Regular moderate exercise log


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Evening. Day off yesterday so back to it today. Decided my back doesn’t feel up to the plank to press ups as it’s been twinging all day, so just did 3 full circuits with each circuit consisting of 60 thigh crunches, 30 star jumps and 30 leg raises. Hopefully tomorrow I can bring back the planks


Possibly not the best place to post this, but it’s exercise related and not worthy of its own thread.

My goodness human biology is miraculous. Having successfully carried out a little miniature experiment on myself yesterday, with correctly predicted results, it was my intention to fast all day today. However, I just decided to do a few sets with my dumbbells. This time with a little extra weight added than I would normally lift. Felt fine and powerful throughout the sets but, and here’s the part I find fascinating, almost literally the second I was finished, I was instantly starving hungry and have decided to have a hearty lunch.

Talk about perfectly tuned anotomy. Love it! :D
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One should stick to ones routine and planned training days....

I skipped yesterdays swim citing fatigue :p but did my legs in the gym, squats to 100kg at my heaviest, with curls, extensions and calf raises, 4 sets of each.
3 days in a row isn't the best idea at my age :p

I wonder.

The homeostasis idea is something athletes have known of for a long time.

3 days in a row is oft cited as not giving the muscles recovery time yet...

There may be benefit for diabetics.

I don’t know.

I consider if I was a farmer and needed to do some specific work that taxes my legs this way.

Regardless, Kev, you’re doing awesome.
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Can’t lie, the last thing I wanted to do today is work out. But I have so feels like a win. 3 full circuits with circuit of:
50 thigh crunches
45 second plank hold
25 star jumps
25 leg raises


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Hello again everyone, been missing in action due to a nasty sinus infection but will be training again from tonight. My last workout consisted of Bench press 5x5 x100kg followed by squats 5x5x 125kg then home as this was the beginning of the wheels falling off the bus!! 15 training weeks until the British Champs so no more being ill thank you, just makes it all the more enjoyable.

Take care everyone.


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Tonight’s circuits were 3 sets with each set having:
60 thigh crunches
15 sit ups
25 star jumps
10 plank to press ups
Glad it’s rest day tomorrow as I can feel the ache setting in already


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Diet only
Not great lately for exercise but some basic moving about. Saturday 6k steps which was good for how I felt. Sunday 10.5k steps would have been more but literally blown about walking the dogs and they didn't like it. Today 14.5k steps. No variety and nothing very good but not just sitting.


Retired Moderator
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Hi all

Catching up after my weekend away, which proved to be a little more active than planned. No gym time (need to get back to that) but plenty of walking. Working backwards, yesterday was 14.6k steps. Sunday 26.2k, Saturday 18.4k and Friday 26.5k, including a very long early morning walk at speed. Definitely the most satisfying day exercise wise.

I also usually set out before the hoards, but save canal walking for holiday times rather than weekends. Oh, and one of my other favourite walks through one of our urban country parks for when the horses are not out!

Urban parks are the best!

Decided my back doesn’t feel up to the plank to press ups as it’s been twinging all day

Take care and don’t push it. I’m an example of doing too much too soon - took many months to sort out shin splints caused by over enthusiasm, still get the odd problem.

Hello again everyone, been missing in action due to a nasty sinus infection but will be training again from tonight.

Great to see you back @johnpol


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okra. Cigarette smoke, old, new, and permeating a room, wafting from a balcony, etc etc. That I have so many chronic diseases. That I take so very many meds. Being cold. Anything too loud, but specifically non-classical music and the television.
@Emma_369 you are really doing well! Y’know? I despised PE too. I was not good at anything. My first high school had a 2-yr requirement, so I took phys ed as 9th and 10th grader. Then we moved... new school not so many farm kids, 4-yr requirement and I was introduced to the concept of jocks, male and female. Ugh. But as I was taking ballet classes and riding my bike I was in decent shape.
@ianpspurs of course all your exercise dies you good, even if only keeping the lanolin out of your hair!
Well I can’t currently live up to any of you here, but I have 6 years mostly off because of one then the other bad hip. Excuses schmooses! All that was finished more than a year ago, and time’s a-wastin’!
Back in my 40’s, I had a full time job, two little boys, jogged 20+ miles/week, and did enough weight training for upper body that I had really nice arms. And lower body Jane Fonda routine so quite toned bottom half. Also during that lost the same 30 lbs I’ve lost in the past 6.5 months (and yoyo’d with that for years after)
So now, I walk. Not far, not fast, but asthma and a heart thing have been with me for a long time. Somebody was walking 12 minute miles- at my BEST, I could jog 3.5 11minute miles... so walking an 11 minute half mile for up to 4 miles (steep hilly roads) makes me happy. That 4 miles only happens in one location, on vacation. We walk to the lighthouse. At home, it gets old walking the same streets more than twice each, and 3 is about the max I get in this little suburban ‘hood. At least it also is straight up (then of course back down!).
Today before bed I walked 2.6 miles with most of it at 21 minute miles, which is an achievement for me. I have been super energized since a large supper, and am not sleepy yet
We shall see what chances tomorrow brings. I really have to seriously rehab both hips. Did a good job with the first but it soon became too painful to lie on the other one. And upper body, yes I’d like to do that too. But I ain’t 45 any more. Nor 55...nor 65...sigh. Another bday coming up, too. How did I do all that stuff 30+ years ago? I thought nothing of a Saturday which went like this: go to morning rehearsal (work), do my total 4.25mi jog, go grocery shopping, shower maybe, fix family supper, and go back to the hall and play the concert(work). Go home wrung out. “That was a long song!” if Mahler or Bruckner. In bed by 10:45 or so. 6:30 or 7:00 next morning there are the thundering hordes, all two of them multiplied by ADD, ready to make trouble if I don’t get up.
Ah for lost youth!


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Morning all, bench press last night whole new set up/technique so back to the beginning (again, you never stop learning) so 90kg 5x5, felt relatively ok considering, then side lateral raises 15kg 3x15 then that was it off home as still getting tired easily.

Take care everyone.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
11k steps today and 20 mins Youtube led weights session
Didn’t do much yesterday but did at least have a decent step count the day before (>17k a great score for me!)
Must get back into the habit of posting here, it encourages me to do stuff.


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Assistance work last night, facepulls 5x15, side lat raises 3x15, shoulder press 3x20, rear delts 3x15 then finished off with tricep push downs 3x20, I can't remember the weights used as still feeling a bit rough from last week, only 15 training weeks until comp so have to get going.

Take care everyone.


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okra. Cigarette smoke, old, new, and permeating a room, wafting from a balcony, etc etc. That I have so many chronic diseases. That I take so very many meds. Being cold. Anything too loud, but specifically non-classical music and the television.
I’m too lazy to do step counting. Yesterday’s .23 mi walk with much body English to help ward off early morning leg cramps was followed by 50 minutes of right leg massage by my Kneading fingers 2000 machine. Got rid of a huge knot of trigger points in my calf that I’ve been growing for a couple of years. !

The readers are for scale. This thing is unwieldy, weighs a ton, and would keep running if an elephant sat on it! Bought it at a state fair exhibit 20+ years ago.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
11k steps an 14 hrs with 250+ steps. Somehow I have hurt a muscle on left hand side so weights and exercise bike are out.


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Tonights 3 circuits consisted of :
60 thigh crunches
30 legs raises
12 sit ups
10 squat jumps
Left the plank/press up work today as woke up feeling like my right shoulder had been taking part in an all night shot put contest whilst the rest of me was sleeping


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tonights 3 circuits consisted of :
60 thigh crunches
30 legs raises
12 sit ups
10 squat jumps
Left the plank/press up work today as woke up feeling like my right shoulder had been taking part in an all night shot put contest whilst the rest of me was sleeping
Hope the right shoulder heals quickly:)


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
okra. Cigarette smoke, old, new, and permeating a room, wafting from a balcony, etc etc. That I have so many chronic diseases. That I take so very many meds. Being cold. Anything too loud, but specifically non-classical music and the television.
@ianpspurs let the toffee fairy make it all better!
@Emma_369 oh yes, careful on the shoulder. The rest of the routine is stellar!
Just completed 2.6 miles at what I cal “sailing along”, which means I don’t feel I’m pushing it. Oddly, the two times I’ve done this have been two of my fastest times. It’s all in which side of the bed my body and brain woke up on I guess. So this was half-mile splits of about 10:30 more or less. Same speed up as down. Really need insulated socks, as running shoes just have no protection against the chill. My Reynaud’s seems to have moved into my toes as well . BG went from 110/6.1 to 107/5.94. I know ambient temp has an effect on bg but darned if I’m going to track that too!