Prediabetes dietary changes for someone with a low weight?


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Dear all,

I have received a txt from my doctor to say I have an HbA1c of 43, and am pre diabetic.
I have mild hypertension successfully controlled by drugs, and my weight is (and has been for all my life) low-normal (close to, but not, underweight).

I am looking at dietary advice, and am a bit confused. Some stuff is obvious - like cut out refined sugar, and refined carbs. Yep, I need to work at that and will do.
Some advice I am less clear if it is about weight loss, or more directly glucose level management. Such as portion size, etc.

How can I manage my diet, but also make sure that I get enough calories to not lose weight?


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Diet only
I was diagnosed prediabetes and was low weight (7 years ago!)
I suggest reduce carbs (wholemeal as well as refined). You then need to replace those calories with fats or proteins
I lost weight when I first started low carb - I wasn't eating enough calories. I tracked the number of carbs and the number of calories for a while.
I also bought a glucose testing meter to check the impact of foods on my blood glucose levels. I learned which foods I could eat, and which foods helped me to keep weight on. (One of the effects of Low Carb is that you may feel full for longer, so I needed to make sure I was taking in enough calories)

You are only just Prediabetic, so a change of diet can have an impact. You don't need to lose weight


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Diet only
exercise, phone calls
I am/was a slim T2 diabetic (in remission for nearly 4 yrs). My BG readings showed me that I needed to cut my carbohydrates quite hard (20-40gms per day), but I increased my proteins and the fats that came with them, so although I lost some weight (mainly because carbs retain water), my weight stabilised around the weight I'd been in my 20's (I was 68 yrs old at diagnosis and had not been that weight since I was 30).

I don't think people should fear losing weight on Low Carb, we have got used to everybody being heavier these days. Provided you get enough protein and enough calories it shouldn't matter if you are less heavy - because that's probably the optimum for you!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks a lot for all your replies. I am significantly reducing carbs and increasing protein and fats as you suggest. Already got my fasting level down below pre diabetes range, though spikes from my carb experiments show I need to stay on this low carb diet....


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I was told l was pre-diabetic in October. I am waiting for an appointment at the Diabetic Clinic (assuming it’s a long wait). The knowledge l have is only through reading at the moment.
However, l have other health problems and I’m anxious about some symptom. Not sure if they are to do with glucose levels. Shaky hands, ringing in my ears, pins and needles, numbness and a bit light-headed (not all together!). When you look these up it can get a bit confusing! Can anyone tell me if they could be diabetic symptoms?
I will see the GP if they don’r improve.


I was told l was pre-diabetic in October. I am waiting for an appointment at the Diabetic Clinic (assuming it’s a long wait). The knowledge l have is only through reading at the moment.
However, l have other health problems and I’m anxious about some symptom. Not sure if they are to do with glucose levels. Shaky hands, ringing in my ears, pins and needles, numbness and a bit light-headed (not all together!). When you look these up it can get a bit confusing! Can anyone tell me if they could be diabetic symptoms?
I will see the GP if they don’r improve.

I’d suggest checking medication levels at doctors, esp if you are on any for blood pressure. Some symptoms could be prediabetes.

bp and symptoms would be helped by eating low carb. You don’t have buy wait for appointment on get started. I hope it goes well .


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Ich habe das gleiche Problem. Habe Prädiabetes und Versuche mit Low Carb mich selbst zu retten, da mein Hb1Ac-Wert mittlerweile 6,0 erreicht hat. Ich war schon immer schlank, nehme mit Low Carb weiterhin zu und habe mittlerweile Angst bald untergewichtig zu sein. Versuche mehr Proteine und Fette zu essen, müssen nach meiner Berechnung über 2000 kCal essen, was allerdings sehr viel ist. Bin auch sehr aktiv und versuche es weiterhin ständig in Bewegung zu bleiben. Vielleicht kann mir jemand irgendwas empfehlen, was ich noch machen kann? Sport weglassen? Weniger spazieren gehen?
Vielen Dank im Voraus.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Ich habe das gleiche Problem. Habe Prädiabetes und Versuche mit Low Carb mich selbst zu retten, da mein Hb1Ac-Wert mittlerweile 6,0 erreicht hat. Ich war schon immer schlank, nehme mit Low Carb weiterhin zu und habe mittlerweile Angst bald untergewichtig zu sein. Versuche mehr Proteine und Fette zu essen, müssen nach meiner Berechnung über 2000 kCal essen, was allerdings sehr viel ist. Bin auch sehr aktiv und versuche es weiterhin ständig in Bewegung zu bleiben. Vielleicht kann mir jemand irgendwas empfehlen, was ich noch machen kann? Sport weglassen? Weniger spazieren gehen?
Vielen Dank im Voraus.
Hi @Baccara & welcome to the forum :)
This is a forum that uses English, if you could translate before you post then that would be very helpful to forum members :)
You can use Google translate it’s quite easy. I have used Google translate to translate your post from German to English for you

Translation of @Baccara post

I have the same problem. I have prediabetes and am trying to save myself with low carb because my Hb1Ac value has now reached 6.0. I have always been slim, continue to gain weight with low carb and am now afraid that I will soon be underweight. If you try to eat more proteins and fats, I calculate that you have to eat over 2000 kCal, which is a lot. I'm also very active and try to keep moving all the time. Maybe someone can recommend something else I can do? Skip sports? Walk less?
Thanks in advance.
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Tablets (oral)
@Baccara and @CWP have you thought of weights? You will gain muscle not lose weight but it will also bring your blood sugars down. The greater your muscle mass the more your muscles will demand glucose. If you don’t want to bulk up, sorry I dont know your gender, then use repetitive lighter weights . Ed i added the original poster
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nehme mit Low Carb weiterhin zu und habe mittlerweile Angst bald untergewichtig zu sein.
I'm puzzled.
Both in the translation as provided by @lovinglife as in your original German post, it says your weight is increasing and you also fear to become underweight.
Are you losing or gaining weight?

With your hba1c at 6,0% (42 mmol/mol) you're exactly on the threshold between normal and prediabetes, so nowhere near full blown diabetes. With a bit of luck, some minor changes to your diet will be enough to stay in the green zone.
If you are very active, you obviously need more calories to sustain you than if you led a sedentary lifestyle.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Ich bin verwirrt.
Sowohl in der Übersetzung von @lovinglife als auch in Ihrem ursprünglichen deutschen Beitrag heißt es, dass Ihr Gewicht zunimmt und Sie außerdem Angst haben, untergewichtig zu werden.
Nehmen Sie ab oder zu?

Mit einem HbA1c-Wert von 6,0% (42 mmol/mol) liegst du genau an der Grenze zwischen Normalwert und Prädiabetes, also noch weit von einem ausgewachsenen Diabetes entfernt. Mit etwas Glück genügen kleine Ernährungsumstellungen, um im grünen Bereich zu bleiben.
Wenn Sie sehr aktiv sind, benötigen Sie offensichtlich mehr Kalorien zum Überleben, als wenn Sie einen sitzenden Lebensstil führen.

Vielen Dank für die schnelle Antwort. Was ich meine ist natürlich, dass ich weiterhin abnehme, weil ich eine Low-Carb-Diät mache und es für mich ziemlich schwierig ist, 2000 kcal zu essen, weil ich keinen Hunger habe. Entschuldigen Sie die Verwirrung
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Thank you very much for the quick reply. What I mean of course is that I am continuing to lose weight because I am on a low carb diet and it is quite difficult for me to eat 2000 kcal because I am not hungry. Sorry for the confusion


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I think interval fasting (or only eating twice a day) would not be particularly wise in my case. I am trying to continue to build up my muscles and keep moving until my weight has stabilised. In September 2024 I will go to Doc for blood tests, let's see what I will achieve in 3 months...
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