Not enough information


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I've recently started the Low Carb Program (also frustrated by having windows opened one week at a time) but there doesn't seem to be enough information about how to use the site. I have huge problems understanding how to enter my readings and am totally incapable of adding a 'meal plate'. If my meal is not already in the system, I can't add it. I use My Fitness Pal with some success but am unwilling to pay for the full app simply to count carbs more easily and was hoping this one would be more useful in showing overall progress with medication and lifestyle changes. I'm not sure how, if you are supposed to track your food, this program will help. I'm using an iPad; maybe that's the problem.


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I've recently started the Low Carb Program (also frustrated by having windows opened one week at a time) but there doesn't seem to be enough information about how to use the site. I have huge problems understanding how to enter my readings and am totally incapable of adding a 'meal plate'. If my meal is not already in the system, I can't add it. I use My Fitness Pal with some success but am unwilling to pay for the full app simply to count carbs more easily and was hoping this one would be more useful in showing overall progress with medication and lifestyle changes. I'm not sure how, if you are supposed to track your food, this program will help. I'm using an iPad; maybe that's the problem.

Hello Ditzy - I'm sorry you are facing these challenges using the Low Carb Program. I can't say the feedback of having trouble adding food is one I have personally heard before, but I have raised with with the tech people, and asked if they will confirm whether or not the LCP and MFP are integrated at all.

When/if you respond to the thread, please tag me, but using the @ symbol, followed immediately by my user name, like this: @DCUKmod . That will alert me to your response.


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Hello Ditzy - I'm sorry you are facing these challenges using the Low Carb Program. I can't say the feedback of having trouble adding food is one I have personally heard before, but I have raised with with the tech people, and asked if they will confirm whether or not the LCP and MFP are integrated at all.

When/if you respond to the thread, please tag me, but using the @ symbol, followed immediately by my user name, like this: @DCUKmod . That will alert me to your response.


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Thank you for your reply @DCUKmod. I have given in to MFP and paid for a year. I am not the only person who has given up on the meal adding because it just doesn't work as you can see from the other reply I got here and I'm sure I've seen similar comments elsewhere. It doesn't give you the opportunity to add generic things, just 'a meal plate'. As I don't have any identical meals myself, I am certainly not able to add anyone else's meal plate to my planner. I suspect it worked once but is broken. The program is such a good idea it is a shame it doesn't work properly and is such a mare to use.


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Thank you for your reply @DCUKmod. I have given in to MFP and paid for a year. I am not the only person who has given up on the meal adding because it just doesn't work as you can see from the other reply I got here and I'm sure I've seen similar comments elsewhere. It doesn't give you the opportunity to add generic things, just 'a meal plate'. As I don't have any identical meals myself, I am certainly not able to add anyone else's meal plate to my planner. I suspect it worked once but is broken. The program is such a good idea it is a shame it doesn't work properly and is such a mare to use.

Ditzy47 and @AM1847 - I've had a response from the tech guys. The LC Program isn't integrated with MFP, but I wonder if this document might help you out at all?


  • Guide Food Diary v01.compressed.pdf
    412.2 KB · Views: 477


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Ditzy47 and @AM1847 - I've had a response from the tech guys. The LC Program isn't integrated with MFP, but I wonder if this document might help you out at all?
That link is goobledegook to me. I use chrome book and could not work out how to obtain the low carb programme beyond the first page. Since I never had fizzy drinks and rarely puds I would have been off to a flying start if I had ever been able to get into it. Some time later I discovered that when the site keeps delogging me or has the weird topic names list I have to clear browsing history. Why I do not know but op is certainly not the only person to have had a problem. However I do not have a smartphone and I do not understand appspeak jargon.


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That link is goobledegook to me. I use chrome book and could not work out how to obtain the low carb programme beyond the first page. Since I never had fizzy drinks and rarely puds I would have been off to a flying start if I had ever been able to get into it. Some time later I discovered that when the site keeps delogging me or has the weird topic names list I have to clear browsing history. Why I do not know but op is certainly not the only person to have had a problem. However I do not have a smartphone and I do not understand appspeak jargon.

Hi Covknit, when saying I hadn't heard of anyone else experiencing the problem, I meant the logging of food within the app. I have, of course, heard of people having various other issues.

Could I go back a step with you CovKnit.

Am I correct saying you tried to use the Low Carb Program, but couldn't find how to find it? If that's the case, you can find it here:

If you just click on it. When the page opens, because you are already a forum member, use the Login option in the orange box at the top of the screen. I've posted a screenshot for you to illustrate:


That should take you to the beginning of the Programme.

If that isn't what you mean, I apologise.

I'm not exactly sure what is happening to you with logging out of the site, but if you would like any help with that, please send me a PM. I am unlikely to log on again this evening, but would certainly get back to you tomorrow.

Have a lovely evening.


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@Ditzy47 - the document I referred to is in post number 7, above.
Yes, thank you. I know. I downloaded it and read it. It still doesn't work for me because my portion/serving size isn't necessarily the same as the one give. To give an example; I had three cherry tomatoes. Without weighing (I didn't have access to scales at the time). The easiest option is the number of them, in this case 10. The +/- buttons will only allow me to increase in increments of 10 and not decrease or divide. The other options are either weight or cups. Cups! This is a UK site - how many of us work in cups - certainly not those of us that grew up with ounces and then had to change to grams. I can see the point but it isn't at all helpful. I also tried to enter a two large egg omelette with one slice of bacon fried in olive oil. There are all sorts of omelettes there, none of which are the one I made. I tried to add the ingredients separately. No, still no luck.

The only app I can find for this is for an iPhone and I no longer use one, having changed to an android recently, but in any case, not having the flexibility of individual servings and having limited meals offered that bear no relation to my personal plate would be far too irritating to use. As I said, a shame because the potential is there for a really useful tool.


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Yes, thank you. I know. I downloaded it and read it. It still doesn't work for me because my portion/serving size isn't necessarily the same as the one give. To give an example; I had three cherry tomatoes. Without weighing (I didn't have access to scales at the time). The easiest option is the number of them, in this case 10. The +/- buttons will only allow me to increase in increments of 10 and not decrease or divide. The other options are either weight or cups. Cups! This is a UK site - how many of us work in cups - certainly not those of us that grew up with ounces and then had to change to grams. I can see the point but it isn't at all helpful. I also tried to enter a two large egg omelette with one slice of bacon fried in olive oil. There are all sorts of omelettes there, none of which are the one I made. I tried to add the ingredients separately. No, still no luck.

The only app I can find for this is for an iPhone and I no longer use one, having changed to an android recently, but in any case, not having the flexibility of individual servings and having limited meals offered that bear no relation to my personal plate would be far too irritating to use. As I said, a shame because the potential is there for a really useful tool.

Ditzy, I'll ensure your feedback reaches the tech people. I'm sorry the programme functionality doesn't suit you, but overall the programme has been extremely successful, with some staggering results. No matter how any app/site or process is built, I guess it's not going to work for everyone. It's a shame you appear to be falling into that group.

Just for your info; the Android app can be found here, I believe:

Even if it is of no use to you, it might help someone else reading this thread.

I haven't used the LC programme myself, but have found that apps designed for the iPhone (such as my Banks' offerings) work fine on the iPad, either as a smaller tile on the screen, or by expanding the tile, by utilising the x2 button, which is usually at the lower edge of the active tile. That just magnifies the whole thing.

As I say, I will make sure your feedback reaches the relevant people.


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Thank you for all your help and advice. I finally downloaded the app onto my Samsung phone and most of the problems I had with iOS have gone. I can try using that now instead although my sight isn't great so it's not so easy on a smaller screen. Thanks again.


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I have started to use the android app. Milk is the first problem for me in that I have not found the quantity that applies to me in coffee. For some reason, some are in grams, some in fluid oz (lowest is 4 fl oz - why not 1?) and some, yet again in cups. Being a liquid, measuring milk in grams (nothing less than 100 and I weighed mine at 75 so couldn't enter it) seems a little strange. Tablespoons would be easier. I think it is all too Americanised and although MFP is too, it does give a lot more options and explains properly how to use it. The same app is on android and iOS and you also get the option of scanning the barcodes that helps trmendously. I'm not going to follow this thread any more because it appears that everyone has ideas of what should be happening when in fact it doesn't work for me or doesn't apply to my device. I will revert to MFP and not have to struggle with it any more.


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Thank you for all your help and advice. I finally downloaded the app onto my Samsung phone and most of the problems I had with iOS have gone. I can try using that now instead although my sight isn't great so it's not so easy on a smaller screen. Thanks again.

I have read your other post too, and I obviously respect your decision to use another system to help you manage your diabetes. I started my journey before the LC Prog was available, so I used MFP too. I would caution a little on it, as some of the entries are user personal items, and not always accurately recorded, but I'm sure you're discover all these quirks, if you haven't already.

The real reason I wanted to respond though was to say if you are having trouble seeing the small print on any app or web page on your phone, you can usually increase the detail by enlarging the area, by expanding pinched fingers. I must admit, I use that on some web pages on my iPhone, where I might want to "press" a button.

Wonderful things, smartphones, but like most thing, imperfect.

Good luck with your diabetes. Sounds like you're doing the right things.


Well-Known Member
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I've recently started the Low Carb Program (also frustrated by having windows opened one week at a time) but there doesn't seem to be enough information about how to use the site. I have huge problems understanding how to enter my readings and am totally incapable of adding a 'meal plate'. If my meal is not already in the system, I can't add it. I use My Fitness Pal with some success but am unwilling to pay for the full app simply to count carbs more easily and was hoping this one would be more useful in showing overall progress with medication and lifestyle changes. I'm not sure how, if you are supposed to track your food, this program will help. I'm using an iPad; maybe that's the problem.
Hi, I am not technical in the least bit and had enormous difficulty so bought a book - Carbs and Cals - I made a simple chart of all the stuff I eat regular from the book could chart the fat content, cals, carbs etc. Book even shows different portion siz- available from library for us non techy people. I think they do an app for phones but did not want that. I wish you luck, hope someone can help you. I just wanted to send you a note to offer sympathy - you are not the only one who found it all extremely difficult.


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Hi Covknit, when saying I hadn't heard of anyone else experiencing the problem, I meant the logging of food within the app. I have, of course, heard of people having various other issues.

Could I go back a step with you CovKnit.

Am I correct saying you tried to use the Low Carb Program, but couldn't find how to find it? If that's the case, you can find it here:

If you just click on it. When the page opens, because you are already a forum member, use the Login option in the orange box at the top of the screen. I've posted a screenshot for you to illustrate:

View attachment 22945

That should take you to the beginning of the Programme.

If that isn't what you mean, I apologise.

I'm not exactly sure what is happening to you with logging out of the site, but if you would like any help with that, please send me a PM. I am unlikely to log on again this evening, but would certainly get back to you tomorrow.

Have a lovely evening.
I tested it - I can't log in as it says my email and password stored in the PC and used (successfully) to access the forum are incorrect.


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I tested it - I can't log in as it says my email and password stored in the PC and used (successfully) to access the forum are incorrect.

Could you please PM me your email address for the techies? Please do not post your email on the thread.