Newly diagnosed


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Type 2
Was really upset tonight. I tested 6.2 before I ate then 2 hours after I ate I was 19.3 and feeling dizzy


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What meds are you on? Although high'ish, 19.3 shouldn't normally make you feel dizzy?


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Jacket potato

There is your answer - jacket potatoes will cause a high spike on their own. What did you have with your jacket potato, and did you eat/drink anything else?

22% of a baked jacket spud is carbohydrate, and all carbs turn to glucose once digested. They are not a wise choice for us, I'm afraid.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
I had sliced ham which was 1 percent sugar. And handful of cheese and onion. I just don't understand it all still. I never drink sugary drinks or eat sweets and I have all these diabetics telling me you can have the odd treat but I have one jacket potatoe and all hell breaks loose??


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Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
How many times a day do you take gliclazide and when do you take it? I take it once a day and have found out that taking it about half an hour before I eat really stops my blood sugar from going up. I had a jacket potato too today and my sugar didn't go higher than 5.9 after but if I take it with my main meal or just after it will go about 12 or 13 before the glic starts to work?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
I took it about 10 minutes before and I was taking one in morning and one at night now nurse told me to take two


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I had sliced ham which was 1 percent sugar. And handful of cheese and onion. I just don't understand it all still. I never drink sugary drinks or eat sweets and I have all these diabetics telling me you can have the odd treat but I have one jacket potatoe and all hell breaks loose??

Cheese and onion, or cheese and onion crisps?

It isn't just sugar that matters. Sugar is a carbohydrate, and it is ALL carbs that turn to glucose once inside the system, not just sugar. Diabetics already have too much glucose in the blood stream, so why eat even more of it? The worst foods for raising blood sugars are potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and foods made with flour. I'm afraid if you want to control this disease you need to consider the role of carbs in your diet and seriously reduce them. That test you did frightened you - and was a warning that jacket potatoes need to be off your menu (and crisps).

Keep testing before eating and 2 hours later, keep a food diary including portion sizes, record your levels alongside your food, and watch for patterns. The rise from before to after should be no more than 2mmol/l, preferably less. More than 2mmol/l and there were too many carbs in that meal.


Well-Known Member
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Don't have diabetes
Was really upset tonight. I tested 6.2 before I ate then 2 hours after I ate I was 19.3 and feeling dizzy
Hi Tanmc, Now you know Jacket potatoes are in the red zone on your list. From reading similar accounts it may take a few days to recover to back on track Best luck.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Was not crisps but thanks for the advice. I am really upset by all this as my diet is not bad. My friend had diabetes and eats all sorts and smokes excessively. I have abstained from almost everything since diagnosed at the weekend xx


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Have a loot at there a set of graphics that shows how much suger different foods conerted into. I have included the one below that covers potatos.

Until you get some control, you need to live on eggs, "meat that looks like meat", "fish that looks like fish" and veg that grows above ground. Forgeet everything you have been told about fats, apart from trans-fats (common in fast food and ready meals), fats are OK and do not put up your BG.

So ham, egs and cheese with a some green veg or salad would be a good meal for you.

PS what drinks to you tend to have?

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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Was not crisps but thanks for the advice. I am really upset by all this as my diet is not bad. My friend had diabetes and eats all sorts and smokes excessively. I have abstained from almost everything since diagnosed at the weekend xx

Please don't be upset. It is done, and you have to move on. You have made a leap forwards because you have learnt a useful lesson. For you, potatoes need to be off the menu until your blood sugar is fully under control. We have all been in this position.

You are very newly diagnosed, so baby steps are what you need. Take some deep breaths and keep testing your meals. There may be other lessons to learn. :)

Your friend will most likely be on more and more medications and eventually insulin if she really does eat everything she likes. This is how and why the disease progresses. You are being far more sensible.
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
Trying not to be I am active and diet is not bad. So does this mean I will never even be allowed a treat of does my medication need to change xx


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Trying not to be I am active and diet is not bad. So does this mean I will never even be allowed a treat of does my medication need to change xx

Of course we can have treats - occasionally, just not every day or even every week.

You need to concentrate on the foods you can eat and forget about the ones you can't. There is such a lot of choice for us.
Any meat, any fish, lots of eggs, leafy green vegetables, mushrooms, tomatoes, cheese, butter, plain fatty yogurts, strawberries and cream, raspberries, bacon, high meat content sausages, tinned salmon/tuna/sardines/mackerel, and so much else.

Have a look at this

There is also a low carb programme on here that you can join for free. It is highly successful.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Well - if you mean a treat such as a steak with sweet pepper, mushrooms, tomato and a green salad followed by berries and cream or you might like a few sticks of celery and cream cheese - you can have that no problem.
What it appears you can't eat is the heavy carbohydrate foods such as potato - probably bread, pasta, rice - maybe any grain including oats are going to be off the menu too, or severely limited, along with sweet or starch fruits such as bananas, grapefruit, oranges, even apples and pears.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Last night I had large rib eye steak with a mushroom and cream source along with some stir-fry asparagus. There are lots of low carb treats to choose from……

I can also now eat sweat potatoes without my BG going out of control, not an everyday food, but a very nice treat. When I first had type2, they would have sent my BG very high.