Wow !! You had eOGTT twice !! And there was a huge difference to the spike !! It is really interesting !!
Ozempic suppresses my appetite, so it became easier to do Keto diet , otherwise before I had sugar cravings.. but it gave me severe diarrhea, which I have been suffering since I had Stevens-Johndon Syndrome 12 years ago .. all my digestive system became chaos. I had a lot of colonoscopy, but nothing was found except intolerance to lactose, gluten, oil and fat …
After I started Keto diet, diarrhea stopped but now constipated …. I cannot win …. But I will keep Keto . I am searching for cure now ..
I found I have latex allergies, so I cannot eat bananas, tomatoes, strawberries .. they gave me stomach ache straight away and later diarrhea..
I have some problems with food ..
I always appreciate your knowledge and experience , Lamont ! You know a lot from your experience… this is really helpful .
Best wishes to you …
I have had five or six eOGTTs, the two above described was numbers 3 & 4 tests.
The first was a really long day. I arrived after fasting all night, the initial bloods taken and cannula fitted, drink (yuk) then bloods every half hour.
After 3 and a half hours my bloods were heading towards hypo levels. The sister, then the house doctor on duty couldn't understand what was happening. The next reading was very low, low 3's (ish) they gave me a Lucozade as if I was T1. A butty which I couldn't eat, then biscuits, quite a few packs.
Kept taking my bloods as it went back up and then crashed again. They sent me home at 11pm. Just told me to eat if I went low.
Obviously there was a lot of discussion cos they didn't have a clue. My endocrinologist was notified.
They weren't organised for what happened. Having not been aware of the result.
Second one was a repeat of the first for diagnostic and verification of results from the first. They had different response for the hypos cos the sister (same one) had been given instructions when going hypo. More biscuits, but an alternative on the drink, black tea. Had to take it easy on the biscuits, a couple every fifteen minutes.
Test stopped after hypo found.
The fifth and maybe sixth was because the dosage was changed of the sitagliptin.
The intolerance to varied group of foods are similar to me, I'm not surprised by that, but I can eat tomatoes, love em! And I have strawberries occasionally or other berries, which are low carb.
Bananas, I share one in the in the early evening. Can't do a full one. Causes a spike. Fruit is ok for me, but I I split it up during my window of eating.
Never had diahorea, but always loose before diagnosis and having a bit of constipation is fine for me. But too much, and finding something you can take and not upset you more is hopeful to relieve it. I would rather have the constipation than the other.
I have always had issues with food, and my peers and friends have always had fun at my expense with it all. You just get used to it. I have always had support, when they find out and even though my wife is struggling with memory, she will support me. But some of her suggestions will make me laugh.
This site, and the different forums that correlate with RH has been my main source of information. But trawling the internet, even when I found the information wasn't what I found logical. Was helpful and of course my endocrinologist who found the answers and the discussions about how to proceed and always keeping an open mind, through my experience. And be versatile in changing your mind about things can be so important.
Did not know about your lactose intolerance. It does take some of the low carb choices away.
So many different attributes to this condition and how similar and yet so different individually.
My best wishes