Hi all,
I was recently diagnosed on the (less than a week) after lots of worrying symptoms. The doctor has said it’s most likely type two but I don’t fit the usual characteristics; I’m only 28, in a healthy weight, have a good diet, low blood pressure, average cholesterol etc so she couldn’t really explain why I had gotten so poorly so quickly. So I am being referred to a specialist endocrinologist. Honestly I’m just exhausted and scared. I started on metformin Saturday evening and the nausea and general gastrointestinal discomfort is a real issue. I’ve never been a sugary type person and I removed carbs from my diet straight away, I’ve been having lots of tuna salad, good veggies etc but I can’t seem to shake the exhaustion, nausea, generally feeling awful. Any advice? I’ve got my first diabetic review appointment next week, I’ve not really been given any other information, I don’t know what my actually blood test numbers were, she didn’t actually advise me about changing my diet it’s just common knowledge that diet plays a big part. Honestly I’m just really lost and poorly and don’t really know what to do. I was just given 6 boxes of metformin with a load of instructions and sent on my way. Is it worth me contacting the doctors again? I’ve been off work also because of the side effects(?) and for the week before I was diagnosed up until now. Again, the doctor didn’t mention anything about having time off work so I’m worried I’m just being a wuss. And advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
I was recently diagnosed on the (less than a week) after lots of worrying symptoms. The doctor has said it’s most likely type two but I don’t fit the usual characteristics; I’m only 28, in a healthy weight, have a good diet, low blood pressure, average cholesterol etc so she couldn’t really explain why I had gotten so poorly so quickly. So I am being referred to a specialist endocrinologist. Honestly I’m just exhausted and scared. I started on metformin Saturday evening and the nausea and general gastrointestinal discomfort is a real issue. I’ve never been a sugary type person and I removed carbs from my diet straight away, I’ve been having lots of tuna salad, good veggies etc but I can’t seem to shake the exhaustion, nausea, generally feeling awful. Any advice? I’ve got my first diabetic review appointment next week, I’ve not really been given any other information, I don’t know what my actually blood test numbers were, she didn’t actually advise me about changing my diet it’s just common knowledge that diet plays a big part. Honestly I’m just really lost and poorly and don’t really know what to do. I was just given 6 boxes of metformin with a load of instructions and sent on my way. Is it worth me contacting the doctors again? I’ve been off work also because of the side effects(?) and for the week before I was diagnosed up until now. Again, the doctor didn’t mention anything about having time off work so I’m worried I’m just being a wuss. And advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.