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what is going on? why has veganism become so strident and being pushed?
It is riding on the coatails of vegetarianism which is an established and respected lifestyle choice, Whatever or whoever is behind it has a lot of money (yes, a LOT of money) and an agenda to push behind it. The agenda seems to be political and possibly religious. There is a centre in Boston USA and Australia. Originally started by Donald Watson in 1944, it seems he was strongly supported by Russian sources It changed from the vegan society to the Vegan Movement in 1994. The vegan society still flourishes, but does not seem to be so militant or evangelical.


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Interesting take on the Guardian!
If you look at todays food section, you will find 1 vegan recipe among others using chorizo & salmon as their main ingredients together with a selection of curry, Sri Lankan recipes some of which are vegetarian others meat based
Now, the 4 sections giving recipes for biscuits I do find rather troublesome - maybe the Guardian really has a major “ Biscuit agenda”
I was more referring to their hatchet piece on Dr Malhotra and George Monbiot's continual harping on about vegan this and vegan that to save the well of course this one
where they fail to mention that the lead author of the study they quote is a vegan so obviously no bias..


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I see CAMRA has now gone fully vegan. All their beers have to use vegan compatible processes. All food in CAMRA recommended pubs must be vegan including the pasties and pies.

November 1 was International Vegan Day since 1884 when veganism was officially born. It was originally started apparently to prevent the murder of animals, but does not take into account the culling of species that would follow if veganism does indeed dominate the world.
I also found it quite amusing that the same day was the start of Diabetes Awareness Month...


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“ Potential limitations of our results are due to the fact that the survey was based on cross-sectional data. Therefore, no statements can be made whether the poorer health in vegetarians in our study is caused by their dietary habit or if they consume this form of diet due to their poorer health status. We cannot state whether a causal relationship exists, but describe ascertained associations. “
Hence my introductory sentence..


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I primarially use non dairy milk / cream but it has nothing to do with veganism - I have a medically diagnosed intolerance to dairy so have to severely limit anything that comes from an animals teat!
I have no issue with anyone choosing whatever diet they wish.

My question is about why have veganism become trendy and is being pushed just now? Is it just one of those things, or is there an agenda behind it and, if so, what?


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Tripe and Onions
I have no issue with anyone choosing whatever diet they wish.

My question is about why have veganism become trendy and is being pushed just now? Is it just one of those things, or is there an agenda behind it and, if so, what?

There's always an agenda if it's good or bad we have to decide for our selves all I know is I seem to have an allergic reaction to veganism when ever it's mentioned or written about my eyes seem to loose their ability to focus and my attention seems to wander.


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I have no issue with anyone choosing whatever diet they wish.

My question is about why have veganism become trendy and is being pushed just now? Is it just one of those things, or is there an agenda behind it and, if so, what?

I think that for a long time it was just 'accepted wisdom' that vegetarianism (& to a lesser extent veganism) was the healthiest choice. The vegan lobby are now facing stiff, scientifically sound competition from other nutritional quarters. Feeling threatened they've come out swinging. There is also a great deal of infighting within the vegan community as to what veganism really is about - plant based for health VS stopping the exploitation of animals.

Unfortunately for the vegan lobby, omnivores & even carnivores also care about animal welfare as much as they care about improving their own/others health & they have a lot of science on their side. Add to this the fact that for many omnivory is just a more pleasant way to nourish yourself & I think the vegan lobby are having to lobby harder to try & maintain their position.


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I see CAMRA has now gone fully vegan. All their beers have to use vegan compatible processes. All food in CAMRA recommended pubs must be vegan including the pasties and pies.
Do you have a reference for this? It has the sound of an urban myth. CAMRA has been encouraging breweries for some time to produce some beers without using isinglass to clear the beer for the the benefit of vegans/strict vegetarians but not all beers. I don't recollect CAMRA making any stipulations about the food in pubs. To quote from the CAMRA Pub of the Year Competition, "Pubs in the competition are selected by CAMRA volunteers and judged on their atmosphere, decor, welcome, service, community focus and most importantly – quality of beer" - no mention of food.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Do you have a reference for this? It has the sound of an urban myth. CAMRA has been encouraging breweries for some time to produce some beers without using isinglass to clear the beer for the the benefit of vegans/strict vegetarians but not all beers. I don't recollect CAMRA making any stipulations about the food in pubs. To quote from the CAMRA Pub of the Year Competition, "Pubs in the competition are selected by CAMRA volunteers and judged on their atmosphere, decor, welcome, service, community focus and most importantly – quality of beer" - no mention of food.

It came from the vegan society website that I was browsing. Looking at CAMRA website it seems that they are indeed recommending their breweries produce vegan beers and look to end using isinglass for fining, but it seems to be a voluntary ethic only. CAMRA are producing a listing index for vegan pubs now. The vegetarian website listed a CAMRA pub of the year too and mentioned the pasties amongst the fare. So it may just be that that year a vegan establishment became Pub of the Year.
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Tripe and Onions
They also publish a list on line of foods that go well with what beer this includes beef,chicken and pork hardly a vegan ethic.


Bad diet will perhaps cause poor fertility and a drop in Earth's population?

Hopefully this will ease problems.

But let's face it, it is our population that is devastating the planet as well as poor agricultural practices and causing anthropogenic warming to disrupts our climate systems.

We need a system that removes and locks up CO2. It took 800 years at both ends of the Ice ages for the CO2 to go down when the climate turned colder (due the changing position of the earth to the Sun etc) and CO2 to go up at the end of the Ice Age.
It will take the same length of time for our man made 400parts/million to get back down to the normal interglacial level of 280 parts /million if we stop putting CO2 in the atmosphere today!
Some hopes? In my more depressed moments I see man as a becoming planetary cancer killing its host! :(

Veganism is Red Herring it will not eliminate Earth's problems.
When I see the Sparrow Hawk take the small birds in the garden it is quite normal, it is the nature of this Universe based on change and decay.
We naturally kill and eat meat, we are designed that way.
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