Newcastle diet starting Monday, done it once who gonna join me on my journey??


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Sorry to say this - but that is NUTS!!!!!!!

I, too, worked quite hard - especially when I was in the military - often on watch for 48 hours at a time - but nothing I have done sounds as dramatic as your life. We were always compensated.

You have to make your own decisions of course - but life is far too short and to kill yourself by not having the right work/life balance - that is NUTS!!!!

Do you have someone you can talk to about that?

I was once told about the bucket test. That is - put your hand into a bucket of water - when you pull it out again, the hole you leave is how much you'll be missed!!!! Your firm will find a way to solve the problem of your absence when you are not there.
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Hi Bretzza

I am following in your wake - you have shown us this is possible. It would be great to hear what your GP thinks when you show him/her your blood results.

At my surgery, I am always asked if I want to see my own GP or another. I usually opt for my own - because I don't want to spend any longer in there than is absolutely necessary. But on one occasion I saw a different chap - a little Scottish guy who took one look at me and said 'well the problem with you Steven is you're too fat - loose some weight and you'll be much better. Keep going like this and it'll get worse - you are in last chance saloon' (a fan of the Westerns!). It was the wake up call I needed. Hurt at the time - but seeing a different GP was the catalyst I needed. I'm sure my own GP would have delivered the same message - but maybe not in the same blunt way - I needed to hear it as a blunt firm warning, not a polite 'maybe if' soft sell.

So - if you can - I would suggest you see a different GP. They do like to offer second opinions - and are not necessarily swayed by their colleagues diagnosis or treatment plan.
Oh about he being surprised to see my results, I really do not want to tell him I did nd and that has made all this difference as even if i do say it, he will not even try and implement it on others or see how it goes for them, If i see a diabetic I would gladly and proudly ask him or her to come and visit the forum that see that useless gp.
About OGTT i really wanted to get that done too but I will be reviewed by my DN in another 3 months and I will ask her to see if she can give me the ogtt instead of asking gp, I can always try my luck but i am sure he will say no its useless to do it for whatever reason he comes up with.


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Oh about he being surprised to see my results, I really do not want to tell him I did nd and that has made all this difference as even if i do say it, he will not even try and implement it on others or see how it goes for them, If i see a diabetic I would gladly and proudly ask him or her to come and visit the forum that see that useless gp.
About OGTT i really wanted to get that done too but I will be reviewed by my DN in another 3 months and I will ask her to see if she can give me the ogtt instead of asking gp, I can always try my luck but i am sure he will say no its useless to do it for whatever reason he comes up with.

I sense your frustration with your GP - but perhaps best not spend too much energy on trying to change his/her mind. Just show them the results you have achieved and let them work it out for themselves. They have spent a long time being trained in a particular way - to follow a particular line of thought and to enforce certain protocols - all acting genuinely in your best interest. They also have to participate in regular Continual Professional Development. GP's in England also have to spend time 'Reflecting' on their practice in order to be Revalidated (relicenced).

I saw this video from the Diet Doctor web site

It shows you how doctors are conditioned to think - and how they come around to different ways of thinking. Of course to say 'doctors' is a broad generalisation - they are humans - and individuals - but there is an element of instiutionalised thinking and working that can - for some - limit their imaginations and open-mindedness - and risk taking. Information and education is the best route to changing thinking. Educate your GP through your own progress and test results - rather than be disappointed with them. After all you are in remission and past the point of needing their advice and treatment - but they are still a GP and need to learn how to treat others.
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I've deleted the link too. No issues, we are all good. That Bittorrent is tough to use. I really did want to see that video too. Professor Taylor's work is important to all T2 diabetics. I 'll try and email the BBC to see if they can allow it to be seen by the world at large! Its important stuff that Taylor and others are doing!

On a more positive note I had a chicken salad last night around 4.30pm and then a gentle (not manic) 15 mile ride which gave me a BG of 5.77 at 9pm. This morning I woke with a FBG of 5.44 or in US terms 98mg/dl. Yea a number below 100 is non-diabetic for a FBG! THRILLED! I did have a 500 Mg Metformin before bed last night but this is a first of getting a FBG less than 100! Progression in the right direction.
I am busy at the moment, but I will upload that file in safe manner so that people can get it, I agree, it is important to spread the world.

Really nice that you are doing so good progress, its really inspiring.

I was fooling around on youtube, and here is a safe youtube link to a short clip about somebody who reversed their diabetes on the newcastle diet.
Its on the english al jazeera channel,and from 2011, and it features the now healthy patientsand a short interview with Roy Taylor.

"These insulin producing cell began to wake up as the fat went away,and after 8 weeks on the diet, these insulinproducing cells went to normal, and that is absolutely remarkable, because that has never been shown before"

Roy Taylor quote
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I am busy at the moment, but I will upload that file in safe manner so that people can get it, I agree, it is important to spread the world.

Really nice that you are doing so good progress, its really inspiring.

I was fooling around on youtube, and here is a safe youtube link to a short clip about somebody who reversed their diabetes on the newcastle diet.
Its on the english al jazeera channel,and from 2011, and it features the now healthy patientsand a short interview with Roy Taylor.

"These insulin producing cell began to wake up as the fat went away,and after 8 weeks on the diet, these insulinproducing cells went to normal, and that is absolutely remarkable, because that has never been shown before"

Roy Taylor quote
I am still trying to figure out when would you call a person non diabetic or in remission, a1c is excellent but me neing on low carb diet keeps the a1c in check before and after nd. I have had two or three very high carb treats and 2 hour readings are 5's. Not tried again and neither do I intend to, but what would a non diabetic really go up to in terms of levels of bg or would they never see 5's and 6's no matter how high carb they go.


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I got two in the surgery and both are equally to say the least useless, I kept telling the other doc my symptoms and she kept saying you have b12 deficiency, I forced her to do a sugar test on me and thats how i found out about this, I was not really overweight and no family history of Diabetes in my family so it came more of a shock to me but symptoms suggested otherwise, I put this down to the amount of stress I have been through at work to be honest, in last 12 years I have worked in the same firm and out of those 8 years I have had no leaves, not coz I did not want to take days off but they could not give it and when I am away they would just call me back to work, even pay my expenses to come back few times or cancel my holidays after approving them, I had to come back in 2 days after my son was born so I did not even have paternity leaves, so yes my work has probably taken a toll on me over the years, unfortunately I am only 33 and since my Diabetes diagnosis I am having to take a few days off forcefully to go and see doctors, otherwise weekend or weekdays I was only working sometime upto 22 hours a day.


I am not one to advise but if you could re-read what you'd wrote above then as your own best friend maybe its time to be looking for a new position where they are not going to work you literally to death. I have had people explain to me that T2D is a death sentence. Maybe there is too much stress in the gig you are holding down. Only 2 days off post the birth of your son? WOW! That seems to me (having been as employer) as CRAZY! There may be extenuating circumstances that make leaving harder for you than the company but at a minimum try and find a way to work less hours. Your health demands more relaxation time IMHO. Sorry for my rant & I'll delete it if you feel you are offended. I am all about giving everyone a fair shot of life.
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I saw your fasting reading and you say your reading was 5.1 just before you sat for your breakfast. I suggest you do it first thing in the morning when you get up so once you are awake just wash your hands with soap and do it and then may be do again before your breakfast to see the difference, but I normally do it first thing when I get up.


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I am not one to advise but if you could re-read what you'd wrote above then as your own best friend maybe its time to be looking for a new position where they are not going to work you literally to death. I have had people explain to me that T2D is a death sentence. Maybe there is too much stress in the gig you are holding down. Only 2 days off post the birth of your son? WOW! That seems to me (having been as employer) as CRAZY! There may be extenuating circumstances that make leaving harder for you than the company but at a minimum try and find a way to work less hours. Your health demands more relaxation time IMHO. Sorry for my rant & I'll delete it if you feel you are offended. I am all about giving everyone a fair shot of life.
No I know i have given way too much away in this organisation so I am backing off now, easing it as we go post my diagnosis, I have certain circumstances to take care off in the background ( only earner with a family) not a bad salary though but no flexibility at all.
I am looking around to see if I can leave, preferably start something for myself to get some more time with family.
Its probably just my luck i would say, I thought of taking a week off next week to go somewhere out of london as I am sort of bogged down at the moment but I got some TIME CRITICAL as the company calls it, tasks to finish before the 14th and here I am stuck again but definitely I am taking my days off to spend time with my family, I now know what it really feels like to be with family now that I have started taking it easy from work and I really love that.


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No I know i have given way too much away in this organisation so I am backing off now, easing it as we go post my diagnosis, I have certain circumstances to take care off in the background ( only earner with a family) not a bad salary though but no flexibility at all.
I am looking around to see if I can leave, preferably start something for myself to get some more time with family.
Its probably just my luck i would say, I thought of taking a week off next week to go somewhere out of london as I am sort of bogged down at the moment but I got some TIME CRITICAL as the company calls it, tasks to finish before the 14th and here I am stuck again but definitely I am taking my days off to spend time with my family, I now know what it really feels like to be with family now that I have started taking it easy from work and I really love that.

Time with loved ones, particularly our children is precious. There is a small window of time when they need and appreciate your company before they grow up and become independent. Too late then and you never get the time back.

Deathbed regrets are never about unfinished business. You don't get to hear people wishing they had spent more time working.
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Day 53 - Fasting blood back down a bit to 5.6. No more weight loss - but to be honest - I'm not sure where I could lose it from. I know I have a lot of skin I no longer need. :hilarious: Not very attractive! Can you donate skin? You always hear about people needing skin grafts?

I did go into Waitrose yesterday to see what 26kg of flour looked like. I took two hand baskets because I thought I would put 26 x 1kg bags of flour into them then hold them and feel the weight. But that didn't happen! Firstly, the most common flour comes in 1.5kg or 500gm bags (so I had to do the maths! :depressed:) Secondly, after I put 6 x 1.5 kg bags into a basket a crowd began to gather - I felt that pretty soon I would have to explain what I was up to. So I put them back on the shelf. But only 6 bags (9kg) felt like the weight of a small child! I was really quite shocked to know that I was carrying that around on my frame every day - and that was only a third (roughly) of what I have lost. Most of which was excess fat. I know I didn't need it - I'm managing quite well without it.

I am noticing large people in the street a lot more than I used to. I think to myself 'that was me not all that long ago'. :sorry:


I just did the math on your weight loss I've lost about 4lbs more than you but took about a year and a bit to get here. Its funny peculiar that we've both lost an almost identical amount of weight don't you think? I've done more fasting lately as I found that to be most effective where I'd fast in the mornings as long as possible before feeling the need to break the fast as suggested by Jason Fung. I've ate normal food along the way, but remember too @brettsza that even though we have been cleaning out the excess fats in our liver and pancreas it may still take our bodies more time to fully adjust to their new form. Carlos Cerventes can now eat a blueberry muffin and an hour later his BG reading was only 75mg/dl or 4.166 millimols/l. Give yourself time to re-adjust. I've lost 61 lbs I don't want to lose any more (& I won't) . I will put on some muscle as I'll shortly be moving near my gym and I'll do more weights. It all takes time.. FWIW I like my new frame and there's precious little fat on my frame now..
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I just did the math on your weight loss I've lost about 4lbs more than you but took about a year and a bit to get here. Its funny peculiar that we've both lost an almost identical amount of weight don't you think? I've done more fasting lately as I found that to be most effective where I'd fast in the mornings as long as possible before feeling the need to break the fast as suggested by Jason Fung. I've ate normal food along the way, but remember too @brettsza that even though we have been cleaning out the excess fats in our liver and pancreas it may still take our bodies more time to fully adjust to their new form. Carlos Cerventes can now eat a blueberry muffin and an hour later his BG reading was only 75mg/dl or 4.166 millimols/l. Give yourself time to re-adjust. I've lost 61 lbs I don't want to lose any more (& I won't) . I will put on some muscle as I'll shortly be moving near my gym and I'll do more weights. It all takes time.. FWIW I like my new frame and there's precious little fat on my frame now..
Thanks for this LBTB

It is interesting that we are losing about the same amount of weight - I have not lost as much as you by the sounds of things - but I have not been at it for quite as long either. A year will be up in September. I'm 185cm - my target is 82.5 kg - which will be 25% of my starting weight of 110kg.

Translation - Height 6'1 - target 12st 14lb - starting weight 17st 5lb. 25% = 4st 9lb currently 13st 4lb so 6 lb's more to go - Phew!!!!!!!!:wacky:(tough for someone who grew up with metric!)

I realise you lose weight slower as you get down to your right level - but I am not in any hurry. I have heard it said on so many of the links we are sharing that people get down to the 'right' weight for them - then stay there using etc..etc...etc...

But my real target is to kick T2 into remission - just like you have done. :singing:
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Time with loved ones, particularly our children is precious. There is a small window of time when they need and appreciate your company before they grow up and become independent. Too late then and you never get the time back.

Deathbed regrets are never about unfinished business. You don't get to hear people wishing they had spent more time working.
This is what I realise now and trying to make mends.


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Day 53 - Fasting blood back down a bit to 5.6. No more weight loss - but to be honest - I'm not sure where I could lose it from. I know I have a lot of skin I no longer need. :hilarious: Not very attractive! Can you donate skin? You always hear about people needing skin grafts?

I did go into Waitrose yesterday to see what 26kg of flour looked like. I took two hand baskets because I thought I would put 26 x 1kg bags of flour into them then hold them and feel the weight. But that didn't happen! Firstly, the most common flour comes in 1.5kg or 500gm bags (so I had to do the maths! :depressed:) Secondly, after I put 6 x 1.5 kg bags into a basket a crowd began to gather - I felt that pretty soon I would have to explain what I was up to. So I put them back on the shelf. But only 6 bags (9kg) felt like the weight of a small child! I was really quite shocked to know that I was carrying that around on my frame every day - and that was only a third (roughly) of what I have lost. Most of which was excess fat. I know I didn't need it - I'm managing quite well without it.

I am noticing large people in the street a lot more than I used to. I think to myself 'that was me not all that long ago'. :sorry:

Steve, do you do resistance exercise? Sorry if you've posted this and I am making you repeat. The reason I ask is that bigger muscles weigh more, and sop up more glucose. In both sexes age makes it more difficult to add muscle (alas) but even so you can still put on muscle if you try, depending on genetic potential.


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Steve, do you do resistance exercise? Sorry if you've posted this and I am making you repeat. The reason I ask is that bigger muscles weigh more, and sop up more glucose. In both sexes age makes it more difficult to add muscle (alas) but even so you can still put on muscle if you try, depending on genetic potential.
Hi Miss D

The type of exercise I do is very light. At my age (57) heavy muscle building exercise is not recommended.

I understand what you mean about building muscle and burning glucose. When I was in my younger years (up until I turned 40) I was a gym junkie - and loved it. I was really strong and felt great. But as the years have slipped by, my body is just not up to it any more. Now I do what is called moderate intensity activity

I do more than the recommended 2 1/2 hours a week. As my Mother Outlaw says - use it or lose it!!!!! She also says she wants to see less of me - A wish I have granted in a round about way! o_O


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I am still trying to figure out when would you call a person non diabetic or in remission, a1c is excellent but me neing on low carb diet keeps the a1c in check before and after nd. I have had two or three very high carb treats and 2 hour readings are 5's. Not tried again and neither do I intend to, but what would a non diabetic really go up to in terms of levels of bg or would they never see 5's and 6's no matter how high carb they go.

I also thought about that one, So checked my partners BG levels, 2hours after having 2x small "Mr Kippling" buns and a Mars bar, plus a small tub desert, and her reading was only 6.2. Was so envious. BTW she's no diabetic
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I also thought about that one, So checked my partners BG levels, 2hours after having 2x small "Mr Kippling" buns and a Mars bar, plus a small tub desert, and her reading was only 6.2. Was so envious. BTW she's no diabetic
That's really good, my wife wouldn't let me near her anywhere if she sees my kit with me :)
She absolutely hates needles.
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Hi Miss D

The type of exercise I do is very light. At my age (57) heavy muscle building exercise is not recommended.

I understand what you mean about building muscle and burning glucose. When I was in my younger years (up until I turned 40) I was a gym junkie - and loved it. I was really strong and felt great. But as the years have slipped by, my body is just not up to it any more. Now I do what is called moderate intensity activity

I do more than the recommended 2 1/2 hours a week. As my Mother Outlaw says - use it or lose it!!!!! She also says she wants to see less of me - A wish I have granted in a round about way! o_O

I agree about the 'heavy muscle building' - in fact I think it is not all it's cracked up to be at any age. Whenever I see pics of people squatting with heavy barbells I wonder what their knees are going to look like in a few years. And shoulders, and hips.

I myself have two torn rotator cuffs (asymptomatic, but I gotta watch it), two once-broken wrists (now mended, one with hardware), and a funny thing in my left ankle that I won't bother to describe because only an ortho would know what it means, which prevents me from running but not walking. So I hear what you are saying.

But...I really think that resistance exercise is one of the keys to normal BGs. Not to be a pest but what about body weight exercises, such as pushups, squats with no weights, etc.? If I'm being a pest say so.

Mother Out-Law. I like that. :joyful:


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Hi Miss D

I do a lot of lifting and carrying - moving furnature etc but the exercises you suggest would take me back to my boot camp days - mental scars that are still healing over!!:wideyed:

Incidentally the answer to your question - the unknown unknowns is the Johari window :D


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Day 54 - Fasting blood still 5.6. But - weight down again - another 0.2kg. Total weight loss on the NP now 10.3kg. New BMI 23.5. :) Now weigh 84.1kg.

Two days to go. Feeling great.
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I saw your fasting reading and you say your reading was 5.1 just before you sat for your breakfast. I suggest you do it first thing in the morning when you get up so once you are awake just wash your hands with soap and do it and then may be do again before your breakfast to see the difference, but I normally do it first thing when I get up.
I did as you suggested @brettsza and the results were as you might have suspected: Bedtime 5.8, waking 4.6 but 1 hour later before morning shake 5.9. Liver dump!
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