Reversing T2 With Supplements

Bye Bye T2

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Has anybody else had success using supplements to control or reverse T2.
I’ve probably been diabetic for well over 20yrs and had been prescribed Metformin with talk of going on to insulin to control my out of control blood sugar figures.
4 months ago I started taking Gluco Trust plus metabolic advanced. I stopped the Metformin, and without trying lost 2 stone in weight my HbA1c figures arrived today showing 34.4 in the normal range I am really pleased and have been feeling great over the past few months. For me these supplements have worked the cravings have gone and I have much more energy than before, I’m interested in hearing how others have managed T2 using supplements only.


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Diet only
exercise, phone calls
I'm very cynical about supplements which supposedly reverse T2.
Although some people have had mild success at controlling T2 (mild reductions in BG numbers with berberine or with other natural products), I know of no studies showing that you can eat the same carbohydrates as before and reduce your BG enough to reverse T2 Diabetes just by adding a supplement (or even most drugs). This is why T2 Diabetes used to be thought to be progressive and incurable.

I and many others have got into remission (not a cure) just by simply tackling the problem at the source - the carbohydrates we eat digesting into glucose in our bloodstream. Lower carbs in a meal means lower glucose - simple!


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I agree with @Kernow Debra why isn’t this prescribed by the NHS if it is so effective.
My worry would be that both of these ‘medications’ contain chromium and zinc, you may be overdosing on those two elements. Even supplements can be dangerous in overdose.


Retired Moderator
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I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
I had a quick look at the product website, then the active ingredients. Quite a lot of the active ingredients are natural things (like leaf extract) from India, and allegedly commonly used in herbal medicine in India.

On that basis, I might have thought India would have decent metabolic/diabetes health. Unfortunately, that isn't so. India has a real diabetes issue.

Clinical trials are scant, and usually have a very small number of participants

Personally, I'll pass.


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It's great to hear of your success, well done! I wonder if you are also taking other measures to control your blood glucose that could be contributing to lower levels? The thing with supplements is that either they are useless and don't impact blood glucose OR they do impact bg but are not being carefully measured or regulated. So whatever they are, take extra care because they could cause hypos or side affects in your body that you're not aware of (eg impacting liver or kidney function).


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Hi @Bye Bye T2 and welcome to the forum. Great result. Did you rely solely on the supplements or did you change your diet as well?
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Bye Bye T2

Type of diabetes
Type 2
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I too was skeptical before starting with these supplements and only bought 1 months supply to see if it made any difference. I decided to use a Libre sensor so I could track any changes in my BG. Towards the end of the first month there was enough steady progress to give me confidence to order more. As for changing my diet i found that one of the claims to be accurate that I didn’t have the same cravings and didn’t feel as hungry as before and therefore lost weight which is always a good thing when trying to get the BG figures down. I have noticed that when I do consume a lot of carbs the spike in BG is short lived and drops quickly. So the question is do supplements work or the fact that my weight has dropped is the biggest factor in getting my figures under control then again without the supplements would I have lost the weight, there is a lot of information out there and products claiming all sorts of benefits and no doubt a lot of it is nonsense but I went into this with I shall try it and see what happens and for me anyway so far so good. If we all had the willpower to eat properly and exercise more then diabetes would be less of a problem, I found having the sensor was a great help and it kept me focused. I shall be 64 this month and for the first time in many years my energy levels are good I sleep better, less trips to the toilet and my overall mood has improved, I had a recent mot and heart, lungs, liver,kidneys are fine so if BG figures can stay in check I should be good for a few years ahead.


Well-Known Member
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Being told “Oh go on, one won’t hurt you!”.
Conversely, the food police.
I too was skeptical before starting with these supplements and only bought 1 months supply to see if it made any difference. I decided to use a Libre sensor so I could track any changes in my BG. Towards the end of the first month there was enough steady progress to give me confidence to order more. As for changing my diet i found that one of the claims to be accurate that I didn’t have the same cravings and didn’t feel as hungry as before and therefore lost weight which is always a good thing when trying to get the BG figures down. I have noticed that when I do consume a lot of carbs the spike in BG is short lived and drops quickly. So the question is do supplements work or the fact that my weight has dropped is the biggest factor in getting my figures under control then again without the supplements would I have lost the weight, there is a lot of information out there and products claiming all sorts of benefits and no doubt a lot of it is nonsense but I went into this with I shall try it and see what happens and for me anyway so far so good. If we all had the willpower to eat properly and exercise more then diabetes would be less of a problem, I found having the sensor was a great help and it kept me focused. I shall be 64 this month and for the first time in many years my energy levels are good I sleep better, less trips to the toilet and my overall mood has improved, I had a recent mot and heart, lungs, liver,kidneys are fine so if BG figures can stay in check I should be good for a few years ahead.
Out of interest, which sensor did you use, and how many have you had?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Congratulations @Bye Bye T2 on an HbA1c result of 34.4 mmol/mol.

Do you have your previous HbA1c result to hand? If not, the number and date logged should be available online from your GP's website.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
These two food supplements, from different manufacturers, were not designed to be taken together In time, taking too much of one or more ingredients could be harmful, if you exceed the stated dose.

Please be aware, you probably are, that as food supplements these spices have not undergone the same scientific scrutiny as medication such as metformin. Four week studies on small groups of volunteers tell us nothing about the long-term effects. IMO. more research is needed. Just saying.
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
Has anybody else had success using supplements to control or reverse T2.
I’ve probably been diabetic for well over 20yrs and had been prescribed Metformin with talk of going on to insulin to control my out of control blood sugar figures.
4 months ago I started taking Gluco Trust plus metabolic advanced. I stopped the Metformin, and without trying lost 2 stone in weight my HbA1c figures arrived today showing 34.4 in the normal range I am really pleased and have been feeling great over the past few months. For me these supplements have worked the cravings have gone and I have much more energy than before, I’m interested in hearing how others have managed T2 using supplements only.

If it works for you then carry on. What website did you order from?


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
I too was skeptical before starting with these supplements and only bought 1 months supply to see if it made any difference. I decided to use a Libre sensor so I could track any changes in my BG. Towards the end of the first month there was enough steady progress to give me confidence to order more. As for changing my diet i found that one of the claims to be accurate that I didn’t have the same cravings and didn’t feel as hungry as before and therefore lost weight which is always a good thing when trying to get the BG figures down. I have noticed that when I do consume a lot of carbs the spike in BG is short lived and drops quickly. So the question is do supplements work or the fact that my weight has dropped is the biggest factor in getting my figures under control then again without the supplements would I have lost the weight, there is a lot of information out there and products claiming all sorts of benefits and no doubt a lot of it is nonsense but I went into this with I shall try it and see what happens and for me anyway so far so good. If we all had the willpower to eat properly and exercise more then diabetes would be less of a problem, I found having the sensor was a great help and it kept me focused. I shall be 64 this month and for the first time in many years my energy levels are good I sleep better, less trips to the toilet and my overall mood has improved, I had a recent mot and heart, lungs, liver,kidneys are fine so if BG figures can stay in check I should be good for a few years ahead.
Do you have any Libre graphs you could share, showing what’s been happening for you. I’m sure others would like to see them too.

its good to share success.
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Bye Bye T2

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Do you have any Libre graphs you could share, showing what’s been happening for you. I’m sure others would like to see them too.

its good to share success.


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