starting newcastle diet on 2nd jan


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geordie90 said:
Two days to go then the rest of my life starts lol

I finish Monday evening too, though am going to do it to the end of the week as I want to shift another pound or too. Vain, moi?!


Well-Known Member
serious people
LOL none of us are vain kward........much

Im not coming off the diet tbh im just gonna stick on it, i find i get enough to eat with it and have plenty of energy so no need to change tbh


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Time for the sunday weigh in.

Down to 97.7kg this week.

And still no meds taken.

The thing thats a bit upsetting is that last week I only lost about 2.5kg and this week its only 1.1kg.

Did any of you guys who are nearing the end find that your weight loss plateu out?
If so, did it pick up again? Did you have to do anything different to get it going?

Appreciate your help...


Well-Known Member
serious people
Hi immis Weight loss always plateaus the secret is to expect it and not fear it, maybe change your exercise routine a bit or do a bit more.

It will restart its like your body taking a breather lol, at end of day dont worry about it i happens to us all but any weight loss no matter how small is still a loss, keep at it and you may not have lost weight but you may have lost inches dont forget.


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Hi Immis,

Backing up Geordie's post, mine has definitely slowed down so it's not anything you are doing. Keep at it and good luck



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hello everyone :)

I have had a mixed week .. kind of on and off, been struggling somewhat but still determined to keep trying. Although my results are not breathtaking, they are a step in the right direction. You are all an inspiration you know, so encouraging and it really does help being able to come on this thread and read your great results.

Start of Week 1

FBG: 13.8
Weight: 18st 12lbs

Start of Week 2

FBG: 10.4
Weight: 18st 8lbs

Oh well, let's hope self control plays a bigger role this week.

I am now a couple of days away from the half way point. Weight loss stands at 19lbs so far. Now 7lbs away from being in the green zone on a BMI chart and 11lbs away from losing 15% of my body weight. :D

I've been using slimfast shakes (made with water of course!). Have to say I quite enjoy them. Especially 1 scoop of chocolate and 1 scoop of caramel. It's like a liquid Rolo!!

I'm nicely into a routine of one or two shakes during tha day and homemade onion and carrot soup for dinner. It's a real pick-me-up now being at a stage where people are noticing and commenting on my weight loss. Also nice to have discovered my cheekbones again :lol:

As for those that have felt the need to post comments questioning this diet :yawn: ... time and place, this is neither!! Speaking personally, this thread has been a huge help to me to read the thoughts and experiences of those going through the same things as me, and for that Geordie90...thank you!


I have went from 22.5 stone to 14.2 stone doing three hours on the mountain bike a week and avoiding diets and eating healthy in 2 years but cannot break Into 13 stone so have started this diet today with slim fast to see if I can loose the last of my weight will see what happens


Active Member
Hi All.
The 8 weeks of the Newcastle phase of my diet is now over and the results are;

Starting weight 15stone (210lbs)
Weight now 12stone 10lbs (178lbs)
Total weight loss 32lbs which seems to be about the average for this diet

BG 2hrs post prandial 6.1 I`m due a HB1aC test soon so I`ll post the results when I get them

Medication before diet 3x500mg Metformine. None taken during diet

BMI Before 27.0 After 23.6
Body fat Before 21.6% After 15.9%
Visceral fat rating Before 17 After 11 (Immis was correct in saying this is a rating not a %age as I found out after re-reading the instruction manual on the analyser scales!)

I am going to continue with a low carb diet for a while to see if I can get the visceral fat rating a bit lower. I will introduce some meat , eggs and fruit and (best of all !!)start taking milk in my tea again. Will start to reduce the shakes and see how things go.
Overall I am very pleased with how things have gone. I found the diet much easier to keep to than I feared. In fact it is the easiest diet I have ever done!!One of the great things is that even if it doesn`t cure T2 it does make you feel much more in control of ones destiny and I have learnt a lot about my condition on the way and for that I thank everyone who has posted on this thread.
I hope that all my fellow dieters will continue to post updates on their progress after Newcastle as this will be the really interesting part of our experiences


Well-Known Member
Congratualtions Bluehils on finishing the diet and on such great readings.

Please carry on contributing to this thread as we would all be very interested in seeing how your body reacts to the reintroduction of food, what food you are eating and your BG readings.

Well done.


Active Member
Hi again
Forgot to mention there is a Horizon program on BBC2 on Tues at 9pm which is meant to be about new research into exercise. I believe there is an item on reducing visceral fat by doing 3 minutes of intense excercise per week!!!!!!!!! Sounds great if it works


I started at 15st 2 and finished at 12st 8. The last couple of weeks saw a much reduced rate of loss. I think that I was beginning to adapt, and that's mainly why I stopped the diet phase at that point.
The last three weeks, i have adopted a more relaxed approach, (just no white stuff except cauliflower, plus the occasional treat) figuring that it would be beneficial for my metabolic rate to return to normal. One thing that I have noticed is a reduction in pulse rate, from 60bpm down to 45. Not sure if this is good or bad, but since I havn't noticed any other problems, I'm thinking that its OK for now.

Weight has gone up to 13st 12, but I'm happy with that. My gammy knee stops me from serious aerobic exercise, but I'm walking for about 2 hours a day. Did another 75g OG test with 2 hour levels at 7.5, so it still looks good.

Good luck to all the recent starters, it'll be worth it.


Well-Known Member
serious people
hi all well today was last day of diet.......not lol im giving it another month im not were i want to be ive shed a total of 27lb reduced my fbg from 13.8 to 5.0, my pulse is also down to about 45 bpm, feel great, dropped lots of inches too, still want to lose another stone and a half to get to 13 1/2 but it may be that i stop around the 14 stone mark.
once im there i will prob continue on a similar vein but not worry so much about weight loss and go into maintenance phase, prob by trying a low carb high protein atkinsy type diet.
Can i just say some of the weight loss and figures posted on here are outstanding and put mine to shame lol but if im honest i dont want to get too light as itll do my rugby no good at all, ill be the lightest prop in the league might have to become a gladys(back) lol.
Lets all keep posting and supporting and i hope that the posts on here inspire others to try it, wats 8 weeks out of your life if it gives some of the improvements shown on here??
Your support through out has been so valued and im going to continue to post as i enjoy it tbh.
Keep it going guys and lets get more of our compatriots off the meds, losing weight and feeling great


Well-Known Member
People who think they are always right and ram their opinions down your throat. No-one knows everything. Those who shout loudest are usually the ones who actually know the least.
You've done incredibly well Geordie. Congratulations :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hi Geordie...congratulations ! Ive been reading all about your newcastle diet journey over the last 2 days..and it inspired me to try it myself.
Im on metformin, sitagliptin, ramapiril ...and they arent working for me, no reduction in my sugar thought "why not?", I can at least try this and see what happens. Im going to check my levels 3-4 times a day, ust to keep a close eye on them for a few weeks. (luckily I get my test strips on perscription)
(my average readings were around a shocking 15-17)
Today was my first day...I had a load of exante meal replacement drinks left from a failed diet attempt...decided to utilise them, I have to say its not been too hard so far. I was totally surprised to see my levels drop throughout the day to a saintly 9.8 this evening..first time in single digits for ages !
Your posts have really helped me get going..and be prepared...thank you & good luck with this last phase :clap:


Well-Known Member
Good luck Hilsonpills,

This thread is a great place for support.
It's helped me through my diet, I'm not just over halfway through.


Just from my own experience, I would encourage any (otherwise) reasonably fit person to give it a try. Like others, I did not have access to the diet sheet or the Optifast, but just kept my calorie intake to an average of 600 cals/day and fats around 15 gms/day. I ate plenty of green veg and topped up protiens (mostly from turkey, lean ham and seafoods) to about 80gms/day with whey protien, and supplemented with multi-mineral and vitamins from the supermarket. Although this turned out to be significantly different to the published Newcastle diet, it has worked well for me, both in terms of weight loss and blood sugar control. Oddly, I think that it is the strictness and the predefined period that makes the regime possible to follow, together with the growing body of knowledge (as provided by threads such as this) that confirms the positive outcomes in almost every case. Go for it!!