Nutritional advice


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi all.
I'm trying to get a handle on which foods are bad and which are good for me, just found out on the forum that high fat is good, who'd have thought that !
Are dieticians worth seeing, my experience of them in hospital would suggest not, any other help or advice much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the group.

I thought I’d respond as I’m also pre diabetic and have been “dealing “ with this since August last year. I’m not an expert but I’ll gladly share my experience.

I decided to follow the low carb way of life. I immediately cut out potatoes, pasta, rice and all flour based foods. I even stopped drinking beer!

Next I followed the accepted method of finger prick testing . In this way I could nail down what I could or couldn’t eat. It didn’t take very long to achieve this and then my BG settled down nicely. Along the way I’m now 16 kgs lighter ( only about 4 kgs from a good BMI) and my a1C is now normal.

I hope this helps and good luck


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Welcome to the group.

I thought I’d respond as I’m also pre diabetic and have been “dealing “ with this since August last year. I’m not an expert but I’ll gladly share my experience.

I decided to follow the low carb way of life. I immediately cut out potatoes, pasta, rice and all flour based foods. I even stopped drinking beer!

Next I followed the accepted method of finger prick testing . In this way I could nail down what I could or couldn’t eat. It didn’t take very long to achieve this and then my BG settled down nicely. Along the way I’m now 16 kgs lighter ( only about 4 kgs from a good BMI) and my a1C is now normal.

I hope this helps and good luck
Thanks for taking time to respond, I guess I need to cut out the obvious carbs and go from there. All the best

Helen H

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi. Chester1964 welcome to the forum. I am also pre diabetic - found out by text message last November. As soon as I found out I started doing my own research and luckily found this forum. I decided to start a keto diet - 20g carbs/day or less as I wanted to loose weight. I wasn’t massively overweight - BMI of 27 but the excess weight I did carry was around my belly - the worst kind - am now down to 22.5. my BG are now down in the low 5’s and upper 4’s mainly apart from the morning fasting which are in the high 5’s/6. I won’t get another HbA1C until November this year so am hoping that will be down. I am not saying you need to go as low as 20g carbs, some say i have gone too far as only pre diabetic but that is just me.
so, basically have a real good read if this forum and you will learn an awful lot.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi all.
I'm trying to get a handle on which foods are bad and which are good for me, just found out on the forum that high fat is good, who'd have thought that !
Are dieticians worth seeing, my experience of them in hospital would suggest not, any other help or advice much appreciated.
Hi @chester1964


Advice in order of merit.
Get a meter...(I use the navvi from home health, others prefer other makes.)

Once we get the diabetic warning or actual DX.
It's time to forget all we have been told about food that's 'healthy'
Because most of that 'isn't' for us....(unlikely it's appropriate for most others either, but that's another topic)

Spent a good time in hospital, but didn't see a dietician.

Ate the food provided by a dieticians input I'd guess somewhere in the chain as it crashes into cost management.

My guess would be most would be trained to promote the 'Eatwell' diet, and wouldn't risk straying to far from that.

So unlikely to have much to say different to what is already out there and proven not to work for us.

Aka , eat the same as now, just less of it...oh and eat low cal lo fat, yada yada...but not gonna lie, it's gonna get worse .... :rolleyes:

To sum up.
We have issues with processing carbs.

The benefits to lowering them, for me is just overwhelming, examples on here & from my own experience lead me to that conclusion.

I'm the one experiencing the issues.
I'm the one most upto date on what actually IS working for ME.
Not some health professionals working from a failed eating plan, many are debunking.

Top tip.
If this was your boat, and you were warned there was a bigger risk, it might sink on it's next sailing, you'd learn & do as much about those risks as possible & try to prevent it
So you'd have years of happy safer sailing.

This body is ours.
We don't get to buy another.
Let's be the best captains of this one, as we can be.

Read for yourself.
Learn what foods can do.
Now your numbers, don't just accept 'yep, everything's ok'
Take note of blood tests

And this ....low numbers better
Free to check it out, no need to join.
THIS as one of my most helpful links given by others when I first arrived.

Good luck.

Last edited:


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi @chester1964


Advice in order of merit.
Get a meter...(I use the navvi from home health, others prefer other makes.)

Once we get the diabetic warning or actual DX.
It's time to forget all we have been told about food that's 'healthy'
Because most of that 'isn't' for us....(unlikely it's not appropriate for must either, but that's another topic)

Spent a good time in hospital, but didn't see a dietician.

Ate the food provided by a dieticians input I'd guess somewhere in the chain as it crashes into cost management.

My guess would be most would be trained to promote the 'Eatwell' diet, and wouldn't risk straying to far from that.

So unlikely to have much to say different to what is already out there and proven not to work for us.

Aka , eat the same as now, just less of it...oh and eat low cal lo fat, yada yada...but not gonna lie, it's gonna get worse .... :rolleyes:

To sum up.
We have issues with processing carbs.

The benefits to lowering them, for me is just overwhelming, examples on here & from my own experience lead me to that conclusion.

I'm the one experiencing the issues.
I'm the one most upto date on what actually IS working for ME.
Not some health professionals working from a failed eating plan, many are debunking.

Top tip.
If this was your boat, and you were warned there was a bigger risk, it might sink on it's next sailing, you'd learn & do as much about those risks as possible & try to prevent it
So you'd have years of happy safer sailing.

This body is ours.
We don't get to buy another.
Let's be the best captains of this one, as we can be.

Read for yourself.
Learn what foods can do.
Now your numbers, don't just accept 'yep, everything's ok'
Take note of blood tests

And this ....low numbers better
Free to check it out, no need to join.
THIS as one of my most helpful links given by others when I first arrived.

Good luck.

Thanks for taking the time to reply, all good advice, my average BG at the moment is around 8 so quite high, I'll look at the diet doctor. All the best
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I agree with the information already given. I have studied nutrition all my life as a personal interest, and would not do any more than shrug at the advice given by the dieticians I have come across. Whether they believe it or not is a matter for conjecture. What I have seen is how the advice changes decade by decade, and how it does not stand up to real-life experience. There must be professionals out there who have seen and learned from this, but I suspect most are tied in to what they are told to do, and let's not forget professional insurance - it often doesn't pay to think outside received wisdom of the day. And "follow the money" often takes us back to commercial interest or personal ethical bias. But we are our own experiment, and if what I have learned from real life is not in accord with received wisdom, I know which horse I'll back. So I read, listen and research, which braces me against dubious theory, but what I take note of it what actually happens with me in real time. And always - we are all different and one size does not fit all.