pizza, it was a combination of laziness and stupidity but i feel really invigorated by the new resolve it has given me, i felt like i was relaxing a bit due to my good control and this has showed me i need to stay on the path, it has served as electric shock treatment along with kmans posts, my fists are raised and im ready to do battle


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Glad to hear your wife is ok. It must have been a bit of a scare. Well done on strengthening your resolve after the pizza incident.

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I simply cant 'risk' even a small slice of pizza as it WILL send my BG levels
up to the roof and rafters !

Just isnt worth it :thumbdown:

Same with any pastry , bread , cakes , potatoes etc .
Have learnt the hard way with these ...
I have lost all yearning for any of these things now .

Stay on course and track with only the foody things that will keep you safe and steady .
Glad to hear your wife is okay now - it must have been awful for you both .

Anna .


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I too found that pizza is my nemesis, dominos in particular is a complete nightmare since the carb content per slice is so high then you have the cheese slowing things down then the tomato topping doing a fast carb hit in fits and spurts... *sigh*

All that said I still like pizza and will be damned if I will give it up completely.

What I have found that seems to work is to actually go for the proper Italian style thin base pizza and not go too mental on the cheese in the toppings. That seems to work a fair sight better than the crazy thick pizzas.


Sid Bonkers

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Customer helplines that use recorded menus that promise to put me through to the right person but never do - and being ill. Oh, and did I mention customer helplines :)
Ironically this phenomenon is called The Pizza Effect basically fat slows down digestion so the carbs hit your blood stream much slower than with a less fatty meal, which is why Pizza makes insulin taking so infuriating as theres no real way of knowing when the carbs will hit you. Trial and error and guess work all needs to be considered but for a non insulin diabetic as you have now discovered Pizza (at least 6 slices of Pizza) is not a great idea :wink:

Google The Pizza Effect or search for it here on the forum as theres a lot of information about it and it is really useful to understand this stuff and how it affects us :D

ie. After a night on the booze for those who indulge occasionally a slice (not 6 :wink: ) of pizza on the way home may stop your bg crashing later on due to your liver dealing with the alcohol in your blood.

To lesser degree vinegar has a similar effect as does a glass of red wine, knowing what can slow down digestion can be used to your advantage when eating carbs so there is a trickle of carbs entering the blood stream over a longer period rather than one big hit as with fast acting carbs. Glycaemic Index and Glycaemic Load is worth reading about as it can have a profound effect on controlling bg levels :thumbup:


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I discovered Pizza Leggera at Pizza Express. It's a little, flatbread pizza with a variety of toppings, and it has a hole in the middle that comes filled with rocket. There are about five different varieties, all delicious, and with very modest carbs. Probably about a quarter of what you'd get in a normal-sized pizza. I don't have a man-sized appetite and find it is quite enough for a meal. Of course, it also costs less :)