need help on losing weight


Active Member
i have had diabetes for the past 6 months.i have type 2.
the doctor put me on medication & chlestrole medication as my good cholsetrole was bad chlestrole was 3.7.
i was on oral medication but it did not agree with me,it was making me feel very ill.i have ME (post viral fatigue) which makes it difficult with medication as i have become allergic to alot of things.he basicly doesn't know what to do with me,he doesn't know what medication to put me on so i am currently not on any medication for my diabetes.
i am fat & i need to lose weight but no matter what i do i just carn't lose any.i was 18 stone but i weighed myself yeterday & i have out another 9lbs on in the last few months.i am know 18 stone 9lbs.
my weight is making me very depressed.i used to be a bodybuilder but with the added weight i just carn't do it.
i am seeing a diabetic nurse on monday so hopefully she will help me out.
can i got on the atkins diet ? or a low carb diet.i was looking a a carb cycling diet but they don't advise it if you need to lose alot of weight like i do.
i am stuck in a hole & i just don't feel i can get out of it.
i have alot of joint problems & back problems because of my weight.i have type 2 diabetes because of my weight.since i got ME 5 years ago my life has just been hell on earth.i also have irratable bladder wgich i am on medication for which means my life is screwed up as i carn't go far due to needing the toilet alot.
my partner has been with me the hole time but they are starting to get angrey at me as they are frustrated with the way things are.i am frustrated too.i just want my active life back.
my doctor isn't at all interested in me at all.
what i am really asking you all is "can i go on the atkins diet ? will it help my diabetes or make it worse"


Well-Known Member
I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time, but I believe you may have turned a corner by coming here, so welcome.

Adopting a low-carb lifestyle has completely changed my life. I know I know....I sound like an infomercial. Keep checking back because soon someone with much more knowledge than I will be along with all the right information and links to get you on the right track. What I CAN tell you is that since I began restricting the amount of carbs I consume my blood sugars have dropped WAY down, I am losing weight steadily, I have more energy, It's wonderful.

Trawling through these forums you will find some fabulous advice and wonderful success stories.

Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
I'd thoroughly recommend any low carb diet both for weight loss and improved blood glucose levels.
There's lots of strong evidence confirming low carb as the most effective way to lose weight, but the particular advantage for diabetics is the inevitable reduction in average blood glucose, medication and increased physical energy.
There's a newbies guide in the low carb area of the forum which will give you the basics and get you up and running. Literally!

All the best,



Well-Known Member
People who talk ***** and tell lies.
It seems to me that you like the sound of the Atkins diet and are asking us is it ok.
None of us can tell you what to do, we can only advise from personal experiances, you would be better asking to me referred to a diabetes diatition.
The Atkins diet (meat only) will reduce your carb intake and you might well lose a little weight, but you are also starving yourself of some important vitamins. The max amount of time on the Atkins is also 6 - 8 weeks MAX ! (if you choose to try it), Veg that grows above ground is also better for you.
Metformin sometimes helps with weight loss and if that makes you feel ill, you can get an anti sickness pill too from your Doctor.

I was up to 18 stone when I was diagnosed and I lost half a stone per week, with diet, stress and depression. The worst thing to control was the comfort eating with the depression.

On the other hand some ( me included ) think that skipping meals is the answer, ITS NOT !
I always skipped breckfast and this is the worst thing you can do as you need breckfast to start up your metabalism.

Hope this help you make up your mind about the Atkins.

Good Luck



People who are touchy.......feign indignation at the slightest thing. Hypocrites, bullies and cowards.
Eliminator said:
The Atkins diet (meat only) will reduce your carb intake and you might well lose a little weight, but you are also starving yourself of some important vitamins. The max amount of time on the Atkins is also 6 - 8 weeks MAX ! (if you choose to try it), Veg that grows above ground is also better for you.

I am no supporter of the Atkins Diet, however it is well to clear up something here.

Atkins is not 'meat only ?' It is a high protein diet in which sugar and refined carbohydrates are not allowed. In the initial startup phase about 3 cups of salad or a couple of cups of salad and a cup of non starchy green veg are allowed each day along with the proteins. This is to allow the body to enter a state of ketosis and will burn fat quickly with the resultant weight loss. This is followed for a maximum of TWO weeks only.

The subsequent phases are more complicated and if you want to know more then look it up or get the Atkins Diet Revolution or Atkins Diet for Life books. It can be and is followed for life so there is no maximum time limit to be on it. You might have to take supplements but this is not always the case as it depends on the specific foods that you eat. Read up on it, then discuss it with your GP as with any diet. Then make your choice.

My preferred diet is Low GI/GL, reduced carbs,low fat, low salt and low sugar. This has worked very well for me allowing me to control Bg levels tightly and best of all, lose nearly 4 stone in weight since January this year. Find what works for you and stick with it.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type

There are two ways to go really, the first is to listen to what your GP/nurse/dietitian tells you which will inevitably be eat plenty of carbohydrates as part of a balanced diet and take (a lot of) medication to balance this. The second is to follow the advice on here about adopting a low carbohydrate diet.

One is right, one is wrong I think it's a simple as that. Albeit you will still probably need medication on a low carb approach, but considerably less.

An Atkins style diet or a low carbohydrate diet is not just about eating bacon and cheese, read up on this and follow the very good and very sensible advice and in particular look at the success stories from the low carbohydrate approach, you can permanently improve your health and quality of life.

All the best



soaps on telly and people talking about the characters as if they were real.
HI Tracey
I would say that Atkins is fine.
Try for a week or so and see how you get on with it. It's not going to hurt you.
I can undestand the frustration of being overweight. I have lost 20kg by eating a low carb diet and kept my blood tests in the non-diabetic range. I am now stuck with weight and don't seem to be able to shift any more except VERY slowly. I do plenty of exercise too, mostly walking or swimming.


Active Member
i carn't thank you all enough for your advice.
i just thought about going on the atkins diet as it is low carb.i have also thought about the paleo diet as that is low carb.
i think low carb is the way to i go about it i don't know yet.i will have to read yp on it too see how i can do it.
i will look around the forums

Tracey x :)


Well-Known Member
Hi Tracey
When you've had a look round, there are loads of knowledgeable people here who can help organise something. But if you want to start straight away, why don't you simply cut out cereals and bread right now?! Nothing is easy if you have to do it all at once and that would be a start while you're reading up, just to get used to a different regime. Then you'd feel like you'd started, which is always good in a "strike while the iron is hot" sense. There's more to it than that but hey, why wait?
Good luck, anyway - in fact, it isn't luck, it's determined effort to low carb, and so I wish you every strength and motivation instead!


I would be really interested to hear what your dietician says about you going on the atkins. I have been on it myself and its great if you can stick to it, but I am not diabetic. My son is Diabetic, type 1 and a close friend has been recently diagnosed (type 2) and she has been told it is dangerous for diabetic people. I researched it a bit on line and have found the balance of the advice given is that it certainly isnt good for you if you have diabetes. I do think this may be an old fashioned take on this, which ties in with most of the medical profession being against the fairly recent low carb idea for a diabetic way of life.


Active Member
this is my take on low carb diets for pwoplw with diabetes.
where the medical profesion is concerned they don't like low carb diets at all.they like high carb diets.i did go to a dietition but she was fatter than me & she wanted me to follow a diet high in be honest that didn't make me put alot of trust in high carb diets.

where people have diabetes they oftern use low carb diets with alot off them lowering there sugar levels.they oftern feel better,there sugar levels go down,they lose weight.

i don't know about you but i would rather take the advice from someone who has or is going through the same as me than a doctor who is over weight & heading for either diabetes or a heart attack


Active Member
Hi there
I weighed 19st 11lb at the beginning of this year and my bg was high and I was on simvastatin.
By going on a low-carb diet and I stress low-carb not no carb I am now weighing in at 16st and still going down. I have also coupled this with exercise which I try and do something at least 3 times a week.
There are other diets out there, other than the Atkins, such as the one I follow at the moment which is "The Diabetes Revolution" by Dr. Charles Clark & Maureen Clark (got my copy from my local library).

It doesn't leave me feeling hungry, I still eat fruit, vegetables and nuts but I have to stay away from all the things that make most of fat. I have to work at it and sometimes it is hard but the rewards are good, I feel fitter and healthier than I have done in many a year even before I was diagnosed type 2, and now I am off the simvastatin as well.

Use this forum there is a lot of knowledgeable people on here and they have helped me a lot as I hope it will help you.
Good luck hope this helps