I try to lift the bacon with any fat.
Ha ha ... I find myself starting to do that, where before I would obsessively shake it off...
Much of the discussion around whether sourdough is "good" or "bad" is just bonkers ... in fact a lot of what is suggested in most articles about what is "good" is just bonkers, in an absolute sense..
it's all relative..
is sourdough better than UPF Subway style break ? well, yes...
is sourdough better than sliced wholemeal? well, yes...
is artisan sourdough better than supermarket sourdough with added vinegar? well, yes...
is not eating sourdough better than the best sourdough you can find? well, of course...
is having your bacon with an egg fritata rather than any bread better than in a sourdough sandwich? well, yes..
is really enjoying a bacon sandwich once in a while better than obsessing about what you're eating?
may be...