Reversed T2 in 3 months diet only!


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I do not have diabetes
Coffee w/heavy cream, I make a home made low carb bread that has really helped me stay on track.
Lucky indeed. I can't eat any of that either and, at a skinny 7 stone, I have no weight to lose. I am told I am (borderline by my reckoning!) dangerously under weight. I can't eat fruit or underground veg (carrots etc.) either and I am SO BORED WITH WHAT I CAN EAT that I really only eat because I have to, rarely enjoy what I have. I don't particularly like cooking which doesn't help!!!

You hit on something very important: cooking has saved me. I make zucchini noodles w/meat sauce, curry sauce, or cheese sauce. I also make low carb flat bread for all kinds of sandwiches, & I just started making low carb Jamaican meat pies. Home made soups & marinated salads w/ all kinds of herbed dressings. As a pre-D who rarely eats out, I would be miserable about my diet if I did not cook.


Morning guys

Recently had some great news. Following diagnosis of T2 in mid April this year I recently went for my three monthly check and bloods taken, and results came back very positive.

I have reduced my HBA1C level from 55 down to 37 and have lost 13kg in 13 weeks on a self made dietary plan.

Only felt compelled to post this because of a question another member posted earlier asking about weetabix bananas and breakfast and what was right and wrong.

Reading the replies etc I agree with many in the fact that a lot of success/failure is down to the individual themselves. Personally I embraced what having diabetes meant in so much as I knew I had to alter my lifestyle/eating habits etc and it became something of a challenge for me to do that, but in a positive way.

Without any real help or guidance, except for discovering this site and reading up on the internet, I set about finding out what were the right food for me and what to avoid.

In all this time, I can honestly say that I probably eat more now and regularly than I have ever done! Breakfast is a MUST to kick start my day, normally Special K and a small banana, or in fact Weetabix...... occasionally I have bacon, sausage, mushrooms, tomatoes, beans and scrambled egg.....grilled not fried of course and smaller portions of each and not overloaded!!

Lunch consists of salad with either mackerel in tomato sauce, or tuna, or cottage cheese ..... plenty of lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, grated carrot and a small portion of mixed fruit and nuts plus a small helping of low fat coleslaw.

For tea, normally chicken or pork or fresh fish with either four or five small new potatoes and lots of veg, or small portion of brown basmati rice, or wholemeal pasta, depends what I'm having.

Normally this would see me right for the day, but if I get peckish I grab a handful of mixed fruit and nuts which does the trick. Drink plenty of water which cuts out the hunger pangs.....

Cut out the bread.....the pastry......the sweet cakes..... and the hardest one of all for me personally.....the sausage rolls!!!! :-(

Looking back to pre diagnosis, I would never have believed that I could make such an adjustment, but in truth it really was quite easy to do. I had terrible trouble with pains in my feet , ankles and knees. I suffered terrible fatigue. Had massive energy spikes and awful lows and mood swings. All unbeknown to me at the time that this was what diabetes does to you. But now, healthier, more energetic, virtually pain free and more positive, these small lifestyle/eating habit changes have changed my life enormously.

My nurse who was helping me at the doctors was so overjoyed on breaking the news to me about my blood sugar level results it was quite emotional!! So whilst I have reduced my levels, I know that diabetes will never go away and I have to remain sensible and continue with these changes in my life. But I embrace that. It all served as a bit of a warning and that warning has been heeded.

So to anyone out there reading this, don't despair. Don't give in. Make those changes that suit you. You WILL feel the benefits.....
Morning guys

Recently had some great news. Following diagnosis of T2 in mid April this year I recently went for my three monthly check and bloods taken, and results came back very positive.

I have reduced my HBA1C level from 55 down to 37 and have lost 13kg in 13 weeks on a self made dietary plan.

Only felt compelled to post this because of a question another member posted earlier asking about weetabix bananas and breakfast and what was right and wrong.

Reading the replies etc I agree with many in the fact that a lot of success/failure is down to the individual themselves. Personally I embraced what having diabetes meant in so much as I knew I had to alter my lifestyle/eating habits etc and it became something of a challenge for me to do that, but in a positive way.

Without any real help or guidance, except for discovering this site and reading up on the internet, I set about finding out what were the right food for me and what to avoid.

In all this time, I can honestly say that I probably eat more now and regularly than I have ever done! Breakfast is a MUST to kick start my day, normally Special K and a small banana, or in fact Weetabix...... occasionally I have bacon, sausage, mushrooms, tomatoes, beans and scrambled egg.....grilled not fried of course and smaller portions of each and not overloaded!!

Lunch consists of salad with either mackerel in tomato sauce, or tuna, or cottage cheese ..... plenty of lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, grated carrot and a small portion of mixed fruit and nuts plus a small helping of low fat coleslaw.

For tea, normally chicken or pork or fresh fish with either four or five small new potatoes and lots of veg, or small portion of brown basmati rice, or wholemeal pasta, depends what I'm having.

Normally this would see me right for the day, but if I get peckish I grab a handful of mixed fruit and nuts which does the trick. Drink plenty of water which cuts out the hunger pangs.....

Cut out the bread.....the pastry......the sweet cakes..... and the hardest one of all for me personally.....the sausage rolls!!!! :-(

Looking back to pre diagnosis, I would never have believed that I could make such an adjustment, but in truth it really was quite easy to do. I had terrible trouble with pains in my feet , ankles and knees. I suffered terrible fatigue. Had massive energy spikes and awful lows and mood swings. All unbeknown to me at the time that this was what diabetes does to you. But now, healthier, more energetic, virtually pain free and more positive, these small lifestyle/eating habit changes have changed my life enormously.

My nurse who was helping me at the doctors was so overjoyed on breaking the news to me about my blood sugar level results it was quite emotional!! So whilst I have reduced my levels, I know that diabetes will never go away and I have to remain sensible and continue with these changes in my life. But I embrace that. It all served as a bit of a warning and that warning has been heeded.

So to anyone out there reading this, don't despair. Don't give in. Make those changes that suit you. You WILL feel the benefits.....
OK I am happy for you however I also many years ago did the same thing but Diabetes cannot be cured only controlled and it is a progressive disease and it gets more and more difficult to control so I am happy for your early result but it almost certainly cannot last.. I wish it were so easy we would all be cured ...


Well-Known Member
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I reversed my Type 2
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OK I am happy for you however I also many years ago did the same thing but Diabetes cannot be cured only controlled and it is a progressive disease and it gets more and more difficult to control so I am happy for your early result but it almost certainly cannot last.. I wish it were so easy we would all be cured ...
Oh dear.


Well-Known Member
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I do not have diabetes
Coffee w/heavy cream, I make a home made low carb bread that has really helped me stay on track.

I don't think "one size fits all" w/T2D because there are some folks who have a very strong genetic component & others not so much. None of us can really be sure of how much genetics plays into our particular case, but genetic predisposition is not genetic predetermination. So we all should control our lifestyle choices. Some will go on & develop T2D anyways no matter how low carb they go & others will not, even w/a moderate amount of carbs. So to say it is a progressive disease is really not true for everyone, but may be true for some.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
I don't think "one size fits all" w/T2D because there are some folks who have a very strong genetic component & others not so much. None of us can really be sure of how much genetics plays into our particular case, but genetic predisposition is not genetic predetermination. So we all should control our lifestyle choices. Some will go on & develop T2D anyways no matter how low carb they go & others will not, even w/a moderate amount of carbs. So to say it is a progressive disease is really not true for everyone, but may be true for some.
I think douglas may have posted the same thing, just with less words;)

I think most of the posters on this forum understand that there is no one size fit all solution to our T2.
Lucky indeed. I can't eat any of that either and, at a skinny 7 stone, I have no weight to lose. I am told I am (borderline by my reckoning!) dangerously under weight. I can't eat fruit or underground veg (carrots etc.) either and I am SO BORED WITH WHAT I CAN EAT that I really only eat because I have to, rarely enjoy what I have. I don't particularly like cooking which doesn't help!!!
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Load thumping modern rock and people.
Very well done. I was diagnosed last year with a glucose of 18.6 and an HbA1c of 10.4% and had absolutely no symptoms; I was tired but then I got up very early, worked long hours, looked after my horses and had far too little sleep so that was understandable so am surprised that you had all those symptoms with your HbA1c. Not sure of the exact conversion but mine was a lot higher than yours and I was only diagnosed as I went for my free NHS health check!

I can honestly say you have almost exactly done what I did to control my Type2. The only difference is I don't have the Bacon etc, much to my disappointment, I love Bacon. I do have eggs though.
I trolled the internet & this site 13 years ago for ideas and formulated a plan, I have been told for the last 4-5 years that I am normal, as far as diabetes is concerned, otherwise, I am not sure haha. Unfortunately, though, neuropathy has popped up in my left foot and lower leg which can be a bit bad at times. I am not certain if the neuropathy is through diabetes or a foot accident, where I tripped and came down hard on the toes, of my feet and could not walk for weeks and now is just beginning to show up as I am now 75 years old. Anyway best of luck with your efforts Arab Horse.
To all of the newbies with diabetes educate yourselves about this problem and watch your diet and exercise, it is extremely important now and further down the track.

I am now going to a Neurologist. My GP thinks I may have Erythromelalgia as well.
Life's a ***** sometimes. Keep smiling though:)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
I have managed to do the same, bring my levels down to 37 over the last couple of years by changing my lifestyle to low carb/high fat, incorporating 5:2, lost 1 and half stone, still a bit to go with the weight but other than that, am now metformin free!!:)
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Well done! Such an awesome achievement and doesn't it feel great! I had similar stats to you and reversed mine in 3 months by following a low carb high fat diet. I have tried eating a normal amount of carbs since, sometimes it raises my glucose and sometimes not, I think it depends on how active I am.
GO YOU! :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I too lowered my HBA1C from 96 to 34 in 3 months and lost 2 stone using low carb diet using olive oil in place of all other fats and lots of veggies and fish 12 months on I have got down to 33 I know I have to maintain my new diet. I am told it is very probable my diabetes was caused by taking steroids for my RA


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Type 2
Maybe your RA was coursed by your high insulin level that your body created to protect its self from the carbs you were eating.

Until we start testing fasting insulin level we will not truly know if someone has T2, as you can have T2 with normal HBA1C (and finger pick BG) given that T2 is insulin resistance and the long term damaged done to the rest of the body from T2 is as much due to the high insulin level then it is due to high BG.

I do not believe anyone has reversed T2 unless their insulin level is normal for the 5 hours after a glucose tolerance test, ,this is a test the NHS does not do, as the NHS cares more about sickness then health. (Just testing BG only shows us that are body is unable to control GB, it does not tell us if we our body is giving itself insulin poisoning.)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I think that is the wrong way round - insulin isn't poisonous, but sugar is toxic to those who are inclined to be diabetic.
I can't have reacted to low carb eating by instantly turning off the insulin over production, but as soon as my blood glucose levels dropped I felt so much better.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
I think that is the wrong way round - insulin isn't poisonous, but sugar is toxic to those who are inclined to be diabetic.
I can't have reacted to low carb eating by instantly turning off the insulin over production, but as soon as my blood glucose levels dropped I felt so much better.

The are both poisonous to different parts of your body in different ways. Your insulin production would have decreased as soon as your blood glucose levels dropped. (Insulin levels can even reduce on low carb before the BG get anywhere near a normal level.)

High levels of insulin drives a lot of the risk factors for heart problems and autoimmune etc, but our body would rather have an issue a few years down the line, then die from too high BG today, hence our bodies will keep increasing the insulin levels until it can no longer do so, or until the BG comes under control.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Very well done. I was diagnosed last year with a glucose of 18.6 and an HbA1c of 10.4% and had absolutely no symptoms; I was tired but then I got up very early, worked long hours, looked after my horses and had far too little sleep so that was understandable so am surprised that you had all those symptoms with your HbA1c. Not sure of the exact conversion but mine was a lot higher than yours and I was only diagnosed as I went for my free NHS health check!

Until diagnosis I didn't consider that there was anything "wrong" with me either . its only a few months in that I can see that some of the "tiny " niggles I powered through were actually symptoms.
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Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Morning guys

Recently had some great news. Following diagnosis of T2 in mid April this year I recently went for my three monthly check and bloods taken, and results came back very positive.

I have reduced my HBA1C level from 55 down to 37 and have lost 13kg in 13 weeks on a self made dietary plan.

Only felt compelled to post this because of a question another member posted earlier asking about weetabix bananas and breakfast and what was right and wrong.

Reading the replies etc I agree with many in the fact that a lot of success/failure is down to the individual themselves. Personally I embraced what having diabetes meant in so much as I knew I had to alter my lifestyle/eating habits etc and it became something of a challenge for me to do that, but in a positive way.

Without any real help or guidance, except for discovering this site and reading up on the internet, I set about finding out what were the right food for me and what to avoid.

In all this time, I can honestly say that I probably eat more now and regularly than I have ever done! Breakfast is a MUST to kick start my day, normally Special K and a small banana, or in fact Weetabix...... occasionally I have bacon, sausage, mushrooms, tomatoes, beans and scrambled egg.....grilled not fried of course and smaller portions of each and not overloaded!!

Lunch consists of salad with either mackerel in tomato sauce, or tuna, or cottage cheese ..... plenty of lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, grated carrot and a small portion of mixed fruit and nuts plus a small helping of low fat coleslaw.

For tea, normally chicken or pork or fresh fish with either four or five small new potatoes and lots of veg, or small portion of brown basmati rice, or wholemeal pasta, depends what I'm having.

Normally this would see me right for the day, but if I get peckish I grab a handful of mixed fruit and nuts which does the trick. Drink plenty of water which cuts out the hunger pangs.....

Cut out the bread.....the pastry......the sweet cakes..... and the hardest one of all for me personally.....the sausage rolls!!!! :-(

Looking back to pre diagnosis, I would never have believed that I could make such an adjustment, but in truth it really was quite easy to do. I had terrible trouble with pains in my feet , ankles and knees. I suffered terrible fatigue. Had massive energy spikes and awful lows and mood swings. All unbeknown to me at the time that this was what diabetes does to you. But now, healthier, more energetic, virtually pain free and more positive, these small lifestyle/eating habit changes have changed my life enormously.

My nurse who was helping me at the doctors was so overjoyed on breaking the news to me about my blood sugar level results it was quite emotional!! So whilst I have reduced my levels, I know that diabetes will never go away and I have to remain sensible and continue with these changes in my life. But I embrace that. It all served as a bit of a warning and that warning has been heeded.

So to anyone out there reading this, don't despair. Don't give in. Make those changes that suit you. You WILL feel the benefits.....

Wow ! well done Give me serious hope , i watched that programme about carbs! i been type 2 for 4 years now i have my review results coming back this week was at 51 6 months ago . after reading your story i think i may give this low carb stuff ago :D thank you for sharing


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Either way - whether its a full reversal of diabetes or a nice remission period, lets not knock him for being extremely positive and doing something about the diagnosis in the first place - he took a nice detour and bettered his health - and saw some light in doing so. Good on him - I am newly diagnosed and cant wait to have my 3 month health check and I hope my news is as positive as his. Well done M C Mollloy - keep up the healthy diet and positive attitude!

Deleted member 578378

Hi there

Excellent news I have done the same my bs is now 59mmol will soon be 48 next stay strong stay positive it is working for me @t last.
