Metformin drama

Slayer Mum

Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
First of all apologies for being overly dramatic as this might not sound like such a big deal to those of you who have been on here a while.

I started I. Metformin500 mg with a view to in creasing to full dosage in a few weeks. I have been off work for breast cancer then chest issues and had lots of steroids which tipped me over the edge into diabetes land. (Hb1ac 98)and at the moment I am not being paid . I need to go back to work especially as I am going to turkey next Wednesday and hoped o would be established on meds by then. I don’t want to be the subject of swimming pool closures…

The metformin has given me violent and painful diarrhoea for most of the week and I want to try the slow release to see if that helps. I requested a change of prescription on Friday by email and then phoned the Dr on Monday morning who said keep taking it and see the diabetic nurse on Wednesday (today) . I have just been but due to legionella at my surgery the clinic was moved to tthe hospital and I wasn’t told that. I arrived 4 minutes late and they refused to see me and gave me an appointment for next Tuesday. I have called the gp again about the prescription and was told I will Get a call back later. I havent taken the metformin today in case I get the slow release one later. If I don’t get it I think I will have to stop the metformin either just for work days or til after my holidays. I’m trying to do LCHF .

I don’t know what to do. I’m exhausted and emotional and stressed. I want to be able to do a whole shift at work and to enjoy my holiday but I also want to be in control of my diabetes.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
First of all apologies for being overly dramatic as this might not sound like such a big deal to those of you who have been on here a while.

I started I. Metformin500 mg with a view to in creasing to full dosage in a few weeks. I have been off work for breast cancer then chest issues and had lots of steroids which tipped me over the edge into diabetes land. (Hb1ac 98)and at the moment I am not being paid . I need to go back to work especially as I am going to turkey next Wednesday and hoped o would be established on meds by then. I don’t want to be the subject of swimming pool closures…

The metformin has given me violent and painful diarrhoea for most of the week and I want to try the slow release to see if that helps. I requested a change of prescription on Friday by email and then phoned the Dr on Monday morning who said keep taking it and see the diabetic nurse on Wednesday (today) . I have just been but due to legionella at my surgery the clinic was moved to tthe hospital and I wasn’t told that. I arrived 4 minutes late and they refused to see me and gave me an appointment for next Tuesday. I have called the gp again about the prescription and was told I will Get a call back later. I havent taken the metformin today in case I get the slow release one later. If I don’t get it I think I will have to stop the metformin either just for work days or til after my holidays. I’m trying to do LCHF .

I don’t know what to do. I’m exhausted and emotional and stressed. I want to be able to do a whole shift at work and to enjoy my holiday but I also want to be in control of my diabetes.
Metformin likely isn't going to control your diabetes, and you sound absolutely miserable. If you can do the low carb diet and keep that up, there's no need for you to suffer like this. I know steroids make it that much harder to get blood sugar control, but I still believe diet'll do more than met. (And I'm sure someone'll correct me if I'm wrong?). Personally, if you think you'll get the slow release eventually, I'd stop everything now and just wait until after your holiday to try it out. Being on hols is a bad time to experiment with a new drug with possible explosive side effects, and right now, I think you need a holiday more than the slight dent metformin MIGHT make in your blood sugars. Priorities. It's entirely your call, but see what you need right now. The diabetes medication can be put on hold until you get home, if you decide you need (and more than deserve) some rest and relaxation. Just make sure to opt for low carb meals if it's an all-inclusive type of deal. Not easy in Turkey maybe, because oh my, those pastries, but just stick with meats, poultry, fish and cheeses, above ground veg and such, and you'll do more than the metformin could've achieved.

Do whatever you feel you need to do, to feel better. Mentally and physically.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
exercise, phone calls
Hi @Slayer Mum Just to echo Jo, probably hundreds or more on both UK diabetes forums have found that
A). Their bodies couldn't handle metformin even when they tried the SR (though others could).
B) That the effect of metformin on reducing BG was nowhere near as big as that of cutting down on carbs. The biggest effect of metformin appeared to be in reducing Dawn Phenomenon (or FOTF) rather than glucose spikes due to food.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Being on hols is a bad time to experiment with a new drug with possible explosive side effects, and right now, I think you need a holiday more than the slight dent metformin MIGHT make in your blood sugars. Priorities. It's entirely your call, but see what you need right now. The diabetes medication can be put on hold until you get home, if you decide you need (and more than deserve) some rest and relaxation. Just make sure to opt for low carb meals
Ditto, what Jo said
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Slayer Mum

Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thank you so much everyone. I got the sr today so will try it tonight. Going back to work tomorrow and if it is still as bad I will stop it til after my holiday. I think i am just so focused to getting in control of everything I forget that I actually have a choice.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Thank you so much everyone. I got the sr today so will try it tonight. Going back to work tomorrow and if it is still as bad I will stop it til after my holiday. I think i am just so focused to getting in control of everything I forget that I actually have a choice.
I got into a terrible state with Metformin and Atorvastatin for just a few weeks after diagnosis.
just before Christmas 2016 I stopped taking the tablets and was no longer diabetic in 80 days just by eating low carb. At 6 months I was in normal numbers.
A low carb diet gave me control.